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<title>IDL-constructed CSSPositionValue serialization tests</title>
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<meta name="assert" content="Test CSSPositionValues are serialized by concatenating their coordinate values" />
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'use strict';
test(() => {
assert_equals(new CSSPositionValue(CSS.px(1), CSS.percent(-3.14)).toString(), '1px -3.14%');
}, 'CSSPositionValue with length and percent serializes by concantenating x and y');
test(() => {
let result = CSSStyleValue.parse('object-position', '1px 1px');
result.x = CSS.percent(-3.14);
assert_equals(result.toString(), '-3.14% 1px');
}, 'CSSPositionValue from DOMString modified by "x" setter serializes to its new value');
test(() => {
let result = CSSStyleValue.parse('object-position', '1px 1px');
result.y = CSS.percent(-3.14);
assert_equals(result.toString(), '1px -3.14%');
}, 'CSSPositionValue from DOMString modified by "y" setter serializes to its new value');
test(t => {
let result = createInlineStyleMap(t, 'object-position: 1px 1px').get('object-position');
result.x = CSS.percent(-3.14);
assert_equals(result.toString(), '-3.14% 1px');
}, 'CSSPositionValue from CSSOM modified by "x" setter serializes to its new value');
test(t => {
let result = createInlineStyleMap(t, 'object-position: 1px 1px').get('object-position');
result.y = CSS.percent(-3.14);
assert_equals(result.toString(), '1px -3.14%');
}, 'CSSPositionValue from CSSOM modified by "y" setter serializes to its new value');