blob: cad61c335324b87e7d69a66b52043968524cf714 [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
<img src="../images/raptor.jpg" width=220 height=100>
<TD BGCOLOR="#ff0000">X</TD>
<TD BGCOLOR="#00ff00">X</TD>
<TD BGCOLOR="#DDDD00" COLSPAN=2 valign=top>
... if this bug is still active and the window is >250px wide, you can't see that the
word above is 33 characters long. (I could have used a table instead
but this is simpler).
Try shrinking this table to ~250px wide. The left hand (gold) column will
suddenly expand in width.<br><br>
mozilla qa smoke tests smoke qa mozilla
mozilla qa smoke tests smoke qa mozilla
mozilla qa smoke tests smoke qa mozilla
mozilla qa smoke tests smoke qa mozilla
mozilla qa smoke tests smoke qa mozilla
mozilla qa smoke tests smoke qa mozilla
mozilla qa smoke tests smoke qa mozilla
mozilla qa smoke tests smoke qa mozilla