blob: 5f01f4b090cd27fde5f628bb91a1bd7196cf53e5 [file] [log] [blame]
This test documents all interface attributes and methods on the global window object and element instances.
On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
interface Bluetooth : EventTarget
attribute @@toStringTag
method constructor
method getAvailability
method requestDevice
interface BluetoothCharacteristicProperties
attribute @@toStringTag
getter authenticatedSignedWrites
getter broadcast
getter indicate
getter notify
getter read
getter reliableWrite
getter writableAuxiliaries
getter write
getter writeWithoutResponse
method constructor
interface BluetoothDevice : EventTarget
attribute @@toStringTag
getter gatt
getter id
getter name
getter ongattserverdisconnected
method constructor
setter ongattserverdisconnected
interface BluetoothRemoteGATTCharacteristic : EventTarget
attribute @@toStringTag
getter oncharacteristicvaluechanged
getter properties
getter service
getter uuid
getter value
method constructor
method getDescriptor
method getDescriptors
method readValue
method startNotifications
method stopNotifications
method writeValue
method writeValueWithResponse
method writeValueWithoutResponse
setter oncharacteristicvaluechanged
interface BluetoothRemoteGATTDescriptor
attribute @@toStringTag
getter characteristic
getter uuid
getter value
method constructor
method readValue
method writeValue
interface BluetoothRemoteGATTServer
attribute @@toStringTag
getter connected
getter device
method connect
method constructor
method disconnect
method getPrimaryService
method getPrimaryServices
interface BluetoothRemoteGATTService
attribute @@toStringTag
getter device
getter isPrimary
getter uuid
method constructor
method getCharacteristic
method getCharacteristics
interface BluetoothUUID
static method canonicalUUID
static method getCharacteristic
static method getDescriptor
static method getService
attribute @@toStringTag
method constructor
interface Navigator
getter bluetooth
interface Notification : EventTarget
getter image
PASS successfullyParsed is true