blob: fd69d8b8fbdb9ea3b60444ca19b3ef2c143311a9 [file] [log] [blame]
CONSOLE WARNING: The rtcpMuxPolicy option is being considered for removal and may be removed no earlier than M62, around October 2017. If you depend on it, please see for more details.
CONSOLE WARNING: Unknown constraint named invalid rejected
CONSOLE WARNING: Unknown constraint named valid_but_unsupported_1 rejected
CONSOLE WARNING: Unknown constraint named valid_but_unsupported_1 rejected
Tests the RTCPeerConnection constructor.
On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
PASS webkitRTCPeerConnection is RTCPeerConnection
PASS new RTCPeerConnection(null); did not throw exception.
PASS new RTCPeerConnection(undefined); did not throw exception.
PASS new RTCPeerConnection({}); did not throw exception.
PASS new RTCPeerConnection(); did not throw exception.
PASS new RTCPeerConnection(''); threw exception TypeError: Failed to construct 'RTCPeerConnection': cannot convert to dictionary..
PASS new RTCPeerConnection({iceServers:[]}); did not throw exception.
PASS new RTCPeerConnection({iceServers:[{url:''}]}); did not throw exception.
PASS new RTCPeerConnection({iceServers:[{url:'', username:'x', credential:'x'}]}); did not throw exception.
PASS new RTCPeerConnection({iceServers:[{url:'', username:'x', credential:'x'},{url:''}]}); did not throw exception.
PASS new RTCPeerConnection({iceServers:[{urls:''}]}); did not throw exception.
PASS new RTCPeerConnection({iceServers:[{urls:['', ''], username:'x', credential:'x'}]}); did not throw exception.
PASS new RTCPeerConnection({iceServers:[{urls:['', '']}]}); threw exception InvalidAccessError: Failed to construct 'RTCPeerConnection': Both username and credential are required when the URL scheme is "turn" or "turns"..
PASS new RTCPeerConnection({fooServers:[]}); did not throw exception.
PASS new RTCPeerConnection({iceServers:true}); threw exception TypeError: Failed to construct 'RTCPeerConnection': The provided value cannot be converted to a sequence..
PASS new RTCPeerConnection({iceServers:[1, 2, 3]}); threw exception TypeError: Failed to construct 'RTCPeerConnection': cannot convert to dictionary..
PASS new RTCPeerConnection({iceServers:[{}]}); threw exception TypeError: Failed to construct 'RTCPeerConnection': Malformed RTCIceServer.
PASS new RTCPeerConnection({iceServers:[{url:'foo'}]}); threw exception SyntaxError: Failed to construct 'RTCPeerConnection': 'foo' is not a valid URL..
PASS new RTCPeerConnection({iceServers:[{urls:'unsupported:scheme'}]}); threw exception SyntaxError: Failed to construct 'RTCPeerConnection': 'unsupported' is not one of the supported URL schemes 'stun', 'turn' or 'turns'..
PASS new RTCPeerConnection({iceServers:[{urls:[1, '']}]}); threw exception SyntaxError: Failed to construct 'RTCPeerConnection': '1' is not a valid URL..
PASS new RTCPeerConnection({iceServers:[], iceTransportPolicy:'relay'}); did not throw exception.
PASS new RTCPeerConnection({iceServers:[], iceTransportPolicy:'all'}); did not throw exception.
PASS new RTCPeerConnection({iceServers:[], iceTransportPolicy:'none'}); threw exception TypeError: Failed to construct 'RTCPeerConnection': The provided value 'none' is not a valid enum value of type RTCIceTransportPolicy..
PASS new RTCPeerConnection({iceServers:[], iceTransportPolicy:'foo'}); threw exception TypeError: Failed to construct 'RTCPeerConnection': The provided value 'foo' is not a valid enum value of type RTCIceTransportPolicy..
PASS new RTCPeerConnection({iceServers:[], iceTransports:'relay'}); did not throw exception.
PASS new RTCPeerConnection({iceServers:[], iceTransports:'all'}); did not throw exception.
PASS new RTCPeerConnection({iceServers:[], iceTransports:'none'}); threw exception TypeError: Failed to construct 'RTCPeerConnection': The provided value 'none' is not a valid enum value of type RTCIceTransportPolicy..
PASS new RTCPeerConnection({iceServers:[], iceTransports:'foo'}); threw exception TypeError: Failed to construct 'RTCPeerConnection': The provided value 'foo' is not a valid enum value of type RTCIceTransportPolicy..
PASS new RTCPeerConnection({iceServers:[], bundlePolicy:'balanced'}); did not throw exception.
PASS new RTCPeerConnection({iceServers:[], bundlePolicy:'max-bundle'}); did not throw exception.
PASS new RTCPeerConnection({iceServers:[], bundlePolicy:'max-compat'}); did not throw exception.
PASS new RTCPeerConnection({iceServers:[], bundlePolicy:'foo'}); threw exception TypeError: Failed to construct 'RTCPeerConnection': The provided value 'foo' is not a valid enum value of type RTCBundlePolicy..
PASS new RTCPeerConnection({iceServers:[], rtcpMuxPolicy:'negotiate'}); did not throw exception.
PASS new RTCPeerConnection({iceServers:[], rtcpMuxPolicy:'require'}); did not throw exception.
PASS new RTCPeerConnection({iceServers:[], rtcpMuxPolicy:'foo'}); threw exception TypeError: Failed to construct 'RTCPeerConnection': The provided value 'foo' is not a valid enum value of type RTCRtcpMuxPolicy..
PASS new RTCPeerConnection({iceCandidatePoolSize:0}); did not throw exception.
PASS new RTCPeerConnection({iceCandidatePoolSize:1}); did not throw exception.
PASS new RTCPeerConnection({iceCandidatePoolSize:255}); did not throw exception.
PASS new RTCPeerConnection({iceCandidatePoolSize:-1}); threw exception TypeError: Failed to construct 'RTCPeerConnection': Value is outside the 'octet' value range..
PASS new RTCPeerConnection({iceCandidatePoolSize:99999999}); threw exception TypeError: Failed to construct 'RTCPeerConnection': Value is outside the 'octet' value range..
PASS new RTCPeerConnection({iceCandidatePoolSize:256}); threw exception TypeError: Failed to construct 'RTCPeerConnection': Value is outside the 'octet' value range..
PASS new RTCPeerConnection({iceCandidatePoolSize:'foo'}); threw exception TypeError: Failed to construct 'RTCPeerConnection': Value is not of type 'octet'..
PASS new RTCPeerConnection(null, {mandatory:{valid_and_supported_1:1}}); did not throw exception.
PASS new RTCPeerConnection(null, {mandatory:{valid_and_supported_1:1, valid_and_supported_2:1}}); did not throw exception.
PASS new RTCPeerConnection(null, {optional:[{valid_and_supported_1:0}]}); did not throw exception.
PASS new RTCPeerConnection(null, {optional:[{valid_and_supported_1:0},{valid_and_supported_2:0}]}); did not throw exception.
PASS new RTCPeerConnection(null, {optional:[{valid_but_unsupported_1:0},{valid_but_unsupported_2:0}]}); did not throw exception.
PASS new RTCPeerConnection(null, {mandatory:{valid_and_supported_1:66}}); threw exception NotSupportedError: Failed to construct 'RTCPeerConnection': Unsatisfiable constraint valid_and_supported_1.
PASS new RTCPeerConnection(null, {mandatory:{invalid:1}}); threw exception NotSupportedError: Failed to construct 'RTCPeerConnection': Unsatisfiable constraint invalid.
PASS new RTCPeerConnection(null, {mandatory:{valid_but_unsupported_1:1}}); threw exception NotSupportedError: Failed to construct 'RTCPeerConnection': Unsatisfiable constraint valid_but_unsupported_1.
PASS new RTCPeerConnection(null, {mandatory:{valid_but_unsupported_1:1, valid_and_supported_1:1}}); threw exception NotSupportedError: Failed to construct 'RTCPeerConnection': Unsatisfiable constraint valid_but_unsupported_1.
PASS new RTCPeerConnection(null, {optional:{valid_and_supported_1:0}}); threw exception TypeError: Failed to construct 'RTCPeerConnection': Malformed constraints object..
PASS new RTCPeerConnection(null, {optional:[{valid_and_supported_1:0,valid_and_supported_2:0}]}); threw exception TypeError: Failed to construct 'RTCPeerConnection': Malformed constraints object..
PASS new RTCPeerConnection(null, {optional:[{invalid:0}]}); did not throw exception.
PASS new RTCPeerConnection(null, {valid_and_supported_1:1}); threw exception TypeError: Failed to construct 'RTCPeerConnection': Malformed constraints object..
PASS new RTCPeerConnection(null, {valid_but_unsupported_1:1}); threw exception TypeError: Failed to construct 'RTCPeerConnection': Malformed constraints object..
PASS new RTCPeerConnection(null, {valid_and_supported_2:1, mandatory:{valid_and_supported_1:1}}); threw exception TypeError: Failed to construct 'RTCPeerConnection': Malformed constraints object..
PASS new RTCPeerConnection({iceServers:[], certificates:null}); threw exception TypeError: Failed to construct 'RTCPeerConnection': The provided value cannot be converted to a sequence..
PASS new RTCPeerConnection({iceServers:[], certificates:undefined}); did not throw exception.
PASS new RTCPeerConnection({iceServers:[], certificates:[]}); did not throw exception.
PASS new RTCPeerConnection({iceServers:[], certificates:[null]}); threw exception TypeError: Failed to construct 'RTCPeerConnection': Failed to convert value to 'RTCCertificate'..
PASS new RTCPeerConnection({iceServers:[], certificates:[1337]}); threw exception TypeError: Failed to construct 'RTCPeerConnection': Failed to convert value to 'RTCCertificate'..
PASS new RTCPeerConnection({iceServers:[], certificates:[certRSA]}, null); did not throw exception.
PASS new RTCPeerConnection({iceServers:[], certificates:[certECDSA]}, null); did not throw exception.
PASS certExpired.expires <= new Date().getTime() is true
PASS new RTCPeerConnection({iceServers:[], certificates:[certExpired]}, null); threw exception InvalidAccessError: Failed to construct 'RTCPeerConnection': Expired certificate(s)..
PASS successfullyParsed is true