blob: ada6edadd3b12b2cd3c9dd8a97cf503437d8eadf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <ostream>
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/blob/blob_data.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/handle.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/network/encoded_form_data.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/platform_export.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/text/wtf_string.h"
namespace blink {
// BytesConsumer represents the "consumer" side of a data pipe. A user
// can read data from it.
// A BytesConsumer is bound to the thread on which it is created.
// BytesConsumer has four states: waiting, readable, closed and errored. Once
// the state becomes closed or errored, it will never change. |readable| means
// that the BytesConsumer is ready to read non-empty bytes synchronously.
class PLATFORM_EXPORT BytesConsumer : public GarbageCollected<BytesConsumer> {
enum class Result {
// Readable and Waiting are indistinguishable from BytesConsumer users.
enum class PublicState {
enum class BlobSizePolicy {
// The returned blob must have a valid size (i.e. != kuint64max).
// The returned blob can have an invalid size.
Error() {}
explicit Error(const String& message) : message_(message) {}
const String& Message() const { return message_; }
bool operator==(const Error& e) const { return e.message_ == message_; }
String message_;
// Client gets notification from the associated ByteConsumer.
class PLATFORM_EXPORT Client : public GarbageCollectedMixin {
virtual ~Client() {}
// This function is called when the state changes (e.g., readable =>
// errored). This function can be called more than needed, i.e., it can
// be called even when the state is not actually changed, but it is
// guaranteed that this function cannot be called after the state
// becomes closed or errored.
// This function is not called when the state change is trigerred by
// public methods called by a user. For example, when a user reads
// data by |read| and the state changes from waiting to readable, this
// function will not be called.
virtual void OnStateChange() = 0;
// Each implementation should return a string that represents the
// implementation for debug purpose.
virtual String DebugName() const = 0;
virtual ~BytesConsumer() {}
// Begins a two-phase read. On success, the function stores a buffer
// that contains the read data of length |*available| into |*buffer|.
// Returns Ok when readable.
// Returns ShouldWait when it's waiting.
// Returns Done when it's closed.
// Returns Error when errored.
// When not readable, the caller doesn't have to (and must not) call
// EndRead, because the read session implicitly ends in that case.
// |*buffer| will become invalid when this object becomes unreachable,
// even if EndRead is not called.
// |*buffer| will be set to null and |*available| will be set to 0 if not
// readable.
virtual Result BeginRead(const char** buffer,
size_t* available) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT = 0;
// Ends a two-phase read.
// This function can modify this BytesConsumer's state.
// Returns Ok when the consumer stays readable or waiting.
// Returns Done when it's closed.
// Returns Error when it's errored.
virtual Result EndRead(size_t read_size) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT = 0;
// Drains the data as a BlobDataHandle.
// When this function returns a non-null value, the returned blob handle
// contains bytes that would be read through the BeginRead and
// EndRead functions without calling this function. In such a case, this
// object becomes closed.
// When this function returns null value, this function does nothing.
// When |policy| is DisallowBlobWithInvalidSize, this function doesn't
// return a non-null blob handle with unspecified size.
// The type of the returned blob handle may not be meaningful.
virtual scoped_refptr<BlobDataHandle> DrainAsBlobDataHandle(
BlobSizePolicy = BlobSizePolicy::kDisallowBlobWithInvalidSize) {
return nullptr;
// Drains the data as an EncodedFormData.
// When this function returns a non-null value, the returned form data
// contains bytes that would be read through the BeginRead and
// EndRead functions without calling this function. In such a case, this
// object becomes closed.
// When this function returns null value, this function does nothing.
// This function returns a non-null form data when the handle is made
// from an EncodedFormData-convertible value.
virtual scoped_refptr<EncodedFormData> DrainAsFormData() { return nullptr; }
// Drains the data as a ScopedDataPipeConsumerHandle.
// When this function returns a valid handle, the returned pipe handle
// contains bytes that would be read through the BeginRead and
// EndRead functions without calling this function. The consumer may
// become closed or remain in the open state depending on if it has
// received an explicit completion signal. If the consumer becomes
// closed OnstateChange() will *not* be called. Instead manually
// call GetPublicState() to check if draining closed the consumer.
// When this function returns an invalid handle, this function does nothing.
virtual mojo::ScopedDataPipeConsumerHandle DrainAsDataPipe() {
return mojo::ScopedDataPipeConsumerHandle();
// Sets a client. This can be called only when no client is set. When
// this object is already closed or errored, this function does nothing.
virtual void SetClient(Client*) = 0;
// Clears the set client.
// A client will be implicitly cleared when this object gets closed or
// errored (after the state change itself is notified).
virtual void ClearClient() = 0;
// Cancels this ByteConsumer. This function does nothing when |this| is
// already closed or errored. Otherwise, this object becomes closed.
// This function cannot be called in a two-phase read.
virtual void Cancel() = 0;
// Returns the current state.
virtual PublicState GetPublicState() const = 0;
// Returns the associated error of this object. This function can be called
// only when errored.
virtual Error GetError() const = 0;
// Each implementation should return a string that represents the
// implementation for debug purpose.
virtual String DebugName() const = 0;
// Returns a BytesConsumer whose state is Closed.
static BytesConsumer* CreateClosed();
// Returns a BytesConsumer whose state is Errored.
static BytesConsumer* CreateErrored(const Error&);
virtual void Trace(Visitor* visitor) const {}
// This InternalState directly corresponds to the states in the class
// comments. This enum is defined here for subclasses.
enum class InternalState {
static PublicState GetPublicStateFromInternalState(InternalState state) {
switch (state) {
case InternalState::kReadable:
case InternalState::kWaiting:
return PublicState::kReadableOrWaiting;
case InternalState::kClosed:
return PublicState::kClosed;
case InternalState::kErrored:
return PublicState::kErrored;
return PublicState::kReadableOrWaiting;
PLATFORM_EXPORT std::ostream& operator<<(
std::ostream& out,
const BytesConsumer::PublicState& state);
PLATFORM_EXPORT std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out,
const BytesConsumer::Result& result);
} // namespace blink