blob: 0265de577871da69cdee32e914c0334c30fd1b13 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Background: V8's "Fast API" requires embedders to provide two versions
// of API function implementation: a Fast API-compatible implementation
// that does not perform any allocations on the V8 heap and a fallback
// implementation that gets executed when the API function needs to perform an
// allocation, or when the fast path cannot be used for any other reason.
// Motivation: the blink bindings abstract-away the need for dual
// implementations by providing a base class NoAllocHost, which, along with the
// bindings, abstracts away the implementation details that differ between the
// NoAlloc path and the regular slow path.
// Usage:
// * Add the [NoAllocDirectCall] extended IDL attribute to the methods to be
// accelerated. See V8's "Fast API" for more details on limitations on what
// can be accelerated.
// * Make sure the interface implementation class that the methods belong to
// inherits NoAllocHost.
// * In the method implementation, call PostDeferrableAction() on all code paths
// that need to escape the constraints that forbid the allocation of objects
// on the V8 heap. See inlined documentation below for instruction on how to
// use these methods.
#include "base/check.h"
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/platform_export.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/functional.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/vector.h"
#include "v8/include/v8-fast-api-calls.h"
namespace blink {
// Manadatory base class for API interface classes with methods that use the
// NoAllocDirectCall extended IDL attribute.
class PLATFORM_EXPORT NoAllocDirectCallHost {
using DeferrableAction = base::OnceCallback<void()>;
// Methods called from the implementations of APIs that use NoAllocDirectCall.
// Posts an action that may be executed later by FlushDeferredActions(). If
// not currently inside a NoAllocScope, the action will be executed
// immediately.
// The purpose of deferrable actions is to provide an escape hatch in
// situations where an API call that can normally run without performing any
// allocations, needs to allocate on the V8 managed heap due to a rare
// circumstance, e.g. a JavaScript programming error.
// It is allowed to call PostDeferrableAction action from code that was
// invoked outside of the scope of a [NoAllocDirectCall] entry point. This is
// convenient for code paths that are shared between fast and non-fast APIs.
void PostDeferrableAction(DeferrableAction&& action);
bool IsInFastMode() const { return callback_options_; }
// Methods called by bindings code
bool HasDeferredActions();
void FlushDeferredActions();
// Methods used by NoAllocScope
void EnterNoAllocDirectCallScope(v8::FastApiCallbackOptions*);
void ExitNoAllocDirectCallScope();
WTF::Vector<DeferrableAction> deferred_actions_;
v8::FastApiCallbackOptions* callback_options_ = nullptr;
class NoAllocDirectCallScope {
NoAllocDirectCallScope(NoAllocDirectCallHost*, v8::FastApiCallbackOptions*);
NoAllocDirectCallHost* host_;
// We use inline definitions for the methods used in bindings boilerplate that
// are systematically invoked on all NoAlloDirectCall entry points.
inline void NoAllocDirectCallHost::EnterNoAllocDirectCallScope(
v8::FastApiCallbackOptions* callback_options) {
callback_options_ = callback_options;
inline void NoAllocDirectCallHost::ExitNoAllocDirectCallScope() {
callback_options_ = nullptr;
inline bool NoAllocDirectCallHost::HasDeferredActions() {
return !deferred_actions_.IsEmpty();
inline NoAllocDirectCallScope::NoAllocDirectCallScope(
NoAllocDirectCallHost* host,
v8::FastApiCallbackOptions* callback_options) {
host_ = host;
inline NoAllocDirectCallScope::~NoAllocDirectCallScope() {
} // namespace blink