blob: 7d55b88ecc6db7fd9d3fb7a9722e030d926c807d [file] [log] [blame]
from mod_pywebsocket import common
import time
def web_socket_do_extra_handshake(request):
def web_socket_transfer_data(request):
# Wait for the close frame to arrive.
def web_socket_passive_closing_handshake(request):
# Echo close status code and reason
code, reason = request.ws_close_code, request.ws_close_reason
# No status received is a reserved pseudo code representing an empty code,
# so echo back an empty code in this case.
if code == common.STATUS_NO_STATUS_RECEIVED:
code = None
# The browser may error the connection if the closing handshake takes too
# long, but hopefully no browser will have a timeout this short.
return code, reason