blob: 3125a8d6527903dc685eb325a9bf56fff7695a0d [file] [log] [blame]
This is a testharness.js-based test.
FAIL Can set 'background' to CSS-wide keywords assert_equals: expected "CSSKeywordValue" but got "CSSStyleValue"
FAIL Can set 'background' to var() references assert_equals: expected "CSSUnparsedValue" but got "CSSStyleValue"
PASS Setting 'background' to a length throws TypeError
PASS Setting 'background' to a percent throws TypeError
PASS Setting 'background' to a time throws TypeError
PASS Setting 'background' to an angle throws TypeError
PASS Setting 'background' to a flexible length throws TypeError
PASS Setting 'background' to a number throws TypeError
PASS Setting 'background' to a position throws TypeError
PASS Setting 'background' to a URL throws TypeError
PASS Setting 'background' to a transform throws TypeError
PASS 'background' does not supported 'green'
PASS 'background' does not supported 'content-box radial-gradient(crimson, skyblue)'
PASS 'background' does not supported 'no-repeat url("")'
PASS 'background' does not supported 'left 5% / 15% 60% repeat-x url("")'
PASS 'background' does not supported 'center / contain no-repeat url(""), red'
Harness: the test ran to completion.