blob: 72c1a7f1d7a4daae25a49a874cb9c311aa0ed344 [file] [log] [blame]
from six import PY3
from wptserve.utils import isomorphic_encode
def get_response(raw_headers, filter_value, filter_name):
result = b""
# Type of raw_headers is <httplib.HTTPMessage> in Python 2 and <http.client.HTTPMessage> in
# Python 3. <http.client.HTTPMessage> doesn't have 'headers" attribute or equivalent
# [].
# In Python 2, variable raw_headers.headers returns a completely uninterpreted list of lines
# contained in the header. In Python 3, raw_headers.raw_items() returns the (name, value)
# header pairs without modification. Here is to construct an equivalent "headers" variable to
# support tests in Python 3.
if PY3:
header_list = []
for field in raw_headers.raw_items():
header = b"%s: %s\r\n" % (isomorphic_encode(field[0]), isomorphic_encode(field[1]))
header_list = raw_headers.headers
for line in header_list:
if line[-2:] != b'\r\n':
return b"Syntax error: missing CRLF: " + line
line = line[:-2]
if b': ' not in line:
return b"Syntax error: no colon and space found: " + line
name, value = line.split(b': ', 1)
if filter_value:
if value == filter_value:
result += name + b","
elif name.lower() == filter_name:
result += name + b": " + value + b"\n"
return result
def main(request, response):
headers = []
if b"cors" in request.GET:
headers.append((b"Access-Control-Allow-Origin", b"*"))
headers.append((b"Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", b"true"))
headers.append((b"Access-Control-Allow-Methods", b"GET, POST, PUT, FOO"))
headers.append((b"Access-Control-Allow-Headers", b"x-test, x-foo"))
b"x-request-method, x-request-content-type, x-request-query, x-request-content-length"))
headers.append((b"content-type", b"text/plain"))
filter_value = request.GET.first(b"filter_value", b"")
filter_name = request.GET.first(b"filter_name", b"").lower()
result = get_response(request.raw_headers, filter_value, filter_name)
return headers, result