blob: e4402a3efe93063d8b843d5c520a1a68cfe3e60c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/feature_list.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/platform/input/predictor_factory.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/platform_export.h"
#include "ui/base/prediction/input_filter.h"
namespace blink {
namespace test {
class FilterFactoryTest;
} // namespace test
namespace input_prediction {
enum class FilterType {
} // namespace input_prediction
// Structure used as key in the unordered_map to store different filter params
// in function of a trio {Filter, Predictor, Feature}
struct FilterParamMapKey {
bool operator==(const FilterParamMapKey& other) const {
return filter_type == other.filter_type &&
predictor_type == other.predictor_type;
input_prediction::FilterType filter_type;
input_prediction::PredictorType predictor_type;
// Used to compute a hash value for FilterParamMapKey so it can be used as key
// in a hashmap
struct FilterParamMapKeyHash {
std::size_t operator()(const FilterParamMapKey& k) const {
return std::hash<input_prediction::FilterType>{}(k.filter_type) ^
using FilterParams = std::unordered_map<std::string, double>;
using FilterParamsMap =
std::unordered_map<FilterParamMapKey, FilterParams, FilterParamMapKeyHash>;
// FilterFactory is a class containing methods to create filters.
// It defines filters name and type constants. It also reads filter settings
// from fieldtrials if needed.
class PLATFORM_EXPORT FilterFactory {
FilterFactory(const base::Feature& feature,
const input_prediction::PredictorType predictor_type,
const input_prediction::FilterType filter_type);
// Returns the FilterType associated to the given filter
// name if found, otherwise returns kFilterTypeEmpty
input_prediction::FilterType GetFilterTypeFromName(
const std::string& filter_name);
// Returns the filter designed by its type.
// Since filters can have different parameters in function of the current
// predictor used, it also needs to be given as parameter.
std::unique_ptr<ui::InputFilter> CreateFilter(
const input_prediction::FilterType filter_type,
const input_prediction::PredictorType predictor_type);
friend class test::FilterFactoryTest;
// Map storing filter parameters for a pair {FilterType, PredictorType}.
// Currently the map is only storing values from fieldtrials params, but
// default parameters might be added for a specific predictor/filter pair
// in the future.
FilterParamsMap filter_params_map_;
// Initialize the filter_params_map_ with values from fieldtrials params for
// a given feature, predictor and filter.
// Might initialize some default values for specific predictor/filter pair in
// the future.
void LoadFilterParams(const base::Feature& feature,
const input_prediction::PredictorType predictor_type,
const input_prediction::FilterType filter_type);
// Gets filter params for a specific key couple {FilterType, PredictorType}
// If params are found, update the given filter_params map.
void GetFilterParams(const input_prediction::FilterType filter_type,
const input_prediction::PredictorType predictor_type,
FilterParams* filter_params);
} // namespace blink