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<!DOCTYPE html>
Test the construction of AudioWorkletNode with real-time context
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="/webaudio/resources/audit.js"></script>
<script id="layout-test-code">
let audit = Audit.createTaskRunner();
let realtimeContext = new AudioContext();
let filePath = 'processors/dummy-processor.js';
// Test if an exception is thrown correctly when AWN constructor is
// invoked before resolving |.addModule()| promise.
{label: 'construction-before-module-loading'},
(task, should) => {
should(() => new AudioWorkletNode(realtimeContext, 'dummy'),
'Creating a node before loading a module should throw.')
.throw(DOMException, 'InvalidStateError');
// Test the construction of AudioWorkletNode after the resolution of
// |.addModule()|. Also the constructor must throw an exception when
// a unregistered node name was given.
{label: 'construction-after-module-loading'},
(task, should) => {
realtimeContext.audioWorklet.addModule(filePath).then(() => {
let dummyWorkletNode =
new AudioWorkletNode(realtimeContext, 'dummy');
should(dummyWorkletNode instanceof AudioWorkletNode,
'"dummyWorkletNode" is an instance of AudioWorkletNode')
should(() => new AudioWorkletNode(realtimeContext, 'foobar'),
'Unregistered name "foobar" must throw an exception.')