blob: d622da56df564da1d5ecf0ff0693cfe38fb686aa [file] [log] [blame]
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'use strict';
const test_desc = 'Unicode string with utf8 representation longer than 248 ' +
'bytes in \'namePrefix\' must throw NotFoundError.';
const expected = new DOMException(
'Failed to execute \'requestDevice\' on \'Bluetooth\': ' +
'A device name can\'t be longer than 248 bytes.',
new TypeError());
// \u2764's UTF-8 respresentation is 3 bytes long.
// 83 chars * 3 bytes/char = 249 bytes
const unicode_name = '\u2764'.repeat(83);
() => assert_promise_rejects_with_message(
requestDeviceWithTrustedClick({filters: [{namePrefix: unicode_name}]}),