blob: 5627859efe195dddcb1347f1eb77f3a216d1321c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/allocator/allocator.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/get_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include <cstring>
#include <type_traits>
#include "base/containers/span.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/std_lib_extras.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/text/string_impl.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/text/unicode.h"
namespace WTF {
class AtomicString;
class String;
// A string like object that wraps either an 8bit or 16bit byte sequence
// and keeps track of the length and the type, it does NOT own the bytes.
// Since StringView does not own the bytes creating a StringView from a String,
// then calling clear() on the String will result in a use-after-free. Asserts
// in ~StringView attempt to enforce this for most common cases.
// See base/strings/string_piece.h for more details.
class WTF_EXPORT StringView {
// A buffer that allows for short strings to be held on the stack during a
// transform. This is a performance optimization for very hot paths and
// should rarely need to be used.
class StackBackingStore {
// Returns a pointer to a buffer of size |length| that is valid for as long
// the StackBackingStore object is alive and Realloc() has not been called
// again.
template <typename CharT>
CharT* Realloc(int length) {
size_t size = length * sizeof(CharT);
if (UNLIKELY(size > sizeof(stackbuf16_))) {
WTF::Partitions::BufferMalloc(size, "StackBackingStore")));
return reinterpret_cast<CharT*>(heapbuf_.get());
// If the Realloc() shrinks the buffer size, |heapbuf_| will keep a copy
// of the old string. A reset can be added here, but given this is a
// transient usage, deferring to the destructor is just as good and avoids
// another branch.
static_assert(alignof(decltype(stackbuf16_)) % alignof(CharT) == 0,
"stack buffer must be sufficiently aligned");
return reinterpret_cast<CharT*>(&stackbuf16_[0]);
struct BufferDeleter {
void operator()(void* buffer) { WTF::Partitions::BufferFree(buffer); }
static_assert(sizeof(UChar) != sizeof(char),
"A char array will trigger -fstack-protect an produce "
"overkill stack canaries all over v8 bindings");
// The size 64 is just a guess on a good size. No data was used in its
// selection.
UChar stackbuf16_[64];
std::unique_ptr<char[], BufferDeleter> heapbuf_;
// Null string.
StringView() { Clear(); }
// From a StringView:
StringView(const StringView&, unsigned offset, unsigned length);
StringView(const StringView& view, unsigned offset)
: StringView(view, offset, view.length_ - offset) {}
// From a StringImpl:
StringView(const StringImpl*);
StringView(const StringImpl*, unsigned offset);
StringView(const StringImpl*, unsigned offset, unsigned length);
// From a non-null StringImpl.
StringView(const StringImpl& impl)
: impl_(const_cast<StringImpl*>(&impl)),
length_(impl.length()) {}
// From a non-null StringImpl, avoids the null check.
StringView(StringImpl& impl)
: impl_(&impl), bytes_(impl.Bytes()), length_(impl.length()) {}
StringView(StringImpl&, unsigned offset);
StringView(StringImpl&, unsigned offset, unsigned length);
// From a String, implemented in wtf_string.h
inline StringView(const String&, unsigned offset, unsigned length);
inline StringView(const String&, unsigned offset);
inline StringView(const String&);
// From an AtomicString, implemented in atomic_string.h
inline StringView(const AtomicString&, unsigned offset, unsigned length);
inline StringView(const AtomicString&, unsigned offset);
inline StringView(const AtomicString&);
// From a literal string or LChar buffer:
StringView(const LChar* chars, unsigned length)
: impl_(StringImpl::empty_), bytes_(chars), length_(length) {}
StringView(const char* chars, unsigned length)
: StringView(reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>(chars), length) {}
StringView(const LChar* chars)
: StringView(chars,
chars ? SafeCast<unsigned>(
strlen(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(chars)))
: 0) {}
StringView(const char* chars)
: StringView(reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>(chars)) {}
// From a wide literal string or UChar buffer.
StringView(const UChar* chars, unsigned length)
: impl_(StringImpl::empty16_bit_), bytes_(chars), length_(length) {}
StringView(const UChar* chars);
// TODO( Remove this constructor once `UChar` is `char16_t`
// on all platforms.
template <typename UCharT = UChar,
typename = std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same<UCharT, char16_t>::value>>
StringView(const char16_t* chars)
: StringView(reinterpret_cast<const UChar*>(chars)) {}
bool IsNull() const { return !bytes_; }
bool IsEmpty() const { return !length_; }
unsigned length() const { return length_; }
bool Is8Bit() const {
return impl_->Is8Bit();
bool IsAtomic() const { return SharedImpl() && SharedImpl()->IsAtomic(); }
bool IsLowerASCII() const {
if (StringImpl* impl = SharedImpl())
return impl->IsLowerASCII();
if (Is8Bit())
return WTF::IsLowerASCII(Characters8(), length());
return WTF::IsLowerASCII(Characters16(), length());
void Clear();
UChar operator[](unsigned i) const {
SECURITY_DCHECK(i < length());
if (Is8Bit())
return Characters8()[i];
return Characters16()[i];
const LChar* Characters8() const {
return static_cast<const LChar*>(bytes_);
const UChar* Characters16() const {
return static_cast<const UChar*>(bytes_);
base::span<const LChar> Span8() const {
return {static_cast<const LChar*>(bytes_), length_};
base::span<const UChar> Span16() const {
return {static_cast<const UChar*>(bytes_), length_};
UChar32 CodepointAt(unsigned i) const {
SECURITY_DCHECK(i < length());
if (Is8Bit())
return (*this)[i];
UChar32 codepoint;
U16_GET(Characters16(), 0, i, length(), codepoint);
return codepoint;
const void* Bytes() const { return bytes_; }
// This is not named impl() like String because it has different semantics.
// String::impl() is never null if String::isNull() is false. For StringView
// sharedImpl() can be null if the StringView was created with a non-zero
// offset, or a length that made it shorter than the underlying impl.
StringImpl* SharedImpl() const {
// If this StringView is backed by a StringImpl, and was constructed
// with a zero offset and the same length we can just access the impl
// directly since this == StringView(m_impl).
if (impl_->Bytes() == Bytes() && length_ == impl_->length())
return GetPtr(impl_);
return nullptr;
// This will return a StringView with a version of |this| that has all ASCII
// characters lowercased. The returned StringView is guarantee to be valid for
// as long as |backing_store| is valid.
// The odd lifetime of the returned object occurs because lowercasing may
// require allocation. When that happens, |backing_store| is used as the
// backing store and the returned StringView has the same lifetime.
StringView LowerASCIIMaybeUsingBuffer(StackBackingStore& backing_store) const;
String ToString() const;
AtomicString ToAtomicString() const;
template <bool isSpecialCharacter(UChar)>
bool IsAllSpecialCharacters() const;
void Set(const StringImpl&, unsigned offset, unsigned length);
// We use the StringImpl to mark for 8bit or 16bit, even for strings where
// we were constructed from a char pointer. So m_impl->bytes() might have
// nothing to do with this view's bytes().
scoped_refptr<StringImpl> impl_;
StringImpl* impl_;
const void* bytes_;
unsigned length_;
inline StringView::StringView(const StringView& view,
unsigned offset,
unsigned length)
: impl_(view.impl_), length_(length) {
SECURITY_DCHECK(offset + length <= view.length());
if (Is8Bit())
bytes_ = view.Characters8() + offset;
bytes_ = view.Characters16() + offset;
inline StringView::StringView(const StringImpl* impl) {
if (!impl) {
impl_ = const_cast<StringImpl*>(impl);
length_ = impl->length();
bytes_ = impl->Bytes();
inline StringView::StringView(const StringImpl* impl, unsigned offset) {
impl ? Set(*impl, offset, impl->length() - offset) : Clear();
inline StringView::StringView(const StringImpl* impl,
unsigned offset,
unsigned length) {
impl ? Set(*impl, offset, length) : Clear();
inline StringView::StringView(StringImpl& impl, unsigned offset) {
Set(impl, offset, impl.length() - offset);
inline StringView::StringView(StringImpl& impl,
unsigned offset,
unsigned length) {
Set(impl, offset, length);
inline void StringView::Clear() {
length_ = 0;
bytes_ = nullptr;
impl_ = StringImpl::empty_; // mark as 8 bit.
inline void StringView::Set(const StringImpl& impl,
unsigned offset,
unsigned length) {
SECURITY_DCHECK(offset + length <= impl.length());
length_ = length;
impl_ = const_cast<StringImpl*>(&impl);
if (impl.Is8Bit())
bytes_ = impl.Characters8() + offset;
bytes_ = impl.Characters16() + offset;
// Unicode aware case insensitive string matching. Non-ASCII characters might
// match to ASCII characters. These functions are rarely used to implement web
// platform features.
// These functions are deprecated. Use EqualIgnoringASCIICase(), or introduce
// EqualIgnoringUnicodeCase(). See
WTF_EXPORT bool DeprecatedEqualIgnoringCase(const StringView&,
const StringView&);
WTF_EXPORT bool DeprecatedEqualIgnoringCaseAndNullity(const StringView&,
const StringView&);
WTF_EXPORT bool EqualIgnoringASCIICase(const StringView&, const StringView&);
template <size_t N>
inline bool EqualIgnoringASCIICase(const StringView& a,
const char (&literal)[N]) {
if (a.length() != N - 1 || (N == 1 && a.IsNull()))
return false;
return a.Is8Bit() ? EqualIgnoringASCIICase(a.Characters8(), literal, N - 1)
: EqualIgnoringASCIICase(a.Characters16(), literal, N - 1);
// TODO(esprehn): Can't make this an overload of WTF::equal since that makes
// calls to equal() that pass literal strings ambiguous. Figure out if we can
// replace all the callers with equalStringView and then rename it to equal().
WTF_EXPORT bool EqualStringView(const StringView&, const StringView&);
inline bool operator==(const StringView& a, const StringView& b) {
return EqualStringView(a, b);
inline bool operator!=(const StringView& a, const StringView& b) {
return !(a == b);
template <bool isSpecialCharacter(UChar), typename CharacterType>
inline bool IsAllSpecialCharacters(const CharacterType* characters,
size_t length) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
if (!isSpecialCharacter(characters[i]))
return false;
return true;
template <bool isSpecialCharacter(UChar)>
inline bool StringView::IsAllSpecialCharacters() const {
size_t len = length();
if (!len)
return true;
return Is8Bit() ? WTF::IsAllSpecialCharacters<isSpecialCharacter, LChar>(
Characters8(), len)
: WTF::IsAllSpecialCharacters<isSpecialCharacter, UChar>(
Characters16(), len);
} // namespace WTF
using WTF::StringView;
using WTF::EqualIgnoringASCIICase;
using WTF::DeprecatedEqualIgnoringCase;
using WTF::IsAllSpecialCharacters;