blob: c42283ca6c3410cf96e8401dc7f0fa2d977e48af [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/heap_stats_collector.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/platform_export.h"
#include "v8/include/v8.h"
namespace blink {
class ThreadState;
// UnifiedHeapController ties V8's garbage collector to Oilpan for performing a
// garbage collection across both managed heaps.
// Unified heap garbage collections are triggered by V8 and mark the full
// transitive closure of V8 and Blink (Oilpan) objects. The garbage collection
// is initially triggered by V8. Both collecters report live references using
// the EmbedderHeapTracer APIs. V8 and Blink both run separate incremental
// marking steps to compute their live closures, respectively. The final atomic
// pause is then initiated by V8 and triggers a fixed-point computation between
// V8 and Blink where both GCs report live references to each other and drain
// their marking work lists until they are empty and no new references are
// found.
// Oilpan does not consider references from DOM wrappers (JavaScript objects on
// V8's heap) as roots for such garbage collections.
class PLATFORM_EXPORT UnifiedHeapController final
: public v8::EmbedderHeapTracer,
public ThreadHeapStatsObserver {
explicit UnifiedHeapController(ThreadState*);
~UnifiedHeapController() override;
// v8::EmbedderHeapTracer implementation.
void TracePrologue(v8::EmbedderHeapTracer::TraceFlags) final;
void TraceEpilogue(v8::EmbedderHeapTracer::TraceSummary*) final;
void EnterFinalPause(EmbedderStackState) final;
void RegisterV8References(const std::vector<std::pair<void*, void*>>&) final;
bool AdvanceTracing(double) final;
bool IsTracingDone() final;
bool IsRootForNonTracingGC(const v8::TracedReference<v8::Value>&) final;
bool IsRootForNonTracingGC(const v8::TracedGlobal<v8::Value>&) final;
void ResetHandleInNonTracingGC(const v8::TracedReference<v8::Value>&) final;
ThreadState* thread_state() const { return thread_state_; }
// ThreadHeapStatsObserver implementation.
void IncreaseAllocatedObjectSize(size_t) final;
void DecreaseAllocatedObjectSize(size_t) final;
// Not needed.
void ResetAllocatedObjectSize(size_t) final {}
void IncreaseAllocatedSpace(size_t) final {}
void DecreaseAllocatedSpace(size_t) final {}
void ReportBufferedAllocatedSizeIfPossible();
ThreadState* const thread_state_;
// Returns whether the Blink heap has been fully processed.
bool is_tracing_done_ = false;
// Buffered allocated size. Only positive values are forwarded to V8.
int64_t buffered_allocated_size_ = 0;
} // namespace blink