blob: a060b25998956b1f30dc21097a3a8a155f6aa8e0 [file] [log] [blame]
This test verifies the touch event handlers tracked for the compositor for elements with various touch-action settings.
PASS successfullyParsed is true
Should start with no handlers
PASS getTouchHandlerCount(document) is 0
touch-action: auto should not add any handlers
PASS getTouchHandlerCount(document) is 0
transition from auto should add a handler
PASS getTouchHandlerCount(document) is 1
transition between non-auto values should maintain handler
PASS getTouchHandlerCount(document) is 1
multiple touch-action applications shouldn't affect handler count
PASS getTouchHandlerCount(document) is 1
modifying any unrelated CSS property shouldn't affect handler count
PASS getTouchHandlerCount(document) is 1
setting display:none should remove handler
PASS getTouchHandlerCount(document) is 0
and removing it should bring back handler
PASS getTouchHandlerCount(document) is 1
adding another listener should bump up handler count
PASS getTouchHandlerCount(document) is 2
removing node should remove touch-action handler but not others
PASS getTouchHandlerCount(document) is 1
re-attaching node should add handler
PASS getTouchHandlerCount(document) is 2
transitioning to auto should decrease handler count
PASS getTouchHandlerCount(document) is 1
touch-action on div inside frame should add a handler
PASS getTouchHandlerCount(nestedDocument) is 2
PASS getTouchHandlerCount(document) is 2