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<!doctype HTML>
<meta charset="utf8">
<title>Content Visibility: accessibility</title>
<link rel="author" title="Rakina Zata Amni" href="">
<link rel="help" href="">
<meta name="assert" content="content-visibility auto subtree is exposed to accessibility">
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
.auto {
content-visibility: auto;
<div id=spacer style="height: 3000px"></div>
<div id="container">
<div id="target" class=auto aria-labelledby="target_label">
<div id="child">
<div id="displayNone" style="display:none;">
display:none text
<div id="hidden" style="visibility:hidden;">
hidden text
<div id="target_label">Label</div>
function axElementById(id) {
return accessibilityController.accessibleElementById(id);
async_test((t) => {
const target = document.getElementById("target");
let axTarget = axElementById("target");
t.step(() => { assert_false(axTarget.isIgnored); });
// Expect 9 children: 5 text nodes ("target" text and whitespace between the divs) and 4 div children.
// This is because #target is locked, and thus is saved as an AXNodeObject instead of an AXLayoutObject,
// so we have the separate <newline> text children because AXNodeObject does not do whitespace
// collapsing (though this might change in the future).
// TODO(rakina): Make display:none, visiblity:hidden be ignored/not included in tree even when
// display target, and make sure whitespace collapsing happen.
t.step(() => { assert_equals(axTarget.childrenCount, 9, "Children count when locked"); });
// These children are special because their "isVisible" should be false.
const displayNoneIndex = 3;
t.step(() => { assert_equals(axTarget.childAtIndex(displayNoneIndex), axElementById("displayNone"));});
const visibilityHiddenIndex = 5;
t.step(() => { assert_equals(axTarget.childAtIndex(visibilityHiddenIndex), axElementById("hidden"));});
// Check all children are not ignored, and visibility:hidden & display:none child are marked as not visible.
for (let i = 0; i < axTarget.childrenCount; ++i) {
const axChild = axTarget.childAtIndex(i);
t.step(() => { assert_false(axChild.isIgnored, "After acquire, isIgnored is false on child #" + i); });
t.step(() => { assert_true(axChild.isVisible, "After acquire, isVisible is false on child #" + i); });
// Check that nodes in content-visibility:auto are available for aria-labelledby.
t.step(() => { assert_equals(, "Label"); });
// Remove content-visibility and force a layout recalc, causing #target to get unlocked.
requestAnimationFrame(() => requestAnimationFrame(() => {
axTarget = axElementById("target");
// Now that #target is not locked, it is saved as a normal AXLayout object and has 4 children:
// the text node "target" and 4 div children (#child, #displayNone, #hidden, and #target_label).
t.step(() => { assert_equals(axTarget.childrenCount, 5, "Children count when not locked"); });
for (let i = 0; i < axTarget.childrenCount; ++i) {
const axChild = axTarget.childAtIndex(i);
if (axChild == axElementById("hidden") || axChild == axElementById("displayNone")) {
t.step(() => { assert_true(axChild.isIgnored, "After commit, isIgnored is true on child #" + i); });
t.step(() => { assert_false(axChild.isVisible, "After commit, isVisible is false on child #" + i); });
} else {
t.step(() => { assert_false(axChild.isIgnored, "After update, isIgnored is false on child #" + i); });
t.step(() => { assert_true(axChild.isVisible, "After commit, isVisible is true on child #" + i); });
// Check that nodes in content-visibility:auto are available for aria-labelledby.
t.step(() => assert_equals(, "Label"));
}, "Nodes in a content-visibility auto tree are exposed to accessibility tree");