blob: 1791761a6dec50b6265f7d554e46fb184903d8ca [file] [log] [blame]
This is a testharness.js-based test.
PASS Can set 'text-justify' to CSS-wide keywords
PASS Can set 'text-justify' to var() references
PASS Can set 'text-justify' to the 'auto' keyword
PASS Can set 'text-justify' to the 'none' keyword
PASS Can set 'text-justify' to the 'inter-word' keyword
FAIL Can set 'text-justify' to the 'inter-character' keyword Failed to execute 'set' on 'StylePropertyMap': Invalid type for property
PASS Setting 'text-justify' to a length throws TypeError
PASS Setting 'text-justify' to a percent throws TypeError
PASS Setting 'text-justify' to a time throws TypeError
PASS Setting 'text-justify' to an angle throws TypeError
PASS Setting 'text-justify' to a flexible length throws TypeError
PASS Setting 'text-justify' to a number throws TypeError
PASS Setting 'text-justify' to a position throws TypeError
PASS Setting 'text-justify' to a URL throws TypeError
PASS Setting 'text-justify' to a transform throws TypeError
Harness: the test ran to completion.