blob: 5aee32269869467b4d3ae4f637aa0c5a92cc2342 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "base/task/sequence_manager/task_queue.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/platform_export.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/scheduler/common/throttling/task_queue_throttler.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/scheduler/common/tracing_helper.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/scheduler/main_thread/agent_group_scheduler_impl.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/scheduler/main_thread/frame_origin_type.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/scheduler/main_thread/page_visibility_state.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/scheduler/public/page_lifecycle_state.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/scheduler/public/page_scheduler.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/scheduler/public/post_cancellable_task.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/scheduler/public/thread_scheduler.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/allocator/allocator.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/hash_set.h"
#include "third_party/perfetto/include/perfetto/tracing/traced_value_forward.h"
namespace base {
namespace trace_event {
class BlameContext;
} // namespace trace_event
} // namespace base
namespace blink {
namespace scheduler {
namespace page_scheduler_impl_unittest {
class PageSchedulerImplTest;
class PageSchedulerImplPageTransitionTest;
} // namespace page_scheduler_impl_unittest
class CPUTimeBudgetPool;
class FrameSchedulerImpl;
class MainThreadSchedulerImpl;
class MainThreadTaskQueue;
class WakeUpBudgetPool;
class PLATFORM_EXPORT PageSchedulerImpl : public PageScheduler {
// Interval between throttled wake ups, when intensive throttling is disabled.
static constexpr base::TimeDelta kDefaultThrottledWakeUpInterval =
PageSchedulerImpl(PageScheduler::Delegate*, AgentGroupSchedulerImpl&);
~PageSchedulerImpl() override;
// PageScheduler implementation:
void OnTitleOrFaviconUpdated() override;
void SetPageVisible(bool page_visible) override;
void SetPageFrozen(bool) override;
void SetPageBackForwardCached(bool) override;
void OnFocusChanged(bool focused) override;
void SetKeepActive(bool) override;
bool IsMainFrameLocal() const override;
void SetIsMainFrameLocal(bool is_local) override;
void OnLocalMainFrameNetworkAlmostIdle() override;
base::TimeTicks GetStoredInBackForwardCacheTimestamp() {
return stored_in_back_forward_cache_timestamp_;
bool IsInBackForwardCache() const override {
return is_stored_in_back_forward_cache_;
bool has_ipc_detection_enabled() { return has_ipc_detection_enabled_; }
std::unique_ptr<FrameScheduler> CreateFrameScheduler(
FrameScheduler::Delegate* delegate,
FrameScheduler::FrameType) override;
base::TimeTicks EnableVirtualTime() override;
void DisableVirtualTimeForTesting() override;
bool VirtualTimeAllowedToAdvance() const override;
void SetVirtualTimePolicy(VirtualTimePolicy) override;
void SetInitialVirtualTime(base::Time time) override;
void SetInitialVirtualTimeOffset(base::TimeDelta offset) override;
void GrantVirtualTimeBudget(
base::TimeDelta budget,
base::OnceClosure budget_exhausted_callback) override;
void SetMaxVirtualTimeTaskStarvationCount(
int max_task_starvation_count) override;
void AudioStateChanged(bool is_audio_playing) override;
bool IsAudioPlaying() const override;
bool IsExemptFromBudgetBasedThrottling() const override;
bool OptedOutFromAggressiveThrottlingForTest() const override;
bool RequestBeginMainFrameNotExpected(bool new_state) override;
WebScopedVirtualTimePauser CreateWebScopedVirtualTimePauser(
const WTF::String& name,
WebScopedVirtualTimePauser::VirtualTaskDuration) override;
// Virtual for testing.
virtual void ReportIntervention(const String& message);
bool IsPageVisible() const;
bool IsFrozen() const;
bool OptedOutFromAggressiveThrottling() const;
// Returns whether CPU time is throttled for the page. Note: This is
// independent from wake up rate throttling.
bool IsCPUTimeThrottled() const;
bool KeepActive() const;
bool IsLoading() const;
// An "ordinary" PageScheduler is responsible for a fully-featured page
// owned by a web view.
bool IsOrdinary() const;
MainThreadSchedulerImpl* GetMainThreadScheduler() const;
AgentGroupSchedulerImpl& GetAgentGroupScheduler() override;
void Unregister(FrameSchedulerImpl*);
void OnNavigation();
void OnThrottlingStatusUpdated();
void OnTraceLogEnabled();
bool IsPageFocused() const;
// Virtual for testing.
virtual bool IsWaitingForMainFrameContentfulPaint() const;
virtual bool IsWaitingForMainFrameMeaningfulPaint() const;
// Return a number of child web frame schedulers for this PageScheduler.
size_t FrameCount() const;
PageLifecycleState GetPageLifecycleState() const;
void SetUpIPCTaskDetection();
// This flag tracks whether or not IPC tasks are tracked if they are posted to
// frames or pages that are stored in the back-forward cache
bool has_ipc_detection_enabled_ = false;
// Generally UKMs are associated with the main frame of a page, but the
// implementation allows to request a recorder from any local frame with
// the same result (e.g. for OOPIF support), therefore we need to select
// any frame here.
// Note that selecting main frame doesn't work for OOPIFs where the main
// frame it not a local one.
FrameSchedulerImpl* SelectFrameForUkmAttribution();
void WriteIntoTracedValue(perfetto::TracedValue context) const;
base::WeakPtr<PageSchedulerImpl> GetWeakPtr() {
return weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr();
friend class FrameSchedulerImpl;
friend class page_scheduler_impl_unittest::PageSchedulerImplTest;
friend class page_scheduler_impl_unittest::
friend class page_scheduler_impl_unittest::
enum class AudioState {
enum class NotificationPolicy { kNotifyFrames, kDoNotNotifyFrames };
// This enum is used for a histogram and should not be renumbered.
// It tracks permissible page state transitions between PageLifecycleStates.
// We allow all transitions except for visible to frozen and self transitions.
enum class PageLifecycleStateTransition {
kActiveToHiddenForegrounded = 0,
kActiveToHiddenBackgrounded = 1,
kHiddenForegroundedToActive = 2,
kHiddenForegroundedToHiddenBackgrounded = 3,
kHiddenForegroundedToFrozen = 4,
kHiddenBackgroundedToActive = 5,
kHiddenBackgroundedToHiddenForegrounded = 6,
kHiddenBackgroundedToFrozen = 7,
kFrozenToActive = 8,
kFrozenToHiddenForegrounded = 9,
kFrozenToHiddenBackgrounded = 10,
kMaxValue = kFrozenToHiddenBackgrounded,
class PageLifecycleStateTracker {
explicit PageLifecycleStateTracker(PageSchedulerImpl*, PageLifecycleState);
~PageLifecycleStateTracker() = default;
void SetPageLifecycleState(PageLifecycleState);
PageLifecycleState GetPageLifecycleState() const;
static base::Optional<PageLifecycleStateTransition>
ComputePageLifecycleStateTransition(PageLifecycleState old_state,
PageLifecycleState new_state);
static void RecordPageLifecycleStateTransition(
PageSchedulerImpl* page_scheduler_impl_;
PageLifecycleState current_state_;
void RegisterFrameSchedulerImpl(FrameSchedulerImpl* frame_scheduler);
// A page cannot be throttled or frozen 30 seconds after playing audio.
// This used to be 5 seconds, which was barely enough to cover the time of
// silence during which a logo and button are shown after a YouTube ad. Since
// most pages don't play audio in background, it was decided that the delay
// can be increased to 30 seconds without significantly affecting performance.
static constexpr base::TimeDelta kRecentAudioDelay =
static const char kHistogramPageLifecycleStateTransition[];
// Support not issuing a notification to frames when we disable freezing as
// a part of foregrounding the page.
void SetPageFrozenImpl(bool frozen, NotificationPolicy notification_policy);
// Adds or removes a |task_queue| from the WakeUpBudgetPool associated with
// |frame_origin_type|. When the FrameOriginType of a FrameScheduler changes,
// it should remove all its TaskQueues from their current WakeUpBudgetPool and
// add them back to the WakeUpBudgetPool appropriate for the new
// FrameOriginType.
void AddQueueToWakeUpBudgetPool(MainThreadTaskQueue* task_queue,
FrameOriginType frame_origin_type,
base::sequence_manager::LazyNow* lazy_now);
void RemoveQueueFromWakeUpBudgetPool(
MainThreadTaskQueue* task_queue,
FrameOriginType frame_origin_type,
base::sequence_manager::LazyNow* lazy_now);
// Returns the WakeUpBudgetPool to use for |task_queue| which belongs to a
// frame with |frame_origin_type|.
WakeUpBudgetPool* GetWakeUpBudgetPool(MainThreadTaskQueue* task_queue,
FrameOriginType frame_origin_type);
// Initializes WakeUpBudgetPools, if not already initialized.
void MaybeInitializeWakeUpBudgetPools(
base::sequence_manager::LazyNow* lazy_now);
CPUTimeBudgetPool* background_cpu_time_budget_pool();
void MaybeInitializeBackgroundCPUTimeBudgetPool(
base::sequence_manager::LazyNow* lazy_now);
void OnThrottlingReported(base::TimeDelta throttling_duration);
// Depending on page visibility, either turns throttling off, or schedules a
// call to enable it after a grace period.
void UpdatePolicyOnVisibilityChange(NotificationPolicy notification_policy);
// Adjusts settings of budget pools depending on current state of the page.
void UpdateCPUTimeBudgetPool(base::sequence_manager::LazyNow* lazy_now);
void UpdateWakeUpBudgetPools(base::sequence_manager::LazyNow* lazy_now);
base::TimeDelta GetIntensiveWakeUpThrottlingDuration(bool is_same_origin);
// Callback for marking page is silent after a delay since last audible
// signal.
void OnAudioSilent();
// Callbacks for adjusting the settings of a budget pool after a delay.
// TODO(altimin): Trigger throttling depending on the loading state
// of the page.
void DoThrottleCPUTime();
void DoIntensivelyThrottleWakeUps();
void ResetHadRecentTitleOrFaviconUpdate();
// Notify frames that the page scheduler state has been updated.
void NotifyFrames();
void EnableThrottling();
// Returns true if the page is backgrounded, false otherwise. A page is
// considered backgrounded if it is both not visible and not playing audio.
bool IsBackgrounded() const;
// Returns true if the page should be frozen after delay, which happens if
// IsBackgrounded() and freezing is enabled.
bool ShouldFreezePage() const;
// Callback for freezing the page. Freezing must be enabled and the page must
// be freezable.
void DoFreezePage();
// Returns true if WakeUpBudgetPools were initialized.
bool HasWakeUpBudgetPools() const;
// Returns all WakeUpBudgetPools owned by this PageSchedulerImpl.
static constexpr int kNumWakeUpBudgetPools = 3;
std::array<WakeUpBudgetPool*, kNumWakeUpBudgetPools> AllWakeUpBudgetPools();
TraceableVariableController tracing_controller_;
HashSet<FrameSchedulerImpl*> frame_schedulers_;
MainThreadSchedulerImpl* main_thread_scheduler_;
AgentGroupSchedulerImpl& agent_group_scheduler_;
PageVisibilityState page_visibility_;
base::TimeTicks page_visibility_changed_time_;
AudioState audio_state_;
bool is_frozen_;
bool reported_background_throttling_since_navigation_;
bool opted_out_from_aggressive_throttling_;
bool nested_runloop_;
bool is_main_frame_local_;
bool is_cpu_time_throttled_;
bool are_wake_ups_intensively_throttled_;
bool keep_active_;
bool had_recent_title_or_favicon_update_;
bool focused_;
CPUTimeBudgetPool* cpu_time_budget_pool_ = nullptr;
// Wake up budget pools for each throttling scenario:
// Same-origin frame Cross-origin frame
// Normal throttling only 1 1
// Normal and intensive throttling 2 3
// 1: This pool allows 1-second aligned wake ups.
WakeUpBudgetPool* normal_wake_up_budget_pool_ = nullptr;
// 2: This pool allows 1-second aligned wake ups if the page is not
// intensively throttled of if there hasn't been a wake up in the last
// minute. Otherwise, it allows 1-minute aligned wake ups.
WakeUpBudgetPool* same_origin_intensive_wake_up_budget_pool_ = nullptr;
// 3: This pool allows 1-second aligned wake ups if the page is not
// intensively throttled. Otherwise, it allows 1-minute aligned wake ups.
// Unlike |same_origin_intensive_wake_up_budget_pool_|, this pool does not
// allow a 1-second aligned wake up when there hasn't been a wake up in the
// last minute. This is to prevent frames from different origins from
// learning about each other. Concretely, this means that
// MaybeInitializeWakeUpBudgetPools() does not invoke
// AllowUnalignedWakeUpIfNoRecentWakeUp() on this pool.
WakeUpBudgetPool* cross_origin_intensive_wake_up_budget_pool_ = nullptr;
PageScheduler::Delegate* delegate_;
CancelableClosureHolder do_throttle_cpu_time_callback_;
CancelableClosureHolder do_intensively_throttle_wake_ups_callback_;
CancelableClosureHolder reset_had_recent_title_or_favicon_update_;
CancelableClosureHolder on_audio_silent_closure_;
CancelableClosureHolder do_freeze_page_callback_;
const base::TimeDelta delay_for_background_tab_freezing_;
// Whether a background page can be frozen before
// |delay_for_background_tab_freezing_| if network is idle.
const bool freeze_on_network_idle_enabled_;
// Delay after which a background page can be frozen if network is idle.
const base::TimeDelta delay_for_background_and_network_idle_tab_freezing_;
bool is_stored_in_back_forward_cache_ = false;
TaskHandle set_ipc_posted_handler_task_;
base::TimeTicks stored_in_back_forward_cache_timestamp_;
std::unique_ptr<PageLifecycleStateTracker> page_lifecycle_state_tracker_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<PageSchedulerImpl> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace scheduler
} // namespace blink