blob: 123607b12c1dace97d652115280795518dbbafb1 [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="../../../../resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="../../../../resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="../../../../resources/compositor-controls.js"></script>
<script src="../../../../resources/gesture-util.js"></script>
<body style="margin:0">
<div id="container" style="width: 500px; height: 200px; overflow-y: scroll; overflow-x: scroll">
<input id="box" size="10" style="height:100px; font-size:xx-large" type="text" value="asasd;flkajsd;flkasjdf;alksdjf;alskdfja;lksdja;sdlfjkas;ldkf"></input>
<div style="background: green; height: 1000px; width: 1000px"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var gestureX = 100;
var gestureY = 50;
var box = document.getElementById("box");
var container = document.getElementById("container");
var fullyScrolled;
function calculateFullScroll() {
fullyScrolled = box.scrollWidth - box.clientWidth;
// FIXME: Mac has a quirk where the text box text can actually be scrolled a little bit
// past the end. That is, scrollLeft = (scrollWidth - clientWidth) + 2 on Mac. Once
// this is fixed we can remove this adjustment.
box.scrollLeft = 100000;
fullyScrolled += box.scrollLeft - fullyScrolled;
function resetScroll() {
container.scrollLeft = 0;
box.scrollLeft = 0;
container.scrollTop = 0;
box.scrollTop = 0;
promise_test (async () => {
assert_equals(box.scrollLeft, 0);
assert_equals(container.scrollLeft, 0);
await swipe(40, gestureX, gestureY, "left", SPEED_INSTANT);
await waitFor(() => { return box.scrollLeft > 40} );
assert_equals(container.scrollLeft, 0);
assert_equals(box.scrollTop, 0);
// Flinging input text past the scrollable width shouldn't scroll containing
// div.
await swipe(fullyScrolled + 500, gestureX, gestureY, "left", SPEED_INSTANT);
await waitFor(() => { return box.scrollLeft == fullyScrolled; });
// Wait for 100 RAFs to make sure the scroll does not propagate to the
// container.
await conditionHolds(() => { return container.scrollLeft == 0; });
// Flinging fully scrolled input text should fling containing div.
await swipe(60, gestureX, gestureY, "left", SPEED_INSTANT);
await waitForAnimationEnd(() => { return container.scrollLeft; }, 700, 20);
assert_greater_than(container.scrollLeft, 60);
assert_equals(box.scrollLeft, fullyScrolled);
}, "gesture fling on input field");
promise_test (async () => {
assert_equals(box.scrollLeft, 0);
assert_equals(container.scrollLeft, 0);
// Gesture scrolling input text should scroll text the specified amount.
await smoothScroll(60, gestureX, gestureY, GestureSourceType.TOUCH_INPUT,
await waitFor(() => {
return approx_equals(60, box.scrollLeft, 2);
assert_equals(container.scrollLeft, 0);
// Gesture scrolling input text past scroll width shouldn't scroll container
// div.
await smoothScroll(fullyScrolled + 50, gestureX, gestureY,
GestureSourceType.TOUCH_INPUT, "right");
await waitFor(() => { return box.scrollLeft == fullyScrolled; });
assert_equals(container.scrollLeft, 0);
}, "gesture scroll on input field");
promise_test (async () => {
assert_equals(box.scrollTop, 0);
assert_equals(container.scrollTop, 0);
// Vertically gesture scrolling input text should scroll containing div the
// specified amount.
await smoothScroll(60, gestureX, gestureY, GestureSourceType.TOUCH_INPUT,
await waitFor(() => {
return approx_equals(60, container.scrollTop, 2);
assert_equals(box.scrollTop, 0);
assert_equals(box.scrollTop, 0);
assert_equals(container.scrollTop, 0);
// Vertically flinging input text should scroll the containing div the
// specified amount.
await swipe(60, gestureX, gestureY, "up", SPEED_INSTANT);
await waitForAnimationEnd(() => { return container.scrollTop; }, 700, 20);
assert_greater_than(container.scrollTop, 60);
assert_equals(box.scrollTop, 0);
}, "vertical scroll on input feild");
promise_test (async () => {
box.value = "short";
assert_equals(box.scrollLeft, 0);
assert_equals(container.scrollLeft, 0);
assert_greater_than_equal(box.clientWidth, box.scrollWidth);
await smoothScroll(60, gestureX, gestureY, GestureSourceType.TOUCH_INPUT,
await waitFor(() => {
return approx_equals(60, container.scrollLeft, 2);
assert_equals(box.scrollLeft, 0);
}, "non-overflow scroll behavior");