blob: 24783d8b2cd60e0fe30ca77c277096c60254d353 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 1999 Antti Koivisto (
* Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/transforms/transform_operations.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/geometry/blend.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/geometry/float_box.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/transforms/interpolated_transform_operation.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/transforms/matrix_3d_transform_operation.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/transforms/rotate_transform_operation.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/functional.h"
namespace blink {
namespace {
using ApplyCallback = base::RepeatingCallback<scoped_refptr<TransformOperation>(
const scoped_refptr<TransformOperation>& from,
const scoped_refptr<TransformOperation>& to)>;
// Applies a given function (|ApplyCallback|) to matching pairs of operations.
TransformOperations ApplyFunctionToMatchingPrefix(
ApplyCallback apply_cb,
const TransformOperations& from,
const TransformOperations& to,
wtf_size_t matching_prefix_length,
bool* success) {
TransformOperations result;
wtf_size_t from_size = from.Operations().size();
wtf_size_t to_size = to.Operations().size();
// If the lists matched entirely but one was shorter, |matching_prefix_length|
// will be the length of the longer list and we implicitly consider the
// missing functions to be matching identity operations.
DCHECK(matching_prefix_length <= std::max(from_size, to_size));
for (wtf_size_t i = 0; i < matching_prefix_length; i++) {
scoped_refptr<TransformOperation> from_operation =
(i < from_size) ? from.Operations()[i].get() : nullptr;
scoped_refptr<TransformOperation> to_operation =
(i < to_size) ? to.Operations()[i].get() : nullptr;
scoped_refptr<TransformOperation> result_operation =
apply_cb.Run(from_operation, to_operation);
if (result_operation) {
} else {
*success = false;
return result;
return result;
} // namespace
bool TransformOperations::operator==(const TransformOperations& o) const {
if (operations_.size() != o.operations_.size())
return false;
wtf_size_t s = operations_.size();
for (wtf_size_t i = 0; i < s; i++) {
if (*operations_[i] != *o.operations_[i])
return false;
return true;
void TransformOperations::ApplyRemaining(const FloatSize& border_box_size,
wtf_size_t start,
TransformationMatrix& t) const {
for (wtf_size_t i = start; i < operations_.size(); i++) {
operations_[i]->Apply(t, border_box_size);
TransformOperation::BoxSizeDependency TransformOperations::BoxSizeDependencies(
wtf_size_t start) const {
TransformOperation::BoxSizeDependency deps = TransformOperation::kDependsNone;
for (wtf_size_t i = start; i < operations_.size(); i++) {
deps = TransformOperation::CombineDependencies(
deps, operations_[i]->BoxSizeDependencies());
return deps;
wtf_size_t TransformOperations::MatchingPrefixLength(
const TransformOperations& other) const {
wtf_size_t num_operations =
std::min(Operations().size(), other.Operations().size());
for (wtf_size_t i = 0; i < num_operations; ++i) {
if (!Operations()[i]->CanBlendWith(*other.Operations()[i])) {
// Remaining operations in each operations list require merging for
// matrix/matrix3d interpolation.
return i;
// If the operations match to the length of the shorter list, then pad its
// length with the matching identity operations.
return std::max(Operations().size(), other.Operations().size());
const TransformOperations& from,
wtf_size_t matching_prefix_length,
double progress) const {
// Not safe to use a cached transform if any of the operations are size
// dependent.
if (BoxSizeDependencies(matching_prefix_length) ||
from.BoxSizeDependencies(matching_prefix_length)) {
return InterpolatedTransformOperation::Create(
from, *this, matching_prefix_length, progress);
// Evaluate blended matrix here to avoid creating a nested data structure of
// unbounded depth.
TransformationMatrix from_transform;
TransformationMatrix to_transform;
from.ApplyRemaining(FloatSize(), matching_prefix_length, from_transform);
ApplyRemaining(FloatSize(), matching_prefix_length, to_transform);
// Fallback to discrete interpolation if either transform matrix is singular.
if (!(from_transform.IsInvertible() && to_transform.IsInvertible())) {
return nullptr;
to_transform.Blend(from_transform, progress);
return Matrix3DTransformOperation::Create(to_transform);
// TODO( Consolidate blink and cc implementations of transform
// interpolation.
TransformOperations TransformOperations::Blend(const TransformOperations& from,
double progress) const {
if (from == *this || (!from.size() && !size()))
return *this;
wtf_size_t matching_prefix_length = MatchingPrefixLength(from);
wtf_size_t max_path_length =
std::max(Operations().size(), from.Operations().size());
bool success = true;
TransformOperations result = ApplyFunctionToMatchingPrefix(
[](double progress, const scoped_refptr<TransformOperation>& from,
const scoped_refptr<TransformOperation>& to) {
// Where the lists matched but one was longer, the shorter list is
// padded with nullptr that represent matching identity operations.
return to ? to->Blend(from.get(), progress)
: (from ? from->Blend(nullptr, progress, true) : nullptr);
from, *this, matching_prefix_length, &success);
if (success && matching_prefix_length < max_path_length) {
scoped_refptr<TransformOperation> matrix_op =
BlendRemainingByUsingMatrixInterpolation(from, matching_prefix_length,
if (matrix_op)
success = false;
if (!success) {
return progress < 0.5 ? from : *this;
return result;
TransformOperations TransformOperations::Accumulate(
const TransformOperations& to) const {
if (!to.size() && !size())
return *this;
bool success = true;
wtf_size_t matching_prefix_length = MatchingPrefixLength(to);
wtf_size_t max_path_length =
std::max(Operations().size(), to.Operations().size());
// Accumulate matching pairs of transform functions.
TransformOperations result = ApplyFunctionToMatchingPrefix(
WTF::BindRepeating([](const scoped_refptr<TransformOperation>& from,
const scoped_refptr<TransformOperation>& to) {
if (to && from)
return from->Accumulate(*to);
// Where the lists matched but one was longer, the shorter list is
// padded with nullptr that represent matching identity operations. For
// any function, accumulate(f, identity) == f, so just return f.
return to ? to : from;
*this, to, matching_prefix_length, &success);
// Then, if there are leftover non-matching functions, accumulate the
// remaining matrices.
if (success && matching_prefix_length < max_path_length) {
TransformationMatrix from_transform;
TransformationMatrix to_transform;
ApplyRemaining(FloatSize(), matching_prefix_length, from_transform);
to.ApplyRemaining(FloatSize(), matching_prefix_length, to_transform);
scoped_refptr<TransformOperation> from_matrix =
scoped_refptr<TransformOperation> to_matrix =
scoped_refptr<TransformOperation> matrix_op =
if (matrix_op)
success = false;
// On failure, behavior is to replace.
return success ? result : to;
static void FindCandidatesInPlane(double px,
double py,
double nz,
double* candidates,
int* num_candidates) {
// The angle that this point is rotated with respect to the plane nz
double phi = atan2(px, py);
*num_candidates = 4;
candidates[0] = phi; // The element at 0deg (maximum x)
for (int i = 1; i < *num_candidates; ++i)
candidates[i] = candidates[i - 1] + M_PI_2; // every 90 deg
if (nz < 0.f) {
for (int i = 0; i < *num_candidates; ++i)
candidates[i] *= -1;
// This method returns the bounding box that contains the starting point,
// the ending point, and any of the extrema (in each dimension) found across
// the circle described by the arc. These are then filtered to points that
// actually reside on the arc.
static void BoundingBoxForArc(const FloatPoint3D& point,
const RotateTransformOperation& from_transform,
const RotateTransformOperation& to_transform,
double min_progress,
double max_progress,
FloatBox& box) {
double candidates[6];
int num_candidates = 0;
FloatPoint3D axis(from_transform.Axis());
double from_degrees = from_transform.Angle();
double to_degrees = to_transform.Angle();
if (axis.Dot(to_transform.Axis()) < 0)
to_degrees *= -1;
from_degrees = Blend(from_degrees, to_degrees, min_progress);
to_degrees = Blend(to_degrees, from_transform.Angle(), 1.0 - max_progress);
if (from_degrees > to_degrees)
std::swap(from_degrees, to_degrees);
TransformationMatrix from_matrix;
TransformationMatrix to_matrix;
from_matrix.Rotate3d(from_transform.X(), from_transform.Y(),
from_transform.Z(), from_degrees);
to_matrix.Rotate3d(from_transform.X(), from_transform.Y(), from_transform.Z(),
FloatPoint3D from_point = from_matrix.MapPoint(point);
if (box.IsEmpty())
switch (from_transform.GetType()) {
case TransformOperation::kRotateX:
FindCandidatesInPlane(point.Y(), point.Z(), from_transform.X(),
candidates, &num_candidates);
case TransformOperation::kRotateY:
FindCandidatesInPlane(point.Z(), point.X(), from_transform.Y(),
candidates, &num_candidates);
case TransformOperation::kRotateZ:
FindCandidatesInPlane(point.X(), point.Y(), from_transform.Z(),
candidates, &num_candidates);
default: {
FloatPoint3D normal = axis;
if (normal.IsZero())
FloatPoint3D origin;
FloatPoint3D to_point = point - origin;
FloatPoint3D center = origin + normal * to_point.Dot(normal);
FloatPoint3D v1 = point - center;
if (v1.IsZero())
FloatPoint3D v2 = normal.Cross(v1);
// v1 is the basis vector in the direction of the point.
// i.e. with a rotation of 0, v1 is our +x vector.
// v2 is a perpenticular basis vector of our plane (+y).
// Take the parametric equation of a circle.
// (x = r*cos(t); y = r*sin(t);
// We can treat that as a circle on the plane v1xv2
// From that we get the parametric equations for a circle on the
// plane in 3d space of
// x(t) = r*cos(t)*v1.x + r*sin(t)*v2.x + cx
// y(t) = r*cos(t)*v1.y + r*sin(t)*v2.y + cy
// z(t) = r*cos(t)*v1.z + r*sin(t)*v2.z + cz
// taking the derivative of (x, y, z) and solving for 0 gives us our
// maximum/minimum x, y, z values
// x'(t) = r*cos(t)*v2.x - r*sin(t)*v1.x = 0
// tan(t) = v2.x/v1.x
// t = atan2(v2.x, v1.x) + n*M_PI;
candidates[0] = atan2(v2.X(), v1.X());
candidates[1] = candidates[0] + M_PI;
candidates[2] = atan2(v2.Y(), v1.Y());
candidates[3] = candidates[2] + M_PI;
candidates[4] = atan2(v2.Z(), v1.Z());
candidates[5] = candidates[4] + M_PI;
num_candidates = 6;
} break;
double min_radians = deg2rad(from_degrees);
double max_radians = deg2rad(to_degrees);
// Once we have the candidates, we now filter them down to ones that
// actually live on the arc, rather than the entire circle.
for (int i = 0; i < num_candidates; ++i) {
double radians = candidates[i];
while (radians < min_radians)
radians += 2.0 * M_PI;
while (radians > max_radians)
radians -= 2.0 * M_PI;
if (radians < min_radians)
TransformationMatrix rotation;
rotation.Rotate3d(axis.X(), axis.Y(), axis.Z(), rad2deg(radians));
bool TransformOperations::BlendedBoundsForBox(const FloatBox& box,
const TransformOperations& from,
const double& min_progress,
const double& max_progress,
FloatBox* bounds) const {
int from_size = from.Operations().size();
int to_size = Operations().size();
int size = std::max(from_size, to_size);
*bounds = box;
for (int i = size - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
scoped_refptr<TransformOperation> from_operation =
(i < from_size) ? from.Operations()[i] : nullptr;
scoped_refptr<TransformOperation> to_operation =
(i < to_size) ? Operations()[i] : nullptr;
DCHECK(from_operation || to_operation);
TransformOperation::OperationType interpolation_type =
to_operation ? to_operation->GetType() : from_operation->GetType();
if (from_operation && to_operation &&
return false;
switch (interpolation_type) {
case TransformOperation::kTranslate:
case TransformOperation::kTranslateX:
case TransformOperation::kTranslateY:
case TransformOperation::kTranslateZ:
case TransformOperation::kTranslate3D:
case TransformOperation::kScale:
case TransformOperation::kScaleX:
case TransformOperation::kScaleY:
case TransformOperation::kScaleZ:
case TransformOperation::kScale3D:
case TransformOperation::kSkew:
case TransformOperation::kSkewX:
case TransformOperation::kSkewY:
case TransformOperation::kPerspective: {
scoped_refptr<TransformOperation> from_transform;
scoped_refptr<TransformOperation> to_transform;
if (!to_operation) {
from_transform = from_operation->Blend(to_operation.get(),
1 - min_progress, false);
to_transform = from_operation->Blend(to_operation.get(),
1 - max_progress, false);
} else {
from_transform =
to_operation->Blend(from_operation.get(), min_progress, false);
to_transform =
to_operation->Blend(from_operation.get(), max_progress, false);
if (!from_transform || !to_transform)
TransformationMatrix from_matrix;
TransformationMatrix to_matrix;
from_transform->Apply(from_matrix, FloatSize());
to_transform->Apply(to_matrix, FloatSize());
FloatBox from_box = *bounds;
FloatBox to_box = *bounds;
*bounds = from_box;
case TransformOperation::kRotate: // This is also RotateZ
case TransformOperation::kRotate3D:
case TransformOperation::kRotateX:
case TransformOperation::kRotateY: {
scoped_refptr<RotateTransformOperation> identity_rotation;
const RotateTransformOperation* from_rotation = nullptr;
const RotateTransformOperation* to_rotation = nullptr;
if (from_operation) {
from_rotation = static_cast<const RotateTransformOperation*>(
if (from_rotation->Axis().IsZero())
from_rotation = nullptr;
if (to_operation) {
to_rotation =
static_cast<const RotateTransformOperation*>(to_operation.get());
if (to_rotation->Axis().IsZero())
to_rotation = nullptr;
double from_angle;
double to_angle;
FloatPoint3D axis;
if (!RotateTransformOperation::GetCommonAxis(
from_rotation, to_rotation, axis, from_angle, to_angle)) {
return false;
if (!from_rotation) {
identity_rotation = RotateTransformOperation::Create(
axis.X(), axis.Y(), axis.Z(), 0,
from_operation ? from_operation->GetType()
: to_operation->GetType());
from_rotation = identity_rotation.get();
if (!to_rotation) {
if (!identity_rotation)
identity_rotation = RotateTransformOperation::Create(
axis.X(), axis.Y(), axis.Z(), 0,
from_operation ? from_operation->GetType()
: to_operation->GetType());
to_rotation = identity_rotation.get();
FloatBox from_box = *bounds;
bool first = true;
for (size_t j = 0; j < 2; ++j) {
for (size_t k = 0; k < 2; ++k) {
for (size_t m = 0; m < 2; ++m) {
FloatBox bounds_for_arc;
FloatPoint3D corner(from_box.X(), from_box.Y(), from_box.Z());
corner +=
FloatPoint3D(j * from_box.Width(), k * from_box.Height(),
m * from_box.Depth());
BoundingBoxForArc(corner, *from_rotation, *to_rotation,
min_progress, max_progress, bounds_for_arc);
if (first) {
*bounds = bounds_for_arc;
first = false;
} else {
case TransformOperation::kMatrix:
case TransformOperation::kMatrix3D:
case TransformOperation::kInterpolated:
case TransformOperation::kRotateAroundOrigin:
return false;
return true;
TransformOperations TransformOperations::Add(
const TransformOperations& addend) const {
TransformOperations result;
result.operations_ = Operations();
return result;
TransformOperations TransformOperations::Zoom(double factor) const {
TransformOperations result;
for (auto& transform_operation : operations_)
return result;
} // namespace blink