blob: d9a60f3c6494e437a02371d362d804c6d473d3e9 [file] [log] [blame]
This is a testharness.js-based test.
Found 260 tests; 248 PASS, 12 FAIL, 0 TIMEOUT, 0 NOTRUN.
PASS Setup
PASS isolation (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS isolation: "isolate" onto "auto"
PASS isolation: "auto" onto "isolate"
PASS justify-content (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS justify-content: "end" onto "start"
PASS justify-content: "start" onto "end"
PASS justify-items (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS justify-items: "end" onto "start"
PASS justify-items: "start" onto "end"
PASS justify-self (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS justify-self: "end" onto "start"
PASS justify-self: "start" onto "end"
PASS letter-spacing (type: length) has testAccumulation function
PASS letter-spacing: length
PASS letter-spacing: length of rem
PASS lighting-color (type: color) has testAccumulation function
PASS lighting-color supports animating as color of rgb() with overflowed from and to values
PASS lighting-color supports animating as color of #RGB
PASS lighting-color supports animating as color of hsl()
PASS lighting-color supports animating as color of #RGBa
PASS lighting-color supports animating as color of rgba()
PASS lighting-color supports animating as color of hsla()
PASS list-style-image (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS list-style-image: "url("http://localhost/test-2")" onto "url("http://localhost/test-1")"
PASS list-style-image: "url("http://localhost/test-1")" onto "url("http://localhost/test-2")"
PASS list-style-position (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS list-style-position: "outside" onto "inside"
PASS list-style-position: "inside" onto "outside"
PASS list-style-type (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS list-style-type: "square" onto "circle"
PASS list-style-type: "circle" onto "square"
PASS marker-end (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS marker-end: "url("http://localhost/test-2")" onto "url("http://localhost/test-1")"
PASS marker-end: "url("http://localhost/test-1")" onto "url("http://localhost/test-2")"
PASS marker-mid (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS marker-mid: "url("http://localhost/test-2")" onto "url("http://localhost/test-1")"
PASS marker-mid: "url("http://localhost/test-1")" onto "url("http://localhost/test-2")"
PASS marker-start (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS marker-start: "url("http://localhost/test-2")" onto "url("http://localhost/test-1")"
PASS marker-start: "url("http://localhost/test-1")" onto "url("http://localhost/test-2")"
PASS mask (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS mask: "url("http://localhost/test-2")" onto "url("http://localhost/test-1")"
PASS mask: "url("http://localhost/test-1")" onto "url("http://localhost/test-2")"
PASS mask-type (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS mask-type: "luminance" onto "alpha"
PASS mask-type: "alpha" onto "luminance"
PASS mix-blend-mode (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS mix-blend-mode: "screen" onto "multiply"
PASS mix-blend-mode: "multiply" onto "screen"
PASS object-fit (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS object-fit: "contain" onto "fill"
PASS object-fit: "fill" onto "contain"
PASS offset-distance (type: lengthPercentageOrCalc) has testAccumulation function
PASS offset-distance: length
PASS offset-distance: length of rem
PASS offset-distance: percentage
PASS offset-distance: units "%" onto "px"
PASS offset-distance: units "px" onto "%"
PASS offset-distance: units "rem" onto "%"
PASS offset-distance: units "%" onto "rem"
PASS offset-distance: units "rem" onto "em"
PASS offset-distance: units "em" onto "rem"
PASS offset-distance: units "calc" onto "px"
PASS offset-distance: calc
PASS order (type: integer) has testAccumulation function
PASS order: integer
PASS outline-color (type: color) has testAccumulation function
PASS outline-color supports animating as color of rgb() with overflowed from and to values
PASS outline-color supports animating as color of #RGB
PASS outline-color supports animating as color of hsl()
PASS outline-color supports animating as color of #RGBa
PASS outline-color supports animating as color of rgba()
PASS outline-color supports animating as color of hsla()
PASS outline-offset (type: length) has testAccumulation function
PASS outline-offset: length
PASS outline-offset: length of rem
PASS outline-style (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS outline-style: "dotted" onto "none"
PASS outline-style: "none" onto "dotted"
PASS outline-width (type: length) has testAccumulation function
PASS outline-width: length
PASS outline-width: length of rem
PASS overflow-wrap (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS overflow-wrap: "break-word" onto "normal"
PASS overflow-wrap: "normal" onto "break-word"
PASS overflow-x (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS overflow-x: "hidden" onto "visible"
PASS overflow-x: "visible" onto "hidden"
PASS overflow-y (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS overflow-y: "hidden" onto "visible"
PASS overflow-y: "visible" onto "hidden"
PASS page-break-after (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS page-break-after: "auto" onto "always"
PASS page-break-after: "always" onto "auto"
PASS page-break-before (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS page-break-before: "auto" onto "always"
PASS page-break-before: "always" onto "auto"
PASS page-break-inside (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS page-break-inside: "avoid" onto "auto"
PASS page-break-inside: "auto" onto "avoid"
PASS paint-order (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS paint-order: "stroke" onto "fill"
PASS paint-order: "fill" onto "stroke"
PASS perspective (type: length) has testAccumulation function
PASS perspective: length
PASS perspective: length of rem
PASS perspective-origin (type: position) has testAccumulation function
PASS perspective-origin: length pair
PASS perspective-origin: length pair of rem
PASS perspective-origin: position of percentage
PASS pointer-events (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS pointer-events: "none" onto "fill"
PASS pointer-events: "fill" onto "none"
PASS position (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS position: "fixed" onto "absolute"
PASS position: "absolute" onto "fixed"
PASS quotes (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS quotes: ""‘" "’" "“" "”"" onto ""“" "”" "‘" "’""
PASS quotes: ""“" "”" "‘" "’"" onto ""‘" "’" "“" "”""
PASS resize (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS resize: "horizontal" onto "both"
PASS resize: "both" onto "horizontal"
PASS ruby-position (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS ruby-position: "over" onto "under"
PASS ruby-position: "under" onto "over"
PASS scroll-behavior (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS scroll-behavior: "smooth" onto "auto"
PASS scroll-behavior: "auto" onto "smooth"
PASS shape-outside (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS shape-outside: "url("http://localhost/test-2")" onto "url("http://localhost/test-1")"
PASS shape-outside: "url("http://localhost/test-1")" onto "url("http://localhost/test-2")"
PASS shape-rendering (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS shape-rendering: "crispEdges" onto "optimizeSpeed"
PASS shape-rendering: "optimizeSpeed" onto "crispEdges"
PASS stop-color (type: color) has testAccumulation function
PASS stop-color supports animating as color of rgb() with overflowed from and to values
PASS stop-color supports animating as color of #RGB
PASS stop-color supports animating as color of hsl()
PASS stop-color supports animating as color of #RGBa
PASS stop-color supports animating as color of rgba()
PASS stop-color supports animating as color of hsla()
PASS stop-opacity (type: opacity) has testAccumulation function
PASS stop-opacity: [0, 1] number
PASS stop-opacity: [0, 1] number (clamped)
PASS stroke-dasharray (type: dasharray) has testAccumulation function
FAIL stroke-dasharray: dasharray assert_equals: The value should be 1px, 2px, 3px, 4px, 5px at 0ms expected "1px, 2px, 3px, 4px, 5px" but got "7px, calc(30% + 2px), 5px, 10px, calc(30% + 5px), 3px, 8px, calc(30% + 3px), 6px, 11px, calc(30% + 1px), 4px, 9px, calc(30% + 4px), 7px"
PASS stroke-dasharray (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS stroke-dasharray: "10px, 20px" onto "none"
PASS stroke-dasharray: "none" onto "10px, 20px"
PASS stroke-linecap (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS stroke-linecap: "square" onto "round"
PASS stroke-linecap: "round" onto "square"
PASS stroke-linejoin (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS stroke-linejoin: "miter" onto "round"
PASS stroke-linejoin: "round" onto "miter"
PASS stroke-miterlimit (type: positiveNumber) has testAccumulation function
PASS stroke-miterlimit: positive number
PASS stroke-opacity (type: opacity) has testAccumulation function
PASS stroke-opacity: [0, 1] number
PASS stroke-opacity: [0, 1] number (clamped)
PASS table-layout (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS table-layout: "fixed" onto "auto"
PASS table-layout: "auto" onto "fixed"
PASS text-align (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS text-align: "end" onto "start"
PASS text-align: "start" onto "end"
PASS text-align-last (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS text-align-last: "end" onto "start"
PASS text-align-last: "start" onto "end"
PASS text-anchor (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS text-anchor: "end" onto "middle"
PASS text-anchor: "middle" onto "end"
PASS text-decoration-color (type: color) has testAccumulation function
PASS text-decoration-color supports animating as color of rgb() with overflowed from and to values
PASS text-decoration-color supports animating as color of #RGB
PASS text-decoration-color supports animating as color of hsl()
PASS text-decoration-color supports animating as color of #RGBa
PASS text-decoration-color supports animating as color of rgba()
PASS text-decoration-color supports animating as color of hsla()
PASS text-decoration-line (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS text-decoration-line: "overline" onto "underline"
PASS text-decoration-line: "underline" onto "overline"
PASS text-decoration-style (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS text-decoration-style: "dotted" onto "solid"
PASS text-decoration-style: "solid" onto "dotted"
PASS text-overflow (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS text-overflow: "ellipsis" onto "clip"
PASS text-overflow: "clip" onto "ellipsis"
PASS text-rendering (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS text-rendering: "optimizeLegibility" onto "optimizeSpeed"
PASS text-rendering: "optimizeSpeed" onto "optimizeLegibility"
PASS text-shadow (type: textShadowList) has testAccumulation function
PASS text-shadow: shadow
PASS text-transform (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS text-transform: "uppercase" onto "capitalize"
PASS text-transform: "capitalize" onto "uppercase"
PASS touch-action (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS touch-action: "none" onto "auto"
PASS touch-action: "auto" onto "none"
PASS transform (type: transformList) has testAccumulation function
PASS transform: translate
PASS transform: rotate
PASS transform: scale
PASS transform: skew
PASS transform: rotate on translate
PASS transform: translate on rotate
PASS transform: rotate and translate on rotate
PASS transform: rotate on rotate and translate
PASS transform: matrix
PASS transform: rotate3d
PASS transform: matrix3d
PASS transform: none
PASS transform: non-invertible matrices (non-invertible onto invertible)
PASS transform: non-invertible matrices (invertible onto non-invertible)
PASS transform: non-invertible matrices in matched transform lists (non-invertible onto invertible)
PASS transform: non-invertible matrices in matched transform lists (invertible onto non-invertible)
PASS transform: non-invertible matrices in mismatched transform lists (non-invertible onto invertible)
PASS transform: non-invertible matrices in mismatched transform lists (invertible onto non-invertible)
PASS transform-box (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
FAIL transform-box: "border-box" onto "fill-box" assert_equals: The value should be border-box at 0ms expected "border-box" but got "fill-box"
PASS transform-box: "fill-box" onto "border-box"
PASS transform-style (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS transform-style: "preserve-3d" onto "flat"
PASS transform-style: "flat" onto "preserve-3d"
PASS rotate (type: rotateList) has testAccumulation function
PASS rotate without rotation axes
PASS rotate with underlying transform
PASS rotate with different rotation axes
PASS translate (type: translateList) has testAccumulation function
PASS translate
PASS translate with transform
PASS scale (type: scaleList) has testAccumulation function
FAIL scale with two unspecified values assert_equals: The value should be -2 at 0ms expected "-2" but got "-6"
FAIL scale with one unspecified value assert_equals: The value should be -2 at 0ms expected "-2" but got "-6"
FAIL scale assert_equals: The value should be 0 -1 -2 at 0ms expected "0 -1 -2" but got "-2 -4 -6"
PASS vector-effect (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS vector-effect: "non-scaling-stroke" onto "none"
PASS vector-effect: "none" onto "non-scaling-stroke"
PASS visibility (type: visibility) has testAccumulation function
PASS visibility: onto "visible"
PASS visibility: onto "hidden"
PASS white-space (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS white-space: "nowrap" onto "pre"
PASS white-space: "pre" onto "nowrap"
PASS word-break (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS word-break: "break-all" onto "keep-all"
PASS word-break: "keep-all" onto "break-all"
PASS word-spacing (type: lengthPercentageOrCalc) has testAccumulation function
PASS word-spacing: length
PASS word-spacing: length of rem
FAIL word-spacing: percentage assert_equals: The value should be 130% at 0ms expected "130%" but got "0px"
FAIL word-spacing: units "%" onto "px" assert_equals: The value should be calc(10% + 10px) at 0ms expected "calc(10% + 10px)" but got "10px"
FAIL word-spacing: units "px" onto "%" assert_equals: The value should be calc(10% + 10px) at 0ms expected "calc(10% + 10px)" but got "10px"
FAIL word-spacing: units "rem" onto "%" assert_equals: The value should be calc(10% + 20px) at 0ms expected "calc(10% + 20px)" but got "20px"
FAIL word-spacing: units "%" onto "rem" assert_equals: The value should be calc(10% + 20px) at 0ms expected "calc(10% + 20px)" but got "20px"
PASS word-spacing: units "rem" onto "em"
PASS word-spacing: units "em" onto "rem"
FAIL word-spacing: units "calc" onto "px" assert_equals: The value should be calc(20% + 30px) at 0ms expected "calc(20% + 30px)" but got "10px"
FAIL word-spacing: calc assert_equals: The value should be calc(30% + 30px) at 0ms expected "calc(30% + 30px)" but got "0px"
Harness: the test ran to completion.