blob: 88d1ac826fe773b8c20a0e1fb00520c0192d7037 [file] [log] [blame]
<script src="/common/get-host-info.sub.js"></script>
// This test checks if browser attaches the device-memory client hint in the
// HTTP request headers --- while requesting it from 3P context after
// settings feature policy to allow it; with Accept-CH coming from a sticky
// source.
// sets the response headers depending on the set
// of client hints it receives in the request headers.
fetch(get_host_info()["HTTPS_REMOTE_ORIGIN"] + "/client-hints/accept-ch-stickiness/resources/").then(r => {
if(r.status == 200 && r.headers.has("device-memory-received")) {'PASS', '*');
else {'FAIL', '*');