blob: 97cab15b75e76b168dac1a82f4003c4839e7e4d1 [file] [log] [blame]
<script src="../../../resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="../../../resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
// Reference values generated by:
var transparentBlack = [0, 0, 0, 0];
// sRGB(255,0,0,255)
var rec2020Red = [0.82324, 0.32935, 0.18030, 1.00000];
// sRGB(0,255,0,255)
var rec2020Green = [0.63135, 0.96436, 0.36450, 1.00000];
// sRGB(0,0,255,255)
var rec2020Blue = [0.27051, 0.15283, 0.95654, 1.00000];
// sRGB(0,0,0,255)
var rec2020Black = [0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 1.00000];
// sRGB(155,27,27,255)
var rec2020OpaqueRed = [0.52148, 0.23914, 0.18030, 1.00000];
// sRGB(27,155,27,255)
var rec2020OpaqueGreen = [0.40771, 0.60742, 0.25879, 1.00000];
// sRGB(27,27,155,255)
var rec2020OpaqueBlue = [0.21558, 0.17249, 0.59961, 1.00000];
// sRGB(27,27,27,255)
var rec2020OpaqueBlack = [0.15283, 0.15283, 0.15283, 1.00000];
// sRGB(155,27,27,128)
var rec2020TransparentRed = [0.52148, 0.23914, 0.18030, 0.50195];
// sRGB(27,155,27,128)
var rec2020TransparentGreen = [0.40771, 0.60742, 0.25879, 0.50195];
// sRGB(27,27,155,128)
var rec2020TransparentBlue = [0.21558, 0.17249, 0.59961, 0.50195];
// sRGB(27,27,27,128)
var rec2020TransparentBlack = [0.15283, 0.15283, 0.15283, 0.50195];
// sRGB(226,31,31,128)
var rec2020TransparentRedImage = [0.73682, 0.32153, 0.21960, 0.50195];
// sRGB(226,31,31,128)
var rec2020TransparentGreenImage = [0.56836, 0.86230, 0.34888, 0.50195];
// sRGB(226,31,31,128)
var rec2020TransparentBlueImage = [0.27832, 0.20386, 0.85059, 0.50195];
// sRGB(226,31,31,128)
var rec2020TransparentBlackImage = [0.16858, 0.16858, 0.16858, 0.50195];
function testPixels(ctx, tests, sourceType, imageDataSetting)
var actual, expected, tolerance = 0.02;
if (sourceType === 'video')
tolerance = 0.04;
for (var i = 0; i < tests.length; i++) {
actual = ctx.getImageData(tests[i][0], tests[i][1], 1, 1, imageDataSetting).data;
expected = tests[i][2];
assert_true(actual.length === expected.length);
for (var j = 0; j < actual.length; j++)
assert_approx_equals(actual[j], expected[j], tolerance, tests[i][3]);
function checkNoCrop(imageBitmap, colorInfo, sourceType)
var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
canvas.width = 50;
canvas.height = 50;
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d',
{colorSpace: 'rec2020', pixelFormat:'float16'});
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
ctx.drawImage(imageBitmap, 0, 0);
var tests;
if (colorInfo == 'fullColor')
tests = [[0, 0, rec2020Red, "This pixel should be Rec2020 red."],
[39, 0, rec2020Green, "This pixel should be Rec2020 green."],
[0, 39, rec2020Blue, "This pixel should be Rec2020 blue."],
[39, 39, rec2020Black, "This pixel should be Rec2020 black."],
[41, 41, transparentBlack, "This pixel should be transparent black."]];
else if (colorInfo == 'opaque')
tests = [[0, 0, rec2020OpaqueRed,
"This pixel should be Rec2020 like red."],
[39, 0, rec2020OpaqueGreen,
"This pixel should be Rec2020 like green."],
[0, 39, rec2020OpaqueBlue,
"This pixel should be Rec2020 like blue."],
[39, 39, rec2020OpaqueBlack,
"This pixel should be Rec2020 like black."],
[41, 41, transparentBlack, "This pixel should be transparent black."]];
else if (colorInfo == 'transparent')
tests = [[0, 0, rec2020TransparentRed,
"This pixel should be Rec2020 transparent red."],
[39, 0, rec2020TransparentGreen,
"This pixel should be Rec2020 transparent green."],
[0, 39, rec2020TransparentBlue,
"This pixel should be Rec2020 transparent blue."],
[39, 39, rec2020TransparentBlack,
"This pixel should be Rec2020 transparent black."],
[41, 41, transparentBlack,
"This pixel should be transparent black."]];
else if (colorInfo === 'transparent-image')
tests = [[0, 0, rec2020TransparentRedImage,
"This pixel should be Rec 2020 transparent red."],
[39, 0, rec2020TransparentGreenImage,
"This pixel should be Rec 2020 transparent green."],
[0, 39, rec2020TransparentBlueImage,
"This pixel should be Rec 2020 transparent blue."],
[39, 39, rec2020TransparentBlackImage,
"This pixel should be Rec 2020 transparent black."],
[41, 41, transparentBlack,
"This pixel should be transparent black."]];
testPixels(ctx, tests, sourceType, {colorSpace: 'rec2020', storageFormat:'float32'});
function checkCrop(imageBitmap, colorInfo, sourceType)
var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
canvas.width = 50;
canvas.height = 50;
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d',
{colorSpace: 'rec2020', pixelFormat:'float16'});
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
ctx.drawImage(imageBitmap, 0, 0);
var tests;
if (colorInfo === 'fullColor')
tests = [[0, 0, rec2020Red, "This pixel should be Rec2020 red."],
[19, 0, rec2020Green, "This pixel should be Rec2020 green."],
[0, 19, rec2020Blue, "This pixel should be Rec2020 blue."],
[19, 19, rec2020Black, "This pixel should be Rec2020 black."],
[21, 21, transparentBlack, "This pixel should be transparent black."]];
else if (colorInfo === 'opaque')
tests = [[0, 0, rec2020OpaqueRed,
"This pixel should be Rec2020 like red."],
[19, 0, rec2020OpaqueGreen,
"This pixel should be Rec2020 like green."],
[0, 19, rec2020OpaqueBlue,
"This pixel should be Rec2020 like blue."],
[19, 19, rec2020OpaqueBlack,
"This pixel should be Rec2020 like black."],
[21, 21, transparentBlack,
"This pixel should be transparent black."]];
else if (colorInfo === 'transparent')
tests = [[0, 0, rec2020TransparentRed,
"This pixel should be Rec2020 transparent red."],
[19, 0, rec2020TransparentGreen,
"This pixel should be Rec2020 transparent green."],
[0, 19, rec2020TransparentBlue,
"This pixel should be Rec2020 transparent blue."],
[19, 19, rec2020TransparentBlack,
"This pixel should be Rec2020 transparent black."],
[21, 21, transparentBlack,
"This pixel should be transparent black."]];
else if (colorInfo === 'transparent-image')
tests = [[0, 0, rec2020TransparentRedImage,
"This pixel should be Rec2020 transparent red."],
[19, 0, rec2020TransparentGreenImage,
"This pixel should be Rec2020 transparent green."],
[0, 19, rec2020TransparentBlueImage,
"This pixel should be Rec2020 transparent blue."],
[19, 19, rec2020TransparentBlackImage,
"This pixel should be Rec2020 transparent black."],
[21, 21, transparentBlack,
"This pixel should be transparent black."]];
testPixels(ctx, tests, sourceType, {colorSpace: 'rec2020', storageFormat:'float32'});
function compareBitmaps(bitmap1, bitmap2)
var canvas1 = document.createElement('canvas');
var canvas2 = document.createElement('canvas');
canvas1.width = 50;
canvas1.height = 50;
canvas2.width = 50;
canvas2.height = 50;
var ctx1 = canvas1.getContext('2d',
{colorSpace: 'rec2020', pixelFormat:'float16'});
var ctx2 = canvas2.getContext('2d',
{colorSpace: 'rec2020', pixelFormat:'float16'});
var imageDataSetting = {colorSpace: 'rec2020', storageFormat:'float32'}
ctx1.clearRect(0, 0, canvas1.width, canvas1.height);
ctx2.clearRect(0, 0, canvas2.width, canvas2.height);
ctx1.drawImage(bitmap1, 0, 0);
ctx2.drawImage(bitmap2, 0, 0);
var data1 = ctx1.getImageData(0, 0, 50, 50, imageDataSetting).data;
var data2 = ctx2.getImageData(0, 0, 50, 50, imageDataSetting).data;
var dataMatched = true;
for (var i = 0; i < data1.length; i++) {
if (data1[i] != data2[i]) {
dataMatched = false;
function testImageBitmap(source, colorInfo, sourceType)
return Promise.all([
createImageBitmap(source, {
resizeWidth: 40, resizeHeight: 40, resizeQuality: "high"}),
createImageBitmap(source, {
resizeWidth: 40, resizeHeight: 40, resizeQuality: "medium"}),
createImageBitmap(source, {
resizeWidth: 40, resizeHeight: 40, resizeQuality: "low"}),
createImageBitmap(source, {
resizeWidth: 40, resizeHeight: 40, resizeQuality: "pixelated"}),
createImageBitmap(source, 5, 5, 10, 10, {
resizeWidth: 20, resizeHeight: 20, resizeQuality: "high"}),
createImageBitmap(source, 5, 5, 10, 10, {
resizeWidth: 20, resizeHeight: 20, resizeQuality: "medium"}),
createImageBitmap(source, 5, 5, 10, 10, {
resizeWidth: 20, resizeHeight: 20, resizeQuality: "low"}),
createImageBitmap(source, 5, 5, 10, 10, {
resizeWidth: 20, resizeHeight: 20, resizeQuality: "pixelated"}),
]).then(([noCropHigh, noCropMedium, noCropLow, noCropPixelated, cropHigh,
cropMedium, cropLow, cropPixelated]) => {
checkNoCrop(noCropHigh, colorInfo, sourceType);
checkNoCrop(noCropMedium, colorInfo, sourceType);
checkNoCrop(noCropLow, colorInfo, sourceType);
checkNoCrop(noCropPixelated, colorInfo, sourceType);
checkCrop(cropHigh, colorInfo, sourceType);
checkCrop(cropMedium, colorInfo, sourceType);
checkCrop(cropLow, colorInfo, sourceType);
checkCrop(cropPixelated, colorInfo, sourceType);
// Brute-force comparison among all bitmaps is too expensive.
// In case of SVG, resize quality does not affect the images, so all
// of them are the same and the tests fail. Since, we ignore this test
// set for SVG.
if (sourceType != 'svg') {
compareBitmaps(noCropHigh, noCropMedium);
compareBitmaps(noCropLow, noCropPixelated);
compareBitmaps(cropHigh, cropMedium);
compareBitmaps(cropLow, cropPixelated);
function testImageBitmapTransparent(source)
return testImageBitmap(source, 'transparent', 'general');
function testImageBitmapFromTransparentImage(source)
return testImageBitmap(source, 'transparent-image', 'general');
function testImageBitmapFromVideo(source)
return testImageBitmap(source, 'fullColor', 'video');
function testImageBitmapOpaque(source)
return testImageBitmap(source, 'opaque', 'general');
function testImageBitmapFromSVG(source)
return testImageBitmap(source, 'opaque', 'svg');
function initializeTestCanvas(canvasColorSpace, canvasPixelFormat)
var testCanvas = document.createElement("canvas");
testCanvas.width = 20;
testCanvas.height = 20;
var testCtx = testCanvas.getContext('2d',
{colorSpace: canvasColorSpace, pixelFormat:canvasPixelFormat});
testCtx.fillStyle = "rgba(155, 27, 27, 1)";
testCtx.fillRect(0, 0, 10, 10);
testCtx.fillStyle = "rgba(27, 155, 27, 1)";
testCtx.fillRect(10, 0, 10, 10);
testCtx.fillStyle = "rgba(27, 27, 155, 1)";
testCtx.fillRect(0, 10, 10, 10);
testCtx.fillStyle = "rgba(27, 27, 27, 1)";
testCtx.fillRect(10, 10, 10, 10);
return testCanvas;
function initializeTestCanvasTransparent(canvasColorSpace, canvasPixelFormat)
var testCanvas = document.createElement("canvas");
testCanvas.width = 20;
testCanvas.height = 20;
var testCtx = testCanvas.getContext('2d',
{colorSpace: canvasColorSpace, pixelFormat:canvasPixelFormat});
testCtx.fillStyle = "rgba(155, 27, 27, 0.5)";
testCtx.fillRect(0, 0, 10, 10);
testCtx.fillStyle = "rgba(27, 155, 27, 0.5)";
testCtx.fillRect(10, 0, 10, 10);
testCtx.fillStyle = "rgba(27, 27, 155, 0.5)";
testCtx.fillRect(0, 10, 10, 10);
testCtx.fillStyle = "rgba(27, 27, 27, 0.5)";
testCtx.fillRect(10, 10, 10, 10);
return testCanvas;
// HTMLImageElement - Opaque sRGB
// File formats: Bitmap, GIF, ICO, JPEG, PNG, WEBP
promise_test(function() {
return Promise.all(['bmp', 'gif', 'ico', 'jpg', 'png', 'webp'].map(
ext => new Promise((resolve,reject) => {
var image = new Image();
image.onload = function() {
image.src = 'resources/pattern-srgb.' + ext;
}, 'createImageBitmap in Rec2020 from an opaque sRGB HTMLImageElement (BMP, \
GIF, ICO, JPG, PNG, WEBP) with resize.');
// HTMLImageElement - Transparent sRGB
// File formats: Bitmap, GIF, ICO, PNG, WEBP
promise_test(function() {
return Promise.all(['bmp', 'ico', 'png', 'webp'].map(
ext => new Promise((resolve,reject) => {
var image = new Image();
image.onload = function() {
image.src = 'resources/pattern-srgb-transparent.' + ext;
}, 'createImageBitmap in Rec2020 from a transparent sRGB HTMLImageElement (BMP, \
ICO, PNG, WEBP) with resize.');
// SVG Image - sRGB
promise_test(function() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
var image = new Image();
image.onload = function() {
image.src = 'resources/pattern-srgb.svg'
}, 'createImageBitmap in Rec2020 from a sRGB SVG image with resize.');
// HTMLVideoElement - sRGB
promise_test(function() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
var video = document.createElement("video");
video.oncanplaythrough = function() {
video.preload = "auto";
video.src = 'resources/pattern-srgb-fullcolor.ogv'
}, 'createImageBitmap in Rec2020 from a sRGB HTMLVideoElement with resize.');
// HTMLCanvasElement - Opaque sRGB
promise_test(function() {
var testCanvas = initializeTestCanvas('srgb', 'uint8');
return testImageBitmapOpaque(testCanvas);
}, 'createImageBitmap in Rec2020 from an opaque sRGB HTMLCanvasElement with resize.');
// HTMLCanvasElement - Opaque e-sRGB
promise_test(function() {
var testCanvas = initializeTestCanvas('srgb', 'float16');
return testImageBitmapOpaque(testCanvas);
}, 'createImageBitmap in Rec2020 from an opaque e-sRGB HTMLCanvasElement with resize.');
// HTMLCanvasElement - Opaque Rec2020
promise_test(function() {
var testCanvas = initializeTestCanvas('rec2020', 'float16');
return testImageBitmapOpaque(testCanvas);
}, 'createImageBitmap in Rec2020 from an opaque Rec2020 HTMLCanvasElement with resize.');
// HTMLCanvasElement - Opaque P3
promise_test(function() {
var testCanvas = initializeTestCanvas('display-p3', 'float16');
return testImageBitmapOpaque(testCanvas);
}, 'createImageBitmap in Rec2020 from an opaque P3 HTMLCanvasElement with resize.');
// HTMLCanvasElement - Transparent sRGB
promise_test(function() {
var testCanvas = initializeTestCanvasTransparent('srgb', 'uint8');
return testImageBitmapTransparent(testCanvas);
}, 'createImageBitmap in Rec2020 from a transparent sRGB HTMLCanvasElement with resize.');
// HTMLCanvasElement - Transparent e-sRGB
promise_test(function() {
var testCanvas = initializeTestCanvasTransparent('srgb', 'float16');
return testImageBitmapTransparent(testCanvas);
}, 'createImageBitmap in Rec2020 from a transparent e-sRGB HTMLCanvasElement with resize.');
// HTMLCanvasElement - Transparent Rec2020
promise_test(function() {
var testCanvas = initializeTestCanvasTransparent('rec2020', 'float16');
return testImageBitmapTransparent(testCanvas);
}, 'createImageBitmap in Rec2020 from a transparent Rec2020 HTMLCanvasElement with resize.');
// HTMLCanvasElement - Transparent P3
promise_test(function() {
var testCanvas = initializeTestCanvasTransparent('display-p3', 'float16');
return testImageBitmapTransparent(testCanvas);
}, 'createImageBitmap in Rec2020 from a transparent P3 HTMLCanvasElement with resize.');
// Blob from file - Opaque sRGB
promise_test(function() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", 'resources/pattern-srgb.png');
xhr.responseType = 'blob';
xhr.onload = function() {
}, 'createImageBitmap in Rec2020 from an opaque sRGB Blob with resize.');
// Blob from file - Transparent sRGB
promise_test(function() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", 'resources/pattern-srgb-transparent.png');
xhr.responseType = 'blob';
xhr.onload = function() {
}, 'createImageBitmap in Rec2020 from a transparent sRGB Blob with resize.');
// Color managed blob from canvas
function testCreateImageBitmapFromColorManagedBlob(colorSpace, pixelFormat,
isTransparent) {
let canvasPixelFormat = 'uint8';
if (pixelFormat == 'uint16')
canvasPixelFormat = 'float16';
var testCanvas;
if (isTransparent)
testCanvas = initializeTestCanvasTransparent('srgb', canvasPixelFormat);
testCanvas = initializeTestCanvas('srgb', canvasPixelFormat);
var encodeOptions = {};
encodeOptions.quality = 1;
encodeOptions.type = 'image/png';
encodeOptions.colorSpace = colorSpace;
encodeOptions.pixelFormat = pixelFormat;
var t = async_test('createImageBitmap in Rec2020 from color managed Blob' +
' with resize. blobColorSpace: ' + colorSpace + ', blobPixelFormat: ' +
pixelFormat + ', transparency: ' + isTransparent);
t.step_func_done(function(blob) {
if (isTransparent)
function runAllCreateImageBitmapFromColorManagedBlobTests() {
var blobColorSpaces = ['srgb', 'rec2020', 'display-p3'];
var blobPixelFormats = ['uint8', 'uint16'];
var transparencies = [false, true];
for (var i = 0; i < blobColorSpaces.length; i++)
for (var j = 0; j < blobPixelFormats.length; j++)
for (var k = 0; k < transparencies.length; k++) {
blobPixelFormats[j], transparencies[k]);
var image_data_setting = {colorSpace: 'rec2020', storageFormat:'float32'}
// ImageData - Opaque sRGB
promise_test(function() {
var canvas = initializeTestCanvas('srgb', 'uint8');
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
var data = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, 20, 20,
{colorSpace: 'srgb', storageFormat:'uint8'});
return testImageBitmapOpaque(data);
}, 'createImageBitmap in Rec2020 from an opaque sRGB ImageData with resize.');
// ImageData - Opaque e-sRGB
promise_test(function() {
var canvas = initializeTestCanvas('srgb', 'float16');
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d',
{colorSpace: 'srgb', pixelFormat:'float16'});
var data = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, 20, 20,
{colorSpace: 'srgb', storageFormat:'float32'});
return testImageBitmapOpaque(data);
}, 'createImageBitmap in Rec2020 from an opaque e-sRGB ImageData with resize.');
// ImageData - Opaque Rec2020
promise_test(function() {
var canvas = initializeTestCanvas('rec2020', 'float16');
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d',
{colorSpace: 'rec2020', pixelFormat:'float16'});
var data = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, 20, 20,
{colorSpace: 'rec2020', storageFormat:'float32'});
return testImageBitmapOpaque(data);
}, 'createImageBitmap in Rec2020 from an opaque Rec2020 ImageData with resize.');
// ImageData - Opaque P3
promise_test(function() {
var canvas = initializeTestCanvas('display-p3', 'float16');
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d',
{colorSpace: 'display-p3', pixelFormat:'float16'});
var data = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, 20, 20,
{colorSpace: 'display-p3', storageFormat:'float32'});
return testImageBitmapOpaque(data);
}, 'createImageBitmap in Rec2020 from an opaque P3 ImageData with resize.');
// ImageData - Transparent sRGB
promise_test(function() {
var canvas = initializeTestCanvasTransparent('srgb', 'uint8');
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
var data = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, 20, 20,
{colorSpace: 'srgb', storageFormat:'uint8'});
return testImageBitmapTransparent(data);
}, 'createImageBitmap in Rec2020 from a transparent sRGB ImageData with resize.');
// ImageData - Transparent e-sRGB
promise_test(function() {
var canvas = initializeTestCanvasTransparent('srgb', 'float16');
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d',
{colorSpace: 'srgb', pixelFormat:'float16'});
var data = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, 20, 20,
{colorSpace: 'srgb', storageFormat:'float32'});
return testImageBitmapTransparent(data);
}, 'createImageBitmap in Rec2020 from a transparent e-sRGB ImageData with resize.');
// ImageData - Transparent Rec2020
promise_test(function() {
var canvas = initializeTestCanvasTransparent('rec2020', 'float16');
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d',
{colorSpace: 'rec2020', pixelFormat:'float16'});
var data = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, 20, 20,
{colorSpace: 'rec2020', storageFormat:'float32'});
return testImageBitmapTransparent(data);
}, 'createImageBitmap in Rec2020 from a transparent Rec2020 ImageData with resize.');
// ImageData - Transparent P3
promise_test(function() {
var canvas = initializeTestCanvasTransparent('display-p3', 'float16');
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d',
{colorSpace: 'display-p3', pixelFormat:'float16'});
var data = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, 20, 20,
{colorSpace: 'display-p3', storageFormat:'float32'});
return testImageBitmapTransparent(data);
}, 'createImageBitmap in Rec2020 from a transparent P3 ImageData with resize.');
// ImageBitmap - Opaque sRGB
promise_test(function() {
var testCanvas = initializeTestCanvas('srgb', 'uint8');
return createImageBitmap(testCanvas).then(testImageBitmapOpaque);
}, 'createImageBitmap in Rec2020 from an opaque sRGB ImageBitmap with resize.');
// ImageBitmap - Opaque Rec2020
promise_test(function() {
var testCanvas = initializeTestCanvas('rec2020', 'float16');
return createImageBitmap(testCanvas).then(testImageBitmapOpaque);
}, 'createImageBitmap in Rec2020 from an opaque Rec2020 ImageBitmap with resize.');
// ImageBitmap - Opaque P3
promise_test(function() {
var testCanvas = initializeTestCanvas('display-p3', 'float16');
return createImageBitmap(testCanvas).then(testImageBitmapOpaque);
}, 'createImageBitmap in Rec2020 from an opaque P3 ImageBitmap with resize.');
// ImageBitmap - Transparent sRGB
promise_test(function() {
var testCanvas = initializeTestCanvasTransparent('srgb', 'uint8');
return createImageBitmap(testCanvas).then(testImageBitmapTransparent);
}, 'createImageBitmap in Rec2020 from a transparent sRGB ImageBitmap with resize.');
// ImageBitmap - Transparent Rec2020
promise_test(function() {
var testCanvas = initializeTestCanvasTransparent('rec2020', 'float16');
return createImageBitmap(testCanvas).then(testImageBitmapTransparent);
}, 'createImageBitmap in Rec2020 from a transparent Rec2020 ImageBitmap with resize.');
// ImageBitmap - Transparent P3
promise_test(function() {
var testCanvas = initializeTestCanvasTransparent('display-p3', 'float16');
return createImageBitmap(testCanvas).then(testImageBitmapTransparent);
}, 'createImageBitmap in Rec2020 from a transparent P3 ImageBitmap with resize.');
function initializeOffscreenCanvas(canvasColorSpace, canvasPixelFormat)
var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
canvas.width = 20;
canvas.height = 20;
var offscreen = canvas.transferControlToOffscreen();
var ctx = offscreen.getContext('2d',
{colorSpace: canvasColorSpace, pixelFormat:canvasPixelFormat});
ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(155, 27, 27, 1)";
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 10, 10);
ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(27, 155, 27, 1)";
ctx.fillRect(10, 0, 10, 10);
ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(27, 27, 155, 1)";
ctx.fillRect(0, 10, 10, 10);
ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(27, 27, 27, 1)";
ctx.fillRect(10, 10, 10, 10);
return offscreen;
//OffscreenCanvas - Opaque sRGB
promise_test(function() {
var offscreen = initializeOffscreenCanvas('srgb', 'uint8');
return testImageBitmapOpaque(offscreen);
}, 'createImageBitmap in Rec2020 from an opaque sRGB OffscreenCanvas with resize.');
//OffscreenCanvas - Opaque e-sRGB
promise_test(function() {
var offscreen = initializeOffscreenCanvas('srgb', 'float16');
return testImageBitmapOpaque(offscreen);
}, 'createImageBitmap in Rec2020 from an opaque e-sRGB OffscreenCanvas with resize.');
//OffscreenCanvas - Opaque Rec2020
promise_test(function() {
var offscreen = initializeOffscreenCanvas('rec2020', 'float16');
return testImageBitmapOpaque(offscreen);
}, 'createImageBitmap in Rec2020 from an opaque Rec2020 OffscreenCanvas with resize.');
//OffscreenCanvas - Opaque P3
promise_test(function() {
var offscreen = initializeOffscreenCanvas('display-p3', 'float16');
return testImageBitmapOpaque(offscreen);
}, 'createImageBitmap in Rec2020 from an opaque P3 OffscreenCanvas with resize.');
function initializeOffscreenCanvasTransparent(canvasColorSpace, canvasPixelFormat)
var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
canvas.width = 20;
canvas.height = 20;
var offscreen = canvas.transferControlToOffscreen();
var ctx = offscreen.getContext('2d',
{colorSpace: canvasColorSpace, pixelFormat:canvasPixelFormat});
ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(155, 27, 27, 0.5)";
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 10, 10);
ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(27, 155, 27, 0.5)";
ctx.fillRect(10, 0, 10, 10);
ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(27, 27, 155, 0.5)";
ctx.fillRect(0, 10, 10, 10);
ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(27, 27, 27, 0.5)";
ctx.fillRect(10, 10, 10, 10);
return offscreen;
//OffscreenCanvas - Transparent sRGB
promise_test(function() {
var offscreen = initializeOffscreenCanvasTransparent('srgb', 'uint8');
return testImageBitmapTransparent(offscreen);
}, 'createImageBitmap in Rec2020 from a transparent sRGB OffscreenCanvas with resize.');
//OffscreenCanvas - Transparent e-sRGB
promise_test(function() {
var offscreen = initializeOffscreenCanvasTransparent('srgb', 'float16');
return testImageBitmapTransparent(offscreen);
}, 'createImageBitmap in Rec2020 from a transparent e-sRGB OffscreenCanvas with resize.');
//OffscreenCanvas - Transparent Rec2020
promise_test(function() {
var offscreen = initializeOffscreenCanvasTransparent('rec2020', 'float16');
return testImageBitmapTransparent(offscreen);
}, 'createImageBitmap in Rec2020 from a transparent Rec2020 OffscreenCanvas with resize.');
//OffscreenCanvas - Transparent P3
promise_test(function() {
var offscreen = initializeOffscreenCanvasTransparent('display-p3', 'float16');
return testImageBitmapTransparent(offscreen);
}, 'createImageBitmap in Rec2020 from a transparent P3 OffscreenCanvas with resize.');