blob: 58c2ed2972acdc89513dd8374093f09417531936 [file] [log] [blame]
<html manifest="">
Generate this token with the command:
tools/origin_trials/ AppCache --expire-days=2000
<meta http-equiv="origin-trial" content="AiLmRCfXHl3UQjXZF7fOTiws2+PpdurK7eRm17F/izPG1u0tU9xhE5t013CO5feTWLPUumiMsNg8oGwEsv0tzQkAAABReyJvcmlnaW4iOiAiaHR0cHM6Ly8xMjcuMC4wLjE6ODQ0MyIsICJmZWF0dXJlIjogIkFwcENhY2hlIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6IDE3NjQwOTQyNDF9">
var hadError = false;
var result;
function finish()
if (!hadError)
result = "PASS";
parent.postMessage(result, '*');
function fail()
result = "FAIL: Different https origin resource is getting downloaded to cache.";
hadError = true;
function error()
result = "ERROR";
hadError = true;
function progressHandler(e)
// The only resource listed in the manifest file is in a different https origin and should be skipped.
if (e.loaded != 0 || != 0)
applicationCache.onprogress = progressHandler;
applicationCache.onnoupdate = function() { finish(); }
applicationCache.oncached = function() { finish(); }
applicationCache.onerror = function() { error(); }