blob: fa49bc179789071b791cc69afdd3fa2e8424a6a0 [file] [log] [blame]
Test for Quirksmode (CSS1): Removing inline border styles is impossible.
Starting with a declaration containing all properties that are constituents of shortcuts, see what is removed when a shortcut property is removed. The shortcut’s constituents and only them should be removed.
Removing background
removes "background"
and adds "".
Removing background-position
removes "background"
and adds "background-image, background-size, background-repeat, background-attachment, background-origin, background-clip, background-color".
Removing border
removes "border"
and adds "".
Removing border-top
removes "border"
and adds "border-right, border-bottom, border-left, border-image".
Removing border-right
removes "border"
and adds "border-top, border-bottom, border-left, border-image".
Removing border-bottom
removes "border"
and adds "border-top, border-right, border-left, border-image".
Removing border-left
removes "border"
and adds "border-top, border-right, border-bottom, border-image".
Removing border-color
removes "border"
and adds "border-width, border-style, border-image".
Removing border-style
removes "border"
and adds "border-width, border-color, border-image".
Removing border-width
removes "border"
and adds "border-style, border-color, border-image".
Removing border-radius
removes "border-radius"
and adds "".
Removing -webkit-border-radius
removes "border-radius"
and adds "".
Removing border-spacing
removes "border-spacing"
and adds "".
Removing -webkit-columns
removes "columns"
and adds "".
Removing -webkit-column-rule
removes "column-rule"
and adds "".
Removing list-style
removes "list-style"
and adds "".
Removing margin
removes "margin"
and adds "".
Removing -webkit-mask
removes "-webkit-mask"
and adds "".
Removing -webkit-mask-position
removes "-webkit-mask"
and adds "-webkit-mask-image, -webkit-mask-size, -webkit-mask-repeat, -webkit-mask-origin, -webkit-mask-clip".
Removing overflow
removes "overflow"
and adds "".
Removing padding
removes "padding"
and adds "".
Removing -webkit-text-stroke
removes "-webkit-text-stroke"
and adds "".