blob: 1e81ebcd9b14781f0370984ffcbf4151b6620b29 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/impl/heap_page.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/impl/threading_traits.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/impl/trace_traits.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/allocator/allocator.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/conditional_destructor.h"
namespace blink {
template <typename Table>
class HeapHashTableBacking final
: public GarbageCollected<HeapHashTableBacking<Table>>,
public WTF::ConditionalDestructor<
std::is_trivially_destructible<typename Table::ValueType>::value> {
template <typename Backing>
static void* AllocateObject(size_t);
// Conditionally invoked via destructor.
void Finalize();
template <typename Table>
struct ThreadingTrait<HeapHashTableBacking<Table>> {
using Key = typename Table::KeyType;
using Value = typename Table::ValueType;
static const ThreadAffinity kAffinity =
(ThreadingTrait<Key>::kAffinity == kMainThreadOnly) &&
(ThreadingTrait<Value>::kAffinity == kMainThreadOnly)
? kMainThreadOnly
: kAnyThread;
// static
template <typename Table>
template <typename Backing>
void* HeapHashTableBacking<Table>::AllocateObject(size_t size) {
ThreadState* state =
return state->Heap().AllocateOnArenaIndex(
state, size, BlinkGC::kHashTableArenaIndex, GCInfoTrait<Backing>::Index(),
template <typename Table>
void HeapHashTableBacking<Table>::Finalize() {
using Value = typename Table::ValueType;
"Finalization of trivially destructible classes should not happen.");
HeapObjectHeader* header = HeapObjectHeader::FromPayload(this);
// Use the payload size as recorded by the heap to determine how many
// elements to finalize.
size_t length = header->PayloadSize() / sizeof(Value);
Value* table = reinterpret_cast<Value*>(this);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
if (!Table::IsEmptyOrDeletedBucket(table[i]))
template <typename Table>
struct MakeGarbageCollectedTrait<HeapHashTableBacking<Table>> {
static HeapHashTableBacking<Table>* Call(size_t num_elements) {
"HeapHashTableBacking must not be polymorphic as it is "
"converted to a raw array of buckets for certain operation");
CHECK_GT(num_elements, 0u);
void* memory = HeapHashTableBacking<Table>::template AllocateObject<
HeapHashTableBacking<Table>>(num_elements *
sizeof(typename Table::ValueType));
HeapObjectHeader* header = HeapObjectHeader::FromPayload(memory);
// Placement new as regular operator new() is deleted.
HeapHashTableBacking<Table>* object =
::new (memory) HeapHashTableBacking<Table>();
return object;
// The trace trait for the heap hashtable backing is used when we find a
// direct pointer to the backing from the conservative stack scanner. This
// normally indicates that there is an ongoing iteration over the table, and so
// we disable weak processing of table entries. When the backing is found
// through the owning hash table we mark differently, in order to do weak
// processing.
template <typename Table>
struct TraceTrait<HeapHashTableBacking<Table>> {
using Backing = HeapHashTableBacking<Table>;
using ValueType = typename Table::ValueTraits::TraitType;
using Traits = typename Table::ValueTraits;
static TraceDescriptor GetTraceDescriptor(const void* self) {
return {self, Trace<WTF::kNoWeakHandling>};
static TraceDescriptor GetWeakTraceDescriptor(const void* self) {
return GetWeakTraceDescriptorImpl<ValueType>::GetWeakTraceDescriptor(self);
template <WTF::WeakHandlingFlag WeakHandling = WTF::kNoWeakHandling>
static void Trace(Visitor* visitor, const void* self) {
if (!Traits::kCanTraceConcurrently && self) {
if (visitor->DeferredTraceIfConcurrent({self, &Trace<WeakHandling>},
static_assert(WTF::IsTraceableInCollectionTrait<Traits>::value ||
"T should not be traced");
WTF::TraceInCollectionTrait<WeakHandling, Backing, void>::Trace(visitor,
static size_t GetBackingStoreSize(const void* backing_store) {
const HeapObjectHeader* header =
return header->IsLargeObject<HeapObjectHeader::AccessMode::kAtomic>()
? static_cast<LargeObjectPage*>(PageFromObject(header))
: header->size<HeapObjectHeader::AccessMode::kAtomic>();
template <typename ValueType>
struct GetWeakTraceDescriptorImpl {
static TraceDescriptor GetWeakTraceDescriptor(const void* backing) {
return {backing, nullptr};
template <typename K, typename V>
struct GetWeakTraceDescriptorImpl<WTF::KeyValuePair<K, V>> {
static TraceDescriptor GetWeakTraceDescriptor(const void* backing) {
return GetWeakTraceDescriptorKVPImpl<K, V>::GetWeakTraceDescriptor(
template <typename KeyType,
typename ValueType,
bool ephemeron_semantics = (WTF::IsWeak<KeyType>::value &&
!WTF::IsWeak<ValueType>::value &&
WTF::IsTraceable<ValueType>::value) ||
(WTF::IsWeak<ValueType>::value &&
!WTF::IsWeak<KeyType>::value &&
struct GetWeakTraceDescriptorKVPImpl {
static TraceDescriptor GetWeakTraceDescriptor(const void* backing) {
return {backing, nullptr};
template <typename KeyType, typename ValueType>
struct GetWeakTraceDescriptorKVPImpl<KeyType, ValueType, true> {
static TraceDescriptor GetWeakTraceDescriptor(const void* backing) {
return {backing, Trace<WTF::kWeakHandling>};
} // namespace blink
namespace WTF {
namespace internal {
// ConcurrentBucket is a wrapper for HashTable buckets for concurrent marking.
// It is used to provide a snapshot view of the bucket key and guarantee
// that the same key is used for checking empty/deleted buckets and tracing.
template <typename T>
class ConcurrentBucket {
using KeyExtractionCallback = void (*)(const T&, void*);
using BucketType = T;
ConcurrentBucket(const T& t, KeyExtractionCallback extract_key) {
extract_key(t, &buf_);
// for HashTable that don't use KeyValuePair (i.e. *HashSets), the key
// and the value are the same.
const T* key() const { return reinterpret_cast<const T*>(&buf_); }
const T* value() const { return key(); }
const T* bucket() const { return key(); }
// Alignment is needed for atomic accesses to |buf_| and to assure |buf_|
// can be accessed the same as objects of type T
static constexpr size_t boundary = std::max(alignof(T), sizeof(size_t));
alignas(boundary) char buf_[sizeof(T)];
template <typename Key, typename Value>
class ConcurrentBucket<KeyValuePair<Key, Value>> {
using KeyExtractionCallback = void (*)(const KeyValuePair<Key, Value>&,
using BucketType = ConcurrentBucket;
ConcurrentBucket(const KeyValuePair<Key, Value>& pair,
KeyExtractionCallback extract_key)
: value_(&pair.value) {
extract_key(pair, &buf_);
const Key* key() const { return reinterpret_cast<const Key*>(&buf_); }
const Value* value() const { return value_; }
const ConcurrentBucket* bucket() const { return this; }
// Alignment is needed for atomic accesses to |buf_| and to assure |buf_|
// can be accessed the same as objects of type Key
static constexpr size_t boundary = std::max(alignof(Key), sizeof(size_t));
alignas(boundary) char buf_[sizeof(Key)];
const Value* value_;
} // namespace internal
// This trace method is for tracing a HashTableBacking either through regular
// tracing (via the relevant TraceTraits) or when finding a HashTableBacking
// through conservative stack scanning (which will treat all references in the
// backing strongly).
template <WTF::WeakHandlingFlag WeakHandling, typename Table>
struct TraceHashTableBackingInCollectionTrait {
using Value = typename Table::ValueType;
using Traits = typename Table::ValueTraits;
using Extractor = typename Table::ExtractorType;
static void Trace(blink::Visitor* visitor, const void* self) {
static_assert(IsTraceableInCollectionTrait<Traits>::value ||
"Table should not be traced");
const Value* array = reinterpret_cast<const Value*>(self);
blink::HeapObjectHeader* header =
// Use the payload size as recorded by the heap to determine how many
// elements to trace.
size_t length = header->PayloadSize() / sizeof(Value);
const bool is_concurrent = visitor->IsConcurrent();
for (size_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
// If tracing concurrently, use a concurrent-safe version of
// IsEmptyOrDeletedBucket (check performed on a local copy instead
// of directly on the bucket).
if (is_concurrent) {
internal::ConcurrentBucket<Value> concurrent_bucket(
array[i], Extractor::ExtractSafe);
if (!HashTableHelper<Value, Extractor, typename Table::KeyTraitsType>::
IsEmptyOrDeletedBucketForKey(*concurrent_bucket.key())) {
typename internal::ConcurrentBucket<Value>::BucketType,
Traits>::Trace(visitor, concurrent_bucket.bucket());
} else {
if (!HashTableHelper<Value, Extractor, typename Table::KeyTraitsType>::
IsEmptyOrDeletedBucket(array[i])) {
blink::TraceCollectionIfEnabled<WeakHandling, Value, Traits>::Trace(
visitor, &array[i]);
} // namespace WTF