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<!DOCTYPE html>
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<title>Popup anchor nesting</title>
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<!-- This example has the anchor (b1) for one popup (p1)
which contains a separate popup (p2) which is anchored
by a separate anchor (b2). -->
<button id=b1 onclick=''>Popup 1
<popup id=p2 anchor=b2>
<span id=inside2>Inside popup 2</span>
<popup id=p1 anchor=b1>This is popup 1</popup>
<button id=b2 onclick=''>Popup 2</button>
#p1 { top:50px; }
#p2 { top:50px; left:250px; }
popup { border: 5px solid red; }
function clickOn(element) {
const actions = new test_driver.Actions();
return actions.pointerMove(0, 0, {origin: element})
.pointerDown({button: actions.ButtonType.LEFT})
.pointerUp({button: actions.ButtonType.LEFT})
const popup1 = document.querySelector('#p1');
const button1 = document.querySelector('#b1');
const popup2 = document.querySelector('#p2');
(async function() {
setup({ explicit_done: true });;
assert_false(,'Popups are not nested, so popup1 should close');
await clickOn(button1);
test(t => {
// Button1 is the anchor for popup1, and an ancestor of popup2.
// Since popup2 is open, but not popup1, button1 should not be
// the anchor of any open popup. So popup2 should be closed.
},'Nested popups (inside anchor elements) do not affect light dismiss');