blob: d94adc6cc15127598de2c06ae12d14fa927ba3c4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file
#include <memory>
#include "base/synchronization/condition_variable.h"
#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
#include "base/threading/simple_thread.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/platform_export.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/scheduler/test/fuzzer/proto/sequence_manager_test_description.pb.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/allocator/allocator.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/vector.h"
namespace base {
namespace sequence_manager {
class SequenceManagerFuzzerProcessor;
class ThreadManager;
// Used by the SequenceManagerFuzzerProcessor to manage threads and synchronize
// their clocks.
class PLATFORM_EXPORT ThreadPoolManager {
explicit ThreadPoolManager(SequenceManagerFuzzerProcessor* processor);
// |initial_time| is the time in which the thread is created.
void CreateThread(
const google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<
SequenceManagerTestDescription::Action>& initial_thread_actions,
base::TimeTicks initial_time);
// Advances the mock tick clock of all the threads synchronously.
// Note that this doesn't guarantee advancing the thread's clock to |time|.
// The clock is advanced to the minimum desired time of all the owned threads.
void AdvanceClockSynchronouslyToTime(ThreadManager* thread_manager,
base::TimeTicks time);
// Advances the mock tick clock of all the threads synchronously.
// Note that this doesn't guarantee advancing the thread's clock by the next
// pending task delay. The clock is advanced to the minimum desired time of
// all the owned threads.
void AdvanceClockSynchronouslyByPendingTaskDelay(
ThreadManager* thread_manager);
// Used by a thread to notify the thread manager that it is done executing the
// thread actions passed to ThreadPoolManager::CreateThread.
void ThreadDone();
void StartInitialThreads();
// Used by the processor to wait for all of the threads to finish executing
// the actions passed by ThreadPoolManager::CreateThread. Note that
// the threads are not terminated until |this| gets destructed.
void WaitForAllThreads();
// (Thread Safe)
Vector<ThreadManager*> GetAllThreadManagers();
// (Thread Safe) Used to return the thread manager of the |thread_id|'s entry
// in |threads_| (modulo the number of entries).
// Note: not all threads created with CreateThread() might have had time to
// register their thread manager by the time this method is called as the
// ThreadManager creation happens on the new thread. This method will return
// nullptr if no ThreadManager was registered yet.
ThreadManager* GetThreadManagerFor(uint64_t thread_id);
SequenceManagerFuzzerProcessor* processor() const;
void StartThread(
const google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<
SequenceManagerTestDescription::Action>& initial_thread_actions,
ThreadManager* thread_manager);
// Helper function used by AdvanceClockSynchronouslyToTime and
// AdvanceClockSynchronouslyByPendingTaskDelay to notify the manager when all
// threads are ready to compute their next desired time.
void ThreadReadyToComputeTime();
// Helper function used by AdvanceClockSynchronouslyToTime and
// AdvanceClockSynchronouslyByPendingTaskDelay to advance the thread's clock
// to |next_time_|. Note that this function waits until all threads have
// voted on the value of |next_time_|.
void AdvanceThreadClock(ThreadManager* thread_manager);
// Owner of this class.
SequenceManagerFuzzerProcessor* const processor_;
// Used to protect all the members below.
Lock lock_;
// Used to synchronize virtual time across all threads.
base::TimeTicks next_time_;
// Condition to ensure that all threads have their desired next time
// computed, and thus the global |next_time_| can be computed as their
// minimum value.
ConditionVariable ready_to_compute_time_;
// Condition that |next_time_| is computed and that all threads can advance
// their clock to |next_time_|.
ConditionVariable ready_to_advance_time_;
// Condition that all threads are done and the program is ready to
// terminate.
ConditionVariable ready_to_terminate_;
// Condition that threads can start running. This is needed to make sure all
// of the initial (program entry points) threads were created before any
// thread starts running.
ConditionVariable ready_to_execute_threads_;
// A round starts by all of the threads waiting to compute their desired
// next time and ends by all of them advancing their clocks.
ConditionVariable ready_for_next_round_;
uint64_t threads_waiting_to_compute_time_;
uint64_t threads_waiting_to_advance_time_;
// Number of threads done advancing their clocks and are ready for the next
// round.
uint64_t threads_ready_for_next_round_;
// Number of threads done executing their sequence of actions.
uint64_t threads_ready_to_terminate_;
// Used to notify the condition |ready_for_next_round_|.
bool all_threads_ready_;
// Used to notify the condition |ready_to_start_threads_|.
bool initial_threads_created_;
// Threads that are being managed/synchronized. For unit testing purposes,
// make sure not to create threads at the same time (if the ordering matters)
// since in this case the order will not be deterministic.
Vector<std::unique_ptr<SimpleThread>> threads_;
// ThreadManager instances associated to the managed threads. Values are not
// stored in any particular order and there might not exist a manager for all
// managed threads at any point in time (SimpleThread instances are created
// before their corresponding ThreadManager, as this must happen on the actual
// thread).
Vector<ThreadManager*> thread_managers_;
} // namespace sequence_manager
} // namespace base