blob: 4460985757ce06b9b4fab3690f9585d89a47c6d5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/loader/fetch/cached_metadata.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/loader/fetch/cached_metadata_handler.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/loader/fetch/resource.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/hash_map.h"
namespace blink {
// An implementation of CachedMetadataHandler which can hold multiple
// CachedMetadata entries. These entries are keyed by a cryptograph hash of the
// source code which produced them.
// This is used to store cached metadata for multiple inline scripts on a single
// HTML document's resource.
class PLATFORM_EXPORT SourceKeyedCachedMetadataHandler final
: public CachedMetadataHandler {
WTF::TextEncoding encoding,
std::unique_ptr<CachedMetadataSender> send_callback)
: sender_(std::move(send_callback)), encoding_(encoding) {}
// Produce a metadata handler for a single cached metadata associated with
// the given source code.
SingleCachedMetadataHandler* HandlerForSource(const String& source);
void ClearCachedMetadata(
CachedMetadataHandler::ClearCacheType cache_type) override;
String Encoding() const override;
bool IsServedFromCacheStorage() const override {
return sender_->IsServedFromCacheStorage();
void OnMemoryDump(WebProcessMemoryDump* pmd,
const String& dump_prefix) const override;
size_t GetCodeCacheSize() const override {
// No need to implement this as inline scripts are not kept in
// blink::MemoryCache
return 0;
void SetSerializedCachedMetadata(mojo_base::BigBuffer data);
// Keys are SHA-256, which are 256/8 = 32 bytes.
static constexpr size_t kKeySize = 32;
typedef Vector<uint8_t, kKeySize> Key;
class SingleKeyHandler;
class KeyHash;
class KeyHashTraits : public WTF::GenericHashTraits<Key> {
// Note: This class relies on hashes never being zero or 1 followed by all
// zeros. Practically, our hash space is large enough that the risk of such
// a collision is infinitesimal.
typedef Key EmptyValueType;
static const bool kEmptyValueIsZero = true;
static EmptyValueType EmptyValue() {
// Rely on integer value initialization to zero out the key array.
return Key{};
static void ConstructDeletedValue(Key& slot, bool) {
slot = {1}; // Remaining entries are value initialized to 0.
static bool IsDeletedValue(const Key& value) { return value == Key{1}; }
void SendToPlatform();
// TODO(leszeks): Maybe just store the SingleKeyHandlers directly in here?
WTF::HashMap<Key, scoped_refptr<CachedMetadata>, KeyHash, KeyHashTraits>
std::unique_ptr<CachedMetadataSender> sender_;
const WTF::TextEncoding encoding_;
} // namespace blink