blob: 546968a313b58e8314bdd1f37222143f5dcd82b6 [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="../../../resources/js-test.js"></script>
<input id="single_file" name="upfile" type="file" />
<input id="multiple_files" name="upfile[]" multiple="multiple" type="file" />
<input id="single_or_multiple_file" name="upfile[]" type="file" />
<p>This tests the label of a file chooser button.</p>
<div id="console"></div>
function uploadButton(input) {
return internals.shadowRoot(input).getElementById('file-upload-button');
if (window.testRunner) {
var file = document.getElementById('single_file');
var button = uploadButton(file);
var label = button.getAttribute('value');
var result = 'The label of a single file chooser button is "' + label + '".';
label == 'Choose File' ? testPassed(result) : testFailed(result);
file = document.getElementById('multiple_files');
button = uploadButton(file);
label = button.getAttribute('value');
result = 'The label of a multiple file chooser button is "' + label + '".';
label == 'Choose Files' ? testPassed(result) : testFailed(result);
file = document.getElementById('single_or_multiple_file');
button = uploadButton(file);
label = button.getAttribute('value');
result = 'Initially, the label of a file chooser button is "' + label + '".';
label == 'Choose File' ? testPassed(result) : testFailed(result);
file.setAttribute("multiple", "multiple");
button = uploadButton(file);
label = button.getAttribute('value');
result = 'Set "multiple" attribute, then the label of the file chooser button becomes "' + label + '".';
label == 'Choose Files' ? testPassed(result) : testFailed(result);
button = uploadButton(file);
label = button.getAttribute('value');
result = 'Unset "multiple" attribute, then the label of the file chooser button becomes "' + label + '".';
label == 'Choose File' ? testPassed(result) : testFailed(result);