blob: 4d738359e1cce88f2856b7e748cdd53cb25d55d8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/rw_buffer.h"
#include "base/atomic_ref_count.h"
#include "base/check.h"
#include "base/check_op.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/allocator/partitions.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <atomic>
#include <new>
namespace blink {
namespace {
// Force small chunks to be a page's worth
static const size_t kMinAllocSize = 4096;
} // namespace
struct RWBuffer::BufferBlock {
RWBuffer::BufferBlock* next_; // updated by the writer
size_t used_; // updated by the writer
const size_t capacity_;
explicit BufferBlock(size_t capacity)
: next_(nullptr), used_(0), capacity_(capacity) {}
const void* startData() const { return this + 1; }
size_t avail() const { return capacity_ - used_; }
void* avail_data() {
return reinterpret_cast<char*>(const_cast<void*>(startData())) + used_;
static RWBuffer::BufferBlock* Alloc(size_t length) {
size_t capacity = LengthToCapacity(length);
void* buffer =
WTF::Partitions::BufferMalloc(sizeof(RWBuffer::BufferBlock) + capacity,
return new (buffer) RWBuffer::BufferBlock(capacity);
// Return number of bytes actually appended. Important that we always
// completely fill this block before spilling into the next, since the reader
// uses capacity_ to know how many bytes it can read.
size_t Append(const void* src, size_t length) {
size_t amount = std::min(avail(), length);
memcpy(avail_data(), src, amount);
used_ += amount;
return amount;
// Do not call in the reader thread, since the writer may be updating used_.
// (The assertion is still true, but TSAN still may complain about its
// raciness.)
void Validate() const {
DCHECK_GT(capacity_, 0u);
DCHECK_LE(used_, capacity_);
static size_t LengthToCapacity(size_t length) {
const size_t min_size = kMinAllocSize - sizeof(RWBuffer::BufferBlock);
return std::max(length, min_size);
struct RWBuffer::BufferHead {
mutable base::AtomicRefCount ref_count_;
RWBuffer::BufferBlock block_;
explicit BufferHead(size_t capacity) : ref_count_(1), block_(capacity) {}
static size_t LengthToCapacity(size_t length) {
const size_t min_size = kMinAllocSize - sizeof(RWBuffer::BufferHead);
return std::max(length, min_size);
static RWBuffer::BufferHead* Alloc(size_t length) {
size_t capacity = LengthToCapacity(length);
size_t size = sizeof(RWBuffer::BufferHead) + capacity;
void* buffer =
WTF::Partitions::BufferMalloc(size, "blink::RWBuffer::BufferHead");
return new (buffer) RWBuffer::BufferHead(capacity);
void ref() const {
auto old_ref_count = ref_count_.Increment();
DCHECK_GT(old_ref_count, 0);
void unref() const {
// A release here acts in place of all releases we "should" have been doing
// in ref().
if (!ref_count_.Decrement()) {
// Like unique(), the acquire is only needed on success.
RWBuffer::BufferBlock* block = block_.next_;
while (block) {
RWBuffer::BufferBlock* next = block->next_;
block = next;
void Validate(size_t minUsed,
const RWBuffer::BufferBlock* tail = nullptr) const {
size_t totalUsed = 0;
const RWBuffer::BufferBlock* block = &block_;
const RWBuffer::BufferBlock* lastBlock = block;
while (block) {
totalUsed += block->used_;
lastBlock = block;
block = block->next_;
DCHECK(minUsed <= totalUsed);
if (tail) {
DCHECK(tail == lastBlock);
// The reader can only access block.capacity_ (which never changes), and cannot
// access block.used_, which may be updated by the writer.
ROBuffer::ROBuffer(const RWBuffer::BufferHead* head,
size_t available,
const RWBuffer::BufferBlock* tail)
: head_(head), available_(available), tail_(tail) {
if (head) {
DCHECK_GT(available, 0u);
head->Validate(available, tail);
} else {
DCHECK_EQ(0u, available);
ROBuffer::~ROBuffer() {
if (head_) {
ROBuffer::Iter::Iter(const ROBuffer* buffer) {
ROBuffer::Iter::Iter(const scoped_refptr<ROBuffer>& buffer) {
void ROBuffer::Iter::Reset(const ROBuffer* buffer) {
buffer_ = buffer;
if (buffer && buffer->head_) {
block_ = &buffer->head_->block_;
remaining_ = buffer->available_;
} else {
block_ = nullptr;
remaining_ = 0;
const void* ROBuffer::Iter::data() const {
return remaining_ ? block_->startData() : nullptr;
size_t ROBuffer::Iter::size() const {
if (!block_) {
return 0;
return std::min(block_->capacity_, remaining_);
bool ROBuffer::Iter::Next() {
if (remaining_) {
remaining_ -= size();
if (buffer_->tail_ == block_) {
// There are more blocks, but buffer_ does not know about them.
DCHECK_EQ(0u, remaining_);
block_ = nullptr;
} else {
block_ = block_->next_;
return remaining_ != 0;
RWBuffer::RWBuffer(size_t initial_capacity) {
if (initial_capacity) {
head_ = RWBuffer::BufferHead::Alloc(initial_capacity);
tail_ = &head_->block_;
RWBuffer::~RWBuffer() {
if (head_) {
// It is important that we always completely fill the current block before
// spilling over to the next, since our reader will be using capacity_ (min'd
// against its total available) to know how many bytes to read from a given
// block.
void RWBuffer::Append(const void* src, size_t length, size_t reserve) {
if (0 == length) {
total_used_ += length;
if (!head_) {
head_ = RWBuffer::BufferHead::Alloc(length + reserve);
tail_ = &head_->block_;
size_t written = tail_->Append(src, length);
DCHECK(written <= length);
src = static_cast<const char*>(src) + written;
length -= written;
if (length) {
auto* block = RWBuffer::BufferBlock::Alloc(length + reserve);
tail_->next_ = block;
tail_ = block;
written = tail_->Append(src, length);
DCHECK(written == length);
scoped_refptr<ROBuffer> RWBuffer::MakeROBufferSnapshot() const {
return AdoptRef(new ROBuffer(head_, total_used_, tail_));
bool RWBuffer::HasNoSnapshots() const {
// Trivially, there are no other references to the underlying buffer, because
// there is no underlying buffer.
if (!head_) {
return true;
return head_->ref_count_.IsOne();
void RWBuffer::Validate() const {
if (head_) {
head_->Validate(total_used_, tail_);
} else {
DCHECK_EQ(0u, total_used_);
} // namespace blink