blob: 70508be6a54626f33e4c80233fc88094cf505e72 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/single_thread_task_runner.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/platform_export.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/scheduler/public/page_lifecycle_state.h"
namespace blink {
// Manages process-wide proactive memory purging.
class PLATFORM_EXPORT MemoryPurgeManager {
MemoryPurgeManager(scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> task_runner);
// Called when a page is created or destroyed, to maintain the total count of
// pages owned by a renderer.
void OnPageCreated(PageLifecycleState state);
void OnPageDestroyed(PageLifecycleState state);
// Called when a page is frozen. If all pages are frozen or
// |kFreezePurgeMemoryAllPagesFrozen| is disabled, and the renderer is
// backgrounded, ensures that a delayed memory purge is scheduled. If the
// timer is already running, uses the smallest requested delay.
void OnPageFrozen();
// Called when a page is resumed (unfrozen). Has the effect of unsuppressing
// memory pressure notifications.
void OnPageResumed();
// Called when the renderer's process priority changes.
void SetRendererBackgrounded(bool backgrounded);
// Called when the renderer is backgrounded. Starts a timer responsible for
// performing a memory purge upon expiry, if the
// kPurgeRendererMemoryWhenBackgrounded feature is enabled. If the timer is
// already running, uses the smallest requested delay.
void OnRendererBackgrounded();
// Called when the renderer is foregrounded. Has the effect of cancelling a
// queued memory purge.
void OnRendererForegrounded();
// The time of purging after all pages have been frozen.
static constexpr int kDefaultTimeToPurgeAfterFreezing = 0;
// The time of first purging after a renderer is backgrounded. The value was
// initially set to 30 minutes, but it was reduced to 1 minute because this
// reduced the memory usage of a renderer 15 minutes after it was
// backgrounded.
// Experiment results:
static constexpr int kDefaultMinTimeToPurgeAfterBackgrounded = 1;
static constexpr int kDefaultMaxTimeToPurgeAfterBackgrounded = 4;
// Starts |purge_timer_| to trigger a delayed memory purge. If the timer is
// already running, starts the timer with the smaller of the requested delay
// and the remaining delay.
void RequestMemoryPurgeWithDelay(base::TimeDelta delay);
// Called when the timer expires. Simulates a critical memory pressure signal
// to purge memory. Suppresses memory pressure notifications if all pages
// are frozen.
void PerformMemoryPurge();
// Returns true if:
// - The kPurgeRendererMemoryWhenBackgrounded feature is enabled, and the
// renderer is awaiting a purge after being backgrounded.
// or if all of the following are true:
// - The renderer is backgrounded.
// - All pages are frozen or kFreezePurgeMemoryAllPagesFrozen is disabled.
bool CanPurge() const;
// Returns true if |total_page_count_| == |frozen_page_count_|
bool AreAllPagesFrozen() const;
base::TimeDelta GetTimeToPurgeAfterBackgrounded() const;
bool renderer_backgrounded_;
// Keeps track of whether a memory purge was requested as a consequence of the
// renderer transitioning to a backgrounded state. Prevents purges from being
// cancelled if a purge was requested upon backgrounding the renderer and the
// renderer is still backgrounded. Supports the metrics collection associated
// with the PurgeAndSuspend experiment.
bool backgrounded_purge_pending_;
int total_page_count_;
int frozen_page_count_;
// Timer to delay memory purging.
base::OneShotTimer purge_timer_;
} // namespace blink