blob: c589e8d7284d09666da5217cd68b20a602608d7b [file] [log] [blame]
<html xmlns="">
if (window.testRunner)
log = function(msg)
document.getElementById('console').appendChild(document.createTextNode(msg + "\n"));
onload = function()
if (document.doctype)
log("PASS: a doctype in a XML document is not ignored.");
log("FAIL: a doctype in a XML document is ignored.");
if (document.firstChild == document.doctype)
log("PASS: a doctype in an XML document is correctly set to the first child of the Document.");
log("FAIL: a doctype in an XML document is not correctly set to the first child of the Document.");
if (document.doctype.publicId == '')
log("PASS: doctype.publicId correctly defaults to empty string when not set.");
log("FAIL: doctype.publicId does not default to empty string when not set, instead is : " + document.doctype.publicId);
if (document.doctype.systemId == '')
log("PASS: doctype.systemId correctly defaults to empty string when not set.");
log("FAIL: doctype.systemId does not default to empty string when not set, instead is : " + document.doctype.systemId);
This tests the behavior of a Doctype in an XML document.
<pre id="console"></pre>