blob: a01b2c2cecfc1445f0333548ae96e5ccd2da3d81 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "gpu/command_buffer/common/mailbox_holder.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/canvas_color_params.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/graphics_types.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/image.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/casting.h"
#include "third_party/khronos/GLES2/gl2.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkRefCnt.h"
namespace gpu {
namespace gles2 {
class GLES2Interface;
} // namespace gpu
namespace blink {
class PLATFORM_EXPORT StaticBitmapImage : public Image {
// The ImageOrientation should be derived from the source of the image data.
static scoped_refptr<StaticBitmapImage> Create(
ImageOrientation = ImageOrientationEnum::kDefault);
static scoped_refptr<StaticBitmapImage> Create(
sk_sp<SkData> data,
const SkImageInfo&,
ImageOrientation = ImageOrientationEnum::kDefault);
StaticBitmapImage(ImageOrientation orientation) : orientation_(orientation) {}
bool IsStaticBitmapImage() const override { return true; }
// Methods overridden by all sub-classes
~StaticBitmapImage() override = default;
IntSize PreferredDisplaySize() const override;
virtual scoped_refptr<StaticBitmapImage> ConvertToColorSpace(
SkColorType = kN32_SkColorType) = 0;
// Methods have common implementation for all sub-classes
bool CurrentFrameIsComplete() override { return true; }
void DestroyDecodedData() override {}
// Methods that have a default implementation, and overridden by only one
// sub-class
virtual bool IsValid() const { return true; }
virtual void Transfer() {}
virtual bool IsOriginTopLeft() const { return true; }
// Creates a non-gpu copy of the image, or returns this if image is already
// non-gpu.
virtual scoped_refptr<StaticBitmapImage> MakeUnaccelerated() { return this; }
// Methods overridden by AcceleratedStaticBitmapImage only
// Assumes the destination texture has already been allocated.
virtual bool CopyToTexture(gpu::gles2::GLES2Interface*,
const IntPoint&,
const IntRect&) {
return false;
virtual void EnsureSyncTokenVerified() { NOTREACHED(); }
virtual gpu::MailboxHolder GetMailboxHolder() const {
return gpu::MailboxHolder();
virtual void UpdateSyncToken(const gpu::SyncToken&) { NOTREACHED(); }
virtual bool IsPremultiplied() const { return true; }
// Methods have exactly the same implementation for all sub-classes
bool OriginClean() const { return is_origin_clean_; }
void SetOriginClean(bool flag) { is_origin_clean_ = flag; }
// StaticBitmapImage needs to store the orientation of the image itself,
// because the underlying representations do not. If the bitmap represents
// a non-default orientation it must be explicitly given in the constructor.
ImageOrientation CurrentFrameOrientation() const override {
return orientation_;
bool HasDefaultOrientation() const override {
return orientation_ == ImageOrientationEnum::kDefault;
// Helper for sub-classes
void DrawHelper(cc::PaintCanvas*,
const cc::PaintFlags&,
const FloatRect&,
const FloatRect&,
const SkSamplingOptions&,
const PaintImage&);
// The image orientation is stored here because it is only available when the
// static image is created and the underlying representations do not store
// the information. The property is set at construction based on the source of
// the image data.
ImageOrientation orientation_ = ImageOrientationEnum::kDefault;
// The following property is here because the SkImage API doesn't expose the
// info. It is applied to both UnacceleratedStaticBitmapImage and
// AcceleratedStaticBitmapImage. To change this property, the call site would
// have to call SetOriginClean().
bool is_origin_clean_ = true;
template <>
struct DowncastTraits<StaticBitmapImage> {
static bool AllowFrom(const Image& image) {
return image.IsStaticBitmapImage();
} // namespace blink