blob: 4c9044ca2fcde453c47c8f70d94a99c311ed620a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/color.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/paint/display_item_list.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/paint/paint_artifact.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/testing/fake_display_item_client.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/allocator/allocator.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/vector.h"
namespace cc {
class Layer;
namespace blink {
class ClipPaintPropertyNodeOrAlias;
class EffectPaintPropertyNodeOrAlias;
class PaintArtifact;
class TransformPaintPropertyNode;
class TransformPaintPropertyNodeOrAlias;
// Useful for quickly making a paint artifact in unit tests.
// If any method that automatically creates display item client is called, the
// object must remain in scope while the paint artifact is used, because it owns
// the display item clients.
// Usage:
// TestPaintArtifact test_artifact;
// test_artifact.Chunk().Properties(paint_properties)
// .RectDrawing(bounds, color)
// .RectDrawing(bounds2, color2);
// test_artifact.Chunk().Properties(other_paint_properties)
// .RectDrawing(bounds3, color3);
// auto artifact = test_artifact.Build();
// DoSomethingWithArtifact(artifact);
// Otherwise the TestPaintArtifact object can be temporary.
// Usage:
// auto artifact = TestPaintArtifact().Chunk(0).Chunk(1).Build();
// DoSomethingWithArtifact(artifact);
// or
// DoSomethingWithArtifact(TestPaintArtifact().Chunk(0).Chunk(1).Build());
class TestPaintArtifact {
// Add a chunk to the artifact. Each chunk will have a different automatically
// created client.
TestPaintArtifact& Chunk() { return Chunk(NewClient()); }
// Add a chunk with the specified client.
TestPaintArtifact& Chunk(DisplayItemClient&,
DisplayItem::Type = DisplayItem::kDrawingFirst);
// This is for RasterInvalidatorTest, to create a chunk with specific id and
// bounds calculated with a function from the id. The client is static so
// the caller doesn't need to retain this object when using the paint
// artifact.
TestPaintArtifact& Chunk(int id);
TestPaintArtifact& Properties(const PropertyTreeStateOrAlias&);
TestPaintArtifact& Properties(
const TransformPaintPropertyNodeOrAlias& transform,
const ClipPaintPropertyNodeOrAlias& clip,
const EffectPaintPropertyNodeOrAlias& effect) {
return Properties(PropertyTreeStateOrAlias(transform, clip, effect));
TestPaintArtifact& Properties(const RefCountedPropertyTreeState& properties) {
return Properties(properties.GetPropertyTreeState());
// Shorthands of Chunk().Properties(...).
TestPaintArtifact& Chunk(const TransformPaintPropertyNodeOrAlias& transform,
const ClipPaintPropertyNodeOrAlias& clip,
const EffectPaintPropertyNodeOrAlias& effect) {
return Chunk().Properties(transform, clip, effect);
TestPaintArtifact& Chunk(const PropertyTreeStateOrAlias& properties) {
return Chunk().Properties(properties);
TestPaintArtifact& Chunk(const RefCountedPropertyTreeState& properties) {
return Chunk().Properties(properties);
// Add display item in the chunk. Each display item will have a different
// automatically created client.
TestPaintArtifact& RectDrawing(const IntRect& bounds, Color color);
TestPaintArtifact& ScrollHitTest(
const IntRect&,
const TransformPaintPropertyNode* scroll_translation);
TestPaintArtifact& ForeignLayer(scoped_refptr<cc::Layer> layer,
const IntPoint& offset);
// Add display item with the specified client in the chunk.
TestPaintArtifact& RectDrawing(DisplayItemClient&,
const IntRect& bounds,
Color color);
TestPaintArtifact& ScrollHitTest(
const IntRect&,
const TransformPaintPropertyNode* scroll_translation);
// Sets fake bounds for the last paint chunk. Note that the bounds will be
// overwritten when the PaintArtifact is constructed if the chunk has any
// display items. Bounds() sets both bounds and drawable_bounds, while
// DrawableBounds() sets drawable_bounds only.
TestPaintArtifact& Bounds(const IntRect&);
TestPaintArtifact& DrawableBounds(const IntRect&);
TestPaintArtifact& SetRasterEffectOutset(RasterEffectOutset);
TestPaintArtifact& KnownToBeOpaque();
TestPaintArtifact& Uncacheable();
// Build the paint artifact. After that, if this object has automatically
// created any display item client, the caller must retain this object when
// using the returned paint artifact.
scoped_refptr<PaintArtifact> Build();
// Create a new display item client which is owned by this TestPaintArtifact.
FakeDisplayItemClient& NewClient();
FakeDisplayItemClient& Client(wtf_size_t) const;
void DidAddDisplayItem();
Vector<std::unique_ptr<FakeDisplayItemClient>> clients_;
scoped_refptr<PaintArtifact> paint_artifact_ =
} // namespace blink