blob: 5ec2832d5b6c9c6db225c8c36b3ae9806d84b6a7 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml-stylesheet href="css3-modsel-15c.css" type="text/css"?>
<p xmlns="" class="warning">This test requires support for two or more of XHTML, xml:id, and DOM3 Core.</p>
<div xmlns="" id="Aone" xml:id="Atwo" title="Athree">This line should be green.</div>
<p xmlns="" id="Bone">This line should be green.</p>
<p xmlns="" xml:id="Ctwo">This line should be green.</p>
<p xmlns="" title="Dthree">This line should be green.</p>
<script xmlns="" type="text/javascript">
document.getElementsByTagNameNS(&#39;;, &#39;div&#39;)[0].setIdAttribute(&#39;title&#39;, true);
document.getElementsByTagNameNS(&#39;;, &#39;p&#39;)[3].setIdAttribute(&#39;title&#39;, true);
<!-- This test could also be done using a custom DOCTYPE with an internal subset, which would
then work in any XHTML UA. However, that requires massive changes to the generator scripts.
Better, if we need such a test, would be to special-case it and have 15d be a separate file. -->