blob: 1b7069bf2d2b45dee1752df40332bc85d0dd5615 [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="../../resources/js-test.js"></script>
<div id="root">
<span id="div1"></span>
<!-- This is a minified version of the clusterfuzz test case at -->
description("Generated by cluster-fuzz. This test passes if it doesn't crash.");
// Here's explanation of what happens (before fix is in).
// - execCommand("SelectAll") does 2 things
// 1. triggers "selectstart" event handler.
// 2. until the event handler finishes, the following events are queued.
// - DOMNodeInserted for #text "A"
// - DOMNodeInserted for #text "C"
// - DOMNodeInserted for <option> (outer one)
// - Once "selectstart" handler finishes, the following occurs.
// - at entry, event.srcElement is <body>
// - DOMNodeInserted for #text "A" is dispatched.
// - "A"'s innerHTML ("<a><option>C</option></a>") is replaced with "ABC".
// - <a> element is destructed.
// - <option> (inner one) is destructed. <option>'s shadow root is detached at this point.
// - DOMNodeInserted for #text "C" is dispatched.
// - event.path calculation touches the #text's parent and get nullptr dereference.
document.addEventListener("selectstart", function() {
var oElement = event.srcElement;
oElement.innerHTML = "<option>A<a><option>C</option></a></option>";
document.addEventListener("DOMNodeInserted", function() {
var oElement = event.srcElement;
oElement.innerHTML = "ABC";