blob: 96f5b736ffc4a3f2c2f940b187f6c8a5cccab4be [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Eric Seidel <>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/path_traversal_state.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/math_extras.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/vector.h"
namespace blink {
static inline FloatPoint MidPoint(const FloatPoint& first,
const FloatPoint& second) {
return FloatPoint((first.X() + second.X()) / 2.0f,
(first.Y() + second.Y()) / 2.0f);
static inline float DistanceLine(const FloatPoint& start,
const FloatPoint& end) {
return sqrtf((end.X() - start.X()) * (end.X() - start.X()) +
(end.Y() - start.Y()) * (end.Y() - start.Y()));
struct QuadraticBezier {
QuadraticBezier() = default;
QuadraticBezier(const FloatPoint& s, const FloatPoint& c, const FloatPoint& e)
: start(s), control(c), end(e), split_depth(0) {}
double MagnitudeSquared() const {
return ((double)(start.Dot(start)) + (double)(control.Dot(control)) +
(double)(end.Dot(end))) /
float ApproximateDistance() const {
return DistanceLine(start, control) + DistanceLine(control, end);
void Split(QuadraticBezier& left, QuadraticBezier& right) const {
left.control = MidPoint(start, control);
right.control = MidPoint(control, end);
FloatPoint left_control_to_right_control =
MidPoint(left.control, right.control);
left.end = left_control_to_right_control;
right.start = left_control_to_right_control;
left.start = start;
right.end = end;
left.split_depth = right.split_depth = split_depth + 1;
FloatPoint start;
FloatPoint control;
FloatPoint end;
uint16_t split_depth;
struct CubicBezier {
CubicBezier() = default;
CubicBezier(const FloatPoint& s,
const FloatPoint& c1,
const FloatPoint& c2,
const FloatPoint& e)
: start(s), control1(c1), control2(c2), end(e), split_depth(0) {}
double MagnitudeSquared() const {
return ((double)(start.Dot(start)) + (double)(control1.Dot(control1)) +
(double)(control2.Dot(control2)) + (double)(end.Dot(end))) /
float ApproximateDistance() const {
return DistanceLine(start, control1) + DistanceLine(control1, control2) +
DistanceLine(control2, end);
void Split(CubicBezier& left, CubicBezier& right) const {
FloatPoint start_to_control1 = MidPoint(control1, control2);
left.start = start;
left.control1 = MidPoint(start, control1);
left.control2 = MidPoint(left.control1, start_to_control1);
right.control2 = MidPoint(control2, end);
right.control1 = MidPoint(right.control2, start_to_control1);
right.end = end;
FloatPoint left_control2_to_right_control1 =
MidPoint(left.control2, right.control1);
left.end = left_control2_to_right_control1;
right.start = left_control2_to_right_control1;
left.split_depth = right.split_depth = split_depth + 1;
FloatPoint start;
FloatPoint control1;
FloatPoint control2;
FloatPoint end;
uint16_t split_depth;
template <class CurveType>
static float CurveLength(PathTraversalState& traversal_state, CurveType curve) {
static const uint16_t kCurveSplitDepthLimit = 20;
static const double kPathSegmentLengthToleranceSquared = 1.e-16;
double curve_scale_for_tolerance_squared = curve.MagnitudeSquared();
if (curve_scale_for_tolerance_squared < kPathSegmentLengthToleranceSquared)
return 0;
Vector<CurveType> curve_stack;
float total_length = 0;
do {
float length = curve.ApproximateDistance();
double length_discrepancy = length - DistanceLine(curve.start, curve.end);
if ((length_discrepancy * length_discrepancy) /
curve_scale_for_tolerance_squared >
kPathSegmentLengthToleranceSquared &&
curve.split_depth < kCurveSplitDepthLimit) {
CurveType left_curve;
CurveType right_curve;
curve.Split(left_curve, right_curve);
curve = left_curve;
} else {
total_length += length;
if (traversal_state.action_ ==
PathTraversalState::kTraversalPointAtLength ||
traversal_state.action_ ==
PathTraversalState::kTraversalNormalAngleAtLength) {
traversal_state.previous_ = curve.start;
traversal_state.current_ = curve.end;
if (traversal_state.total_length_ + total_length >
return total_length;
curve = curve_stack.back();
} while (!curve_stack.IsEmpty());
return total_length;
PathTraversalState::PathTraversalState(PathTraversalAction action)
: action_(action),
normal_angle_(0) {}
float PathTraversalState::CloseSubpath() {
float distance = DistanceLine(current_, start_);
current_ = start_;
return distance;
float PathTraversalState::MoveTo(const FloatPoint& point) {
current_ = start_ = point;
return 0;
float PathTraversalState::LineTo(const FloatPoint& point) {
float distance = DistanceLine(current_, point);
current_ = point;
return distance;
float PathTraversalState::CubicBezierTo(const FloatPoint& new_control1,
const FloatPoint& new_control2,
const FloatPoint& new_end) {
float distance = CurveLength<CubicBezier>(
*this, CubicBezier(current_, new_control1, new_control2, new_end));
if (action_ != kTraversalPointAtLength &&
action_ != kTraversalNormalAngleAtLength)
current_ = new_end;
return distance;
void PathTraversalState::ProcessSegment() {
if ((action_ == kTraversalPointAtLength ||
action_ == kTraversalNormalAngleAtLength) &&
total_length_ >= desired_length_) {
float slope = FloatPoint(current_ - previous_).SlopeAngleRadians();
if (action_ == kTraversalPointAtLength) {
float offset = desired_length_ - total_length_;
current_.Move(offset * cosf(slope), offset * sinf(slope));
} else {
normal_angle_ = rad2deg(slope);
success_ = true;
previous_ = current_;
} // namespace blink