blob: ec11bf758f652bd06c01fdbc8e1c5f0a4289b1f9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/trace_traits.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/buildflags.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/v8_wrapper/collection_support/heap_hash_table_backing.h"
#else // !USE_V8_OILPAN
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/impl/collection_support/heap_hash_table_backing.h"
#endif // !USE_V8_OILPAN
namespace blink {
// Helper for processing ephemerons represented as KeyValuePair. Reorders
// parameters if needed so that KeyType is always weak.
template <typename _KeyType,
typename _ValueType,
typename _KeyTraits,
typename _ValueTraits,
bool = WTF::IsWeak<_ValueType>::value>
struct EphemeronKeyValuePair {
using KeyType = _KeyType;
using ValueType = _ValueType;
using KeyTraits = _KeyTraits;
using ValueTraits = _ValueTraits;
// Ephemerons have different weakness for KeyType and ValueType. If weakness
// is equal, we either have Strong/Strong, or Weak/Weak, which would indicate
// a full strong or fully weak pair.
static constexpr bool is_ephemeron =
WTF::IsWeak<KeyType>::value != WTF::IsWeak<ValueType>::value;
static_assert(!WTF::IsWeak<KeyType>::value ||
"Weakness must be encoded using WeakMember.");
EphemeronKeyValuePair(const KeyType* k, const ValueType* v)
: key(k), value(v) {}
const KeyType* key;
const ValueType* value;
template <typename _KeyType,
typename _ValueType,
typename _KeyTraits,
typename _ValueTraits>
struct EphemeronKeyValuePair<_KeyType,
true> : EphemeronKeyValuePair<_ValueType,
false> {
EphemeronKeyValuePair(const _KeyType* k, const _ValueType* v)
: EphemeronKeyValuePair<_ValueType,
false>(v, k) {}
} // namespace blink
namespace WTF {
template <typename Table>
struct TraceInCollectionTrait<kNoWeakHandling,
void> {
static void Trace(blink::Visitor* visitor, const void* self) {
TraceHashTableBackingInCollectionTrait<kNoWeakHandling, Table>::Trace(
visitor, self);
template <typename Table>
struct TraceInCollectionTrait<kWeakHandling,
void> {
static void Trace(blink::Visitor* visitor, const void* self) {
TraceHashTableBackingInCollectionTrait<kWeakHandling, Table>::Trace(visitor,
// This trace method is for tracing a HashTableBacking either through regular
// tracing (via the relevant TraceTraits) or when finding a HashTableBacking
// through conservative stack scanning (which will treat all references in the
// backing strongly).
template <WTF::WeakHandlingFlag WeakHandling,
typename Key,
typename Value,
typename Traits>
struct TraceKeyValuePairInCollectionTrait {
using EphemeronHelper =
typename Traits::KeyTraits,
typename Traits::ValueTraits>;
static void Trace(blink::Visitor* visitor,
const Key* key,
const Value* value) {
TraceImpl::Trace(visitor, key, value);
struct TraceImplEphemerons {
// Strongification of ephemerons, i.e., Weak/Strong and Strong/Weak.
static void Trace(blink::Visitor* visitor,
const Key* key,
const Value* value) {
// Strongification of ephemerons, i.e., Weak/Strong and Strong/Weak.
// The helper ensures that helper.key always refers to the weak part and
// helper.value always refers to the dependent part.
// We distinguish ephemeron from Weak/Weak and Strong/Strong to allow
// users to override visitation behavior. An example is creating a heap
// snapshot, where it is useful to annotate values as being kept alive
// from keys rather than the table.
EphemeronHelper helper(key, value);
if (WeakHandling == kNoWeakHandling) {
// Strongify the weak part.
kNoWeakHandling, typename EphemeronHelper::KeyType,
typename EphemeronHelper::KeyTraits>::Trace(visitor, helper.key);
// The following passes on kNoWeakHandling for tracing value as the value
// callback is only invoked to keep value alive iff key is alive,
// following ephemeron semantics.
visitor->TraceEphemeron(*helper.key, helper.value);
struct TraceImplDefault {
static void Trace(blink::Visitor* visitor,
const Key* key,
const Value* value) {
// Strongification of non-ephemeron KVP, i.e., Strong/Strong or Weak/Weak.
// Order does not matter here.
kNoWeakHandling, Key, typename Traits::KeyTraits>::Trace(visitor,
kNoWeakHandling, Value, typename Traits::ValueTraits>::Trace(visitor,
using TraceImpl = typename std::conditional<
EphemeronHelper::is_ephemeron &&
WTF::IsTraceable<typename EphemeronHelper::ValueType>::value,
// Trait for strong treatment of KeyValuePair. This is used to handle regular
// KVP but also for strongification of otherwise weakly handled KVPs.
template <typename Key, typename Value, typename Traits>
struct TraceInCollectionTrait<kNoWeakHandling,
KeyValuePair<Key, Value>,
Traits> {
static void Trace(blink::Visitor* visitor,
const KeyValuePair<Key, Value>& self) {
TraceKeyValuePairInCollectionTrait<kNoWeakHandling, Key, Value,
Traits>::Trace(visitor, &self.key,
template <typename Key, typename Value, typename Traits>
struct TraceInCollectionTrait<kWeakHandling, KeyValuePair<Key, Value>, Traits> {
static bool IsAlive(const blink::LivenessBroker& info,
const KeyValuePair<Key, Value>& self) {
// Needed for Weak/Weak, Strong/Weak (reverse ephemeron), and Weak/Strong
// (ephemeron). Order of invocation does not matter as tracing weak key or
// value does not have any side effects.
return blink::TraceCollectionIfEnabled<
WeakHandlingTrait<Key>::value, Key,
typename Traits::KeyTraits>::IsAlive(info, self.key) &&
WeakHandlingTrait<Value>::value, Value,
typename Traits::ValueTraits>::IsAlive(info, self.value);
static void Trace(blink::Visitor* visitor,
const KeyValuePair<Key, Value>& self) {
TraceKeyValuePairInCollectionTrait<kWeakHandling, Key, Value,
Traits>::Trace(visitor, &self.key,
template <typename Key, typename Value, typename Traits>
struct TraceInCollectionTrait<
internal::ConcurrentBucket<KeyValuePair<Key, Value>>,
Traits> {
static void Trace(
blink::Visitor* visitor,
const internal::ConcurrentBucket<KeyValuePair<Key, Value>>& self) {
TraceKeyValuePairInCollectionTrait<kNoWeakHandling, Key, Value,
Traits>::Trace(visitor, self.key(),
template <typename Key, typename Value, typename Traits>
struct TraceInCollectionTrait<
internal::ConcurrentBucket<KeyValuePair<Key, Value>>,
Traits> {
static void Trace(
blink::Visitor* visitor,
const internal::ConcurrentBucket<KeyValuePair<Key, Value>>& self) {
TraceKeyValuePairInCollectionTrait<kWeakHandling, Key, Value,
Traits>::Trace(visitor, self.key(),
template <typename T>
struct IsWeak<internal::ConcurrentBucket<T>> : IsWeak<T> {};
} // namespace WTF