blob: 97f3920d1080febf99eb3c02d944f8fd74aabdac [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) Research In Motion Limited 2009-2010. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/image-decoders/image_decoder.h"
#include <memory>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/numerics/safe_conversions.h"
#include "base/sys_byteorder.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "media/media_buildflags.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/buildflags.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/features.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/platform/platform.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/image-decoders/bmp/bmp_image_decoder.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/image-decoders/fast_shared_buffer_reader.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/image-decoders/gif/gif_image_decoder.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/image-decoders/ico/ico_image_decoder.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/image-decoders/jpeg/jpeg_image_decoder.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/image-decoders/png/png_image_decoder.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/image-decoders/webp/webp_image_decoder.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/instrumentation/tracing/trace_event.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/network/mime/mime_type_registry.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/size.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/image-decoders/avif/avif_image_decoder.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/image-decoders/jxl/jxl_image_decoder.h"
namespace blink {
namespace {
cc::ImageType FileExtensionToImageType(String image_extension) {
if (image_extension == "png")
return cc::ImageType::kPNG;
if (image_extension == "jpg")
return cc::ImageType::kJPEG;
if (image_extension == "webp")
return cc::ImageType::kWEBP;
if (image_extension == "gif")
return cc::ImageType::kGIF;
if (image_extension == "ico")
return cc::ImageType::kICO;
if (image_extension == "bmp")
return cc::ImageType::kBMP;
if (image_extension == "avif")
return cc::ImageType::kAVIF;
if (image_extension == "jxl")
return cc::ImageType::kJXL;
return cc::ImageType::kInvalid;
size_t CalculateMaxDecodedBytes(
ImageDecoder::HighBitDepthDecodingOption high_bit_depth_decoding_option,
const SkISize& desired_size) {
const size_t max_decoded_bytes =
Platform::Current() ? Platform::Current()->MaxDecodedImageBytes()
: ImageDecoder::kNoDecodedImageByteLimit;
if (desired_size.isEmpty())
return max_decoded_bytes;
const size_t num_pixels = desired_size.width() * desired_size.height();
if (high_bit_depth_decoding_option == ImageDecoder::kDefaultBitDepth)
return std::min(4 * num_pixels, max_decoded_bytes);
// ImageDecoder::kHighBitDepthToHalfFloat
return std::min(8 * num_pixels, max_decoded_bytes);
inline bool MatchesJPEGSignature(const char* contents) {
return !memcmp(contents, "\xFF\xD8\xFF", 3);
inline bool MatchesPNGSignature(const char* contents) {
return !memcmp(contents, "\x89PNG\r\n\x1A\n", 8);
inline bool MatchesGIFSignature(const char* contents) {
return !memcmp(contents, "GIF87a", 6) || !memcmp(contents, "GIF89a", 6);
inline bool MatchesWebPSignature(const char* contents) {
return !memcmp(contents, "RIFF", 4) && !memcmp(contents + 8, "WEBPVP", 6);
inline bool MatchesICOSignature(const char* contents) {
return !memcmp(contents, "\x00\x00\x01\x00", 4);
inline bool MatchesCURSignature(const char* contents) {
return !memcmp(contents, "\x00\x00\x02\x00", 4);
inline bool MatchesBMPSignature(const char* contents) {
return !memcmp(contents, "BM", 2) || !memcmp(contents, "BA", 2);
constexpr size_t kLongestSignatureLength = sizeof("RIFF????WEBPVP") - 1;
// static
String SniffMimeTypeInternal(scoped_refptr<SegmentReader> reader) {
// At least kLongestSignatureLength bytes are needed to sniff the signature.
if (reader->size() < kLongestSignatureLength)
return String();
// Access the first kLongestSignatureLength chars to sniff the signature.
// (note: FastSharedBufferReader only makes a copy if the bytes are segmented)
char buffer[kLongestSignatureLength];
const FastSharedBufferReader fast_reader(reader);
const char* contents =
fast_reader.GetConsecutiveData(0, kLongestSignatureLength, buffer);
if (MatchesJPEGSignature(contents))
return "image/jpeg";
if (MatchesPNGSignature(contents))
return "image/png";
if (MatchesGIFSignature(contents))
return "image/gif";
if (MatchesWebPSignature(contents))
return "image/webp";
if (MatchesICOSignature(contents) || MatchesCURSignature(contents))
return "image/x-icon";
if (MatchesBMPSignature(contents))
return "image/bmp";
if (AVIFImageDecoder::MatchesAVIFSignature(fast_reader))
return "image/avif";
if (base::FeatureList::IsEnabled(features::kJXL) &&
JXLImageDecoder::MatchesJXLSignature(fast_reader)) {
return "image/jxl";
return String();
} // namespace
const size_t ImageDecoder::kNoDecodedImageByteLimit =
std::unique_ptr<ImageDecoder> ImageDecoder::Create(
scoped_refptr<SegmentReader> data,
bool data_complete,
AlphaOption alpha_option,
HighBitDepthDecodingOption high_bit_depth_decoding_option,
const ColorBehavior& color_behavior,
const SkISize& desired_size,
AnimationOption animation_option) {
auto type = SniffMimeTypeInternal(data);
if (type.IsEmpty())
return nullptr;
return CreateByMimeType(type, std::move(data), data_complete, alpha_option,
high_bit_depth_decoding_option, color_behavior,
desired_size, animation_option);
std::unique_ptr<ImageDecoder> ImageDecoder::CreateByMimeType(
String mime_type,
scoped_refptr<SegmentReader> data,
bool data_complete,
AlphaOption alpha_option,
HighBitDepthDecodingOption high_bit_depth_decoding_option,
const ColorBehavior& color_behavior,
const SkISize& desired_size,
AnimationOption animation_option) {
const size_t max_decoded_bytes =
CalculateMaxDecodedBytes(high_bit_depth_decoding_option, desired_size);
// Note: The mime types below should match those supported by
// MimeUtil::IsSupportedImageMimeType() (which forces lowercase).
std::unique_ptr<ImageDecoder> decoder;
mime_type = mime_type.LowerASCII();
if (mime_type == "image/jpeg" || mime_type == "image/pjpeg" ||
mime_type == "image/jpg") {
decoder = std::make_unique<JPEGImageDecoder>(alpha_option, color_behavior,
} else if (mime_type == "image/png" || mime_type == "image/x-png" ||
mime_type == "image/apng") {
decoder = std::make_unique<PNGImageDecoder>(
alpha_option, high_bit_depth_decoding_option, color_behavior,
} else if (mime_type == "image/gif") {
decoder = std::make_unique<GIFImageDecoder>(alpha_option, color_behavior,
} else if (mime_type == "image/webp") {
decoder = std::make_unique<WEBPImageDecoder>(alpha_option, color_behavior,
} else if (mime_type == "image/x-icon" ||
mime_type == "image/") {
decoder = std::make_unique<ICOImageDecoder>(alpha_option, color_behavior,
} else if (mime_type == "image/bmp" || mime_type == "image/x-xbitmap") {
decoder = std::make_unique<BMPImageDecoder>(alpha_option, color_behavior,
} else if (mime_type == "image/avif") {
decoder = std::make_unique<AVIFImageDecoder>(
alpha_option, high_bit_depth_decoding_option, color_behavior,
max_decoded_bytes, animation_option);
} else if (base::FeatureList::IsEnabled(features::kJXL) &&
mime_type == "image/jxl") {
decoder = std::make_unique<JXLImageDecoder>(
alpha_option, high_bit_depth_decoding_option, color_behavior,
if (decoder)
decoder->SetData(std::move(data), data_complete);
return decoder;
bool ImageDecoder::HasSufficientDataToSniffMimeType(const SharedBuffer& data) {
// At least kLongestSignatureLength bytes are needed to sniff the signature.
if (data.size() < kLongestSignatureLength)
return false;
// Check for an ISO BMFF File Type Box. Assume that 'largesize' is not used.
// The first eight bytes would be a big-endian 32-bit unsigned integer
// 'size' and a four-byte 'type'.
struct {
uint32_t size; // unsigned int(32) size;
char type[4]; // unsigned int(32) type = boxtype;
} box;
static_assert(sizeof(box) == 8, "");
static_assert(8 <= kLongestSignatureLength, "");
bool ok = data.GetBytes(&box, 8u);
if (memcmp(box.type, "ftyp", 4) == 0) {
// Returns whether we have received the File Type Box in its entirety.
box.size = base::NetToHost32(box.size);
return box.size <= data.size();
return true;
// static
String ImageDecoder::SniffMimeType(scoped_refptr<SharedBuffer> image_data) {
return SniffMimeTypeInternal(
// static
ImageDecoder::CompressionFormat ImageDecoder::GetCompressionFormat(
scoped_refptr<SharedBuffer> image_data,
String mime_type) {
// Attempt to sniff the image content to determine the true MIME type of the
// image, and fall back on the provided MIME type if this is not possible.
// Note that if the type cannot be sniffed AND the provided type is incorrect
// (for example, due to a misconfigured web server), then it is possible that
// the wrong compression format will be returned. However, this case should be
// exceedingly rare.
if (image_data && HasSufficientDataToSniffMimeType(*image_data.get()))
mime_type = SniffMimeType(image_data);
if (!mime_type)
return kUndefinedFormat;
// Attempt to sniff whether a WebP image is using a lossy or lossless
// compression algorithm. Note: Will return kWebPAnimationFormat in the case
// of an animated WebP image.
size_t available_data = image_data ? image_data->size() : 0;
if (EqualIgnoringASCIICase(mime_type, "image/webp") && available_data >= 16) {
// Attempt to sniff only 8 bytes (the second half of the first 16). This
// will be sufficient to determine lossy vs. lossless in most WebP images
// (all but the extended format).
const FastSharedBufferReader fast_reader(
char buffer[8];
const unsigned char* contents = reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(
fast_reader.GetConsecutiveData(8, 8, buffer));
if (!memcmp(contents, "WEBPVP8 ", 8)) {
// Simple lossy WebP format.
return kLossyFormat;
if (!memcmp(contents, "WEBPVP8L", 8)) {
// Simple Lossless WebP format.
return kLosslessFormat;
if (!memcmp(contents, "WEBPVP8X", 8)) {
// Extended WebP format; more content will need to be sniffed to make a
// determination.
std::unique_ptr<char[]> long_buffer(new char[available_data]);
contents = reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(
fast_reader.GetConsecutiveData(0, available_data, long_buffer.get()));
WebPBitstreamFeatures webp_features{};
VP8StatusCode status =
WebPGetFeatures(contents, available_data, &webp_features);
// It is possible that there is not have enough image data available to
// make a determination.
if (status == VP8_STATUS_OK) {
return webp_features.has_animation
? CompressionFormat::kWebPAnimationFormat
: static_cast<CompressionFormat>(webp_features.format);
} else {
// Attempt to sniff whether an AVIF image is using a lossy or lossless
// compression algorithm.
// TODO(wtc): Implement this. Figure out whether to return kUndefinedFormat or
// a new kAVIFAnimationFormat in the case of an animated AVIF image.
if (EqualIgnoringASCIICase(mime_type, "image/avif"))
return kLossyFormat;
if (MIMETypeRegistry::IsLossyImageMIMEType(mime_type))
return kLossyFormat;
if (MIMETypeRegistry::IsLosslessImageMIMEType(mime_type))
return kLosslessFormat;
return kUndefinedFormat;
bool ImageDecoder::IsSizeAvailable() {
if (failed_)
return false;
if (!size_available_)
if (!IsDecodedSizeAvailable())
return false;
#if defined(OS_FUCHSIA)
unsigned decoded_bytes_per_pixel = 4;
if (ImageIsHighBitDepth() &&
high_bit_depth_decoding_option_ == kHighBitDepthToHalfFloat) {
decoded_bytes_per_pixel = 8;
const IntSize size = DecodedSize();
const size_t decoded_size_bytes =
size.Width() * size.Height() * decoded_bytes_per_pixel;
if (decoded_size_bytes > max_decoded_bytes_) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Blocked decode of oversized image: " << size.Width() << "x"
<< size.Height();
return SetFailed();
return true;
cc::ImageHeaderMetadata ImageDecoder::MakeMetadataForDecodeAcceleration()
const {
cc::ImageHeaderMetadata image_metadata{};
image_metadata.image_type = FileExtensionToImageType(FilenameExtension());
image_metadata.yuv_subsampling = GetYUVSubsampling();
image_metadata.image_size = static_cast<gfx::Size>(size_);
image_metadata.has_embedded_color_profile = HasEmbeddedColorProfile();
return image_metadata;
size_t ImageDecoder::FrameCount() {
const size_t old_size = frame_buffer_cache_.size();
const size_t new_size = DecodeFrameCount();
if (old_size != new_size) {
for (size_t i = old_size; i < new_size; ++i) {
return new_size;
ImageFrame* ImageDecoder::DecodeFrameBufferAtIndex(size_t index) {
TRACE_EVENT0("blink", "ImageDecoder::DecodeFrameBufferAtIndex");
if (index >= FrameCount())
return nullptr;
ImageFrame* frame = &frame_buffer_cache_[index];
if (frame->GetStatus() != ImageFrame::kFrameComplete) {
TRACE_EVENT1(TRACE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT("devtools.timeline"), "Decode Image",
"imageType", FilenameExtension().Ascii());
return frame;
bool ImageDecoder::FrameHasAlphaAtIndex(size_t index) const {
return !FrameIsReceivedAtIndex(index) ||
bool ImageDecoder::FrameIsReceivedAtIndex(size_t index) const {
// Animated images override this method to return the status based on the data
// received for the queried frame.
return IsAllDataReceived();
bool ImageDecoder::FrameIsDecodedAtIndex(size_t index) const {
return index < frame_buffer_cache_.size() &&
frame_buffer_cache_[index].GetStatus() == ImageFrame::kFrameComplete;
size_t ImageDecoder::FrameBytesAtIndex(size_t index) const {
if (index >= frame_buffer_cache_.size() ||
frame_buffer_cache_[index].GetStatus() == ImageFrame::kFrameEmpty)
return 0;
size_t decoded_bytes_per_pixel = 4;
if (frame_buffer_cache_[index].GetPixelFormat() ==
ImageFrame::PixelFormat::kRGBA_F16) {
decoded_bytes_per_pixel = 8;
IntSize size = FrameSizeAtIndex(index);
base::CheckedNumeric<size_t> area = size.Width();
area *= size.Height();
area *= decoded_bytes_per_pixel;
return area.ValueOrDie();
size_t ImageDecoder::ClearCacheExceptFrame(size_t clear_except_frame) {
// Don't clear if there are no frames or only one frame.
if (frame_buffer_cache_.size() <= 1)
return 0;
// We expect that after this call, we'll be asked to decode frames after this
// one. So we want to avoid clearing frames such that those requests would
// force re-decoding from the beginning of the image. There are two cases in
// which preserving |clear_except_frame| is not enough to avoid that:
// 1. |clear_except_frame| is not yet sufficiently decoded to decode
// subsequent frames. We need the previous frame to sufficiently decode
// this frame.
// 2. The disposal method of |clear_except_frame| is DisposeOverwritePrevious.
// In that case, we need to keep the required previous frame in the cache
// to prevent re-decoding that frame when |clear_except_frame| is disposed.
// If either 1 or 2 is true, store the required previous frame in
// |clear_except_frame2| so it won't be cleared.
size_t clear_except_frame2 = kNotFound;
if (clear_except_frame < frame_buffer_cache_.size()) {
const ImageFrame& frame = frame_buffer_cache_[clear_except_frame];
if (!FrameStatusSufficientForSuccessors(clear_except_frame) ||
frame.GetDisposalMethod() == ImageFrame::kDisposeOverwritePrevious)
clear_except_frame2 = frame.RequiredPreviousFrameIndex();
// Now |clear_except_frame2| indicates the frame that |clear_except_frame|
// depends on, as described above. But if decoding is skipping forward past
// intermediate frames, this frame may be insufficiently decoded. So we need
// to keep traversing back through the required previous frames until we find
// the nearest ancestor that is sufficiently decoded. Preserving that will
// minimize the amount of future decoding needed.
while (clear_except_frame2 < frame_buffer_cache_.size() &&
!FrameStatusSufficientForSuccessors(clear_except_frame2)) {
clear_except_frame2 =
return ClearCacheExceptTwoFrames(clear_except_frame, clear_except_frame2);
size_t ImageDecoder::ClearCacheExceptTwoFrames(size_t clear_except_frame1,
size_t clear_except_frame2) {
size_t frame_bytes_cleared = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < frame_buffer_cache_.size(); ++i) {
if (frame_buffer_cache_[i].GetStatus() != ImageFrame::kFrameEmpty &&
i != clear_except_frame1 && i != clear_except_frame2) {
frame_bytes_cleared += FrameBytesAtIndex(i);
return frame_bytes_cleared;
void ImageDecoder::ClearFrameBuffer(size_t frame_index) {
Vector<size_t> ImageDecoder::FindFramesToDecode(size_t index) const {
DCHECK_LT(index, frame_buffer_cache_.size());
Vector<size_t> frames_to_decode;
do {
index = frame_buffer_cache_[index].RequiredPreviousFrameIndex();
} while (index != kNotFound && frame_buffer_cache_[index].GetStatus() !=
return frames_to_decode;
bool ImageDecoder::PostDecodeProcessing(size_t index) {
DCHECK(index < frame_buffer_cache_.size());
if (frame_buffer_cache_[index].GetStatus() != ImageFrame::kFrameComplete)
return false;
if (purge_aggressively_)
return true;
void ImageDecoder::CorrectAlphaWhenFrameBufferSawNoAlpha(size_t index) {
DCHECK(index < frame_buffer_cache_.size());
ImageFrame& buffer = frame_buffer_cache_[index];
// When this frame spans the entire image rect we can SetHasAlpha to false,
// since there are logically no transparent pixels outside of the frame rect.
if (buffer.OriginalFrameRect().Contains(IntRect(IntPoint(), Size()))) {
} else if (buffer.RequiredPreviousFrameIndex() != kNotFound) {
// When the frame rect does not span the entire image rect, and it does
// *not* have a required previous frame, the pixels outside of the frame
// rect will be fully transparent, so we shoudn't SetHasAlpha to false.
// It is a tricky case when the frame does have a required previous frame.
// The frame does not have alpha only if everywhere outside its rect
// doesn't have alpha. To know whether this is true, we check the start
// state of the frame -- if it doesn't have alpha, we're safe.
// We first check that the required previous frame does not have
// DisposeOverWritePrevious as its disposal method - this should never
// happen, since the required frame should in that case be the required
// frame of this frame's required frame.
// If |prev_buffer| is DisposeNotSpecified or DisposeKeep, |buffer| has no
// alpha if |prev_buffer| had no alpha. Since InitFrameBuffer() already
// copied the alpha state, there's nothing to do here.
// The only remaining case is a DisposeOverwriteBgcolor frame. If
// it had no alpha, and its rect is contained in the current frame's
// rect, we know the current frame has no alpha.
// For DisposeNotSpecified, DisposeKeep and DisposeOverwriteBgcolor there
// is one situation that is not taken into account - when |prev_buffer|
// *does* have alpha, but only in the frame rect of |buffer|, we can still
// say that this frame has no alpha. However, to determine this, we
// potentially need to analyze all image pixels of |prev_buffer|, which is
// too computationally expensive.
const ImageFrame* prev_buffer =
DCHECK(prev_buffer->GetDisposalMethod() !=
if ((prev_buffer->GetDisposalMethod() ==
ImageFrame::kDisposeOverwriteBgcolor) &&
!prev_buffer->HasAlpha() &&
bool ImageDecoder::InitFrameBuffer(size_t frame_index) {
DCHECK(frame_index < frame_buffer_cache_.size());
ImageFrame* const buffer = &frame_buffer_cache_[frame_index];
// If the frame is already initialized, return true.
if (buffer->GetStatus() != ImageFrame::kFrameEmpty)
return true;
size_t required_previous_frame_index = buffer->RequiredPreviousFrameIndex();
if (required_previous_frame_index == kNotFound) {
// This frame doesn't rely on any previous data.
if (!buffer->AllocatePixelData(Size().Width(), Size().Height(),
ColorSpaceForSkImages())) {
return false;
} else {
ImageFrame* const prev_buffer =
DCHECK(prev_buffer->GetStatus() == ImageFrame::kFrameComplete);
// We try to reuse |prev_buffer| as starting state to avoid copying.
// If CanReusePreviousFrameBuffer returns false, we must copy the data since
// |prev_buffer| is necessary to decode this or later frames. In that case,
// copy the data instead.
if ((!CanReusePreviousFrameBuffer(frame_index) ||
!buffer->TakeBitmapDataIfWritable(prev_buffer)) &&
return false;
if (prev_buffer->GetDisposalMethod() ==
ImageFrame::kDisposeOverwriteBgcolor) {
// We want to clear the previous frame to transparent, without
// affecting pixels in the image outside of the frame.
const IntRect& prev_rect = prev_buffer->OriginalFrameRect();
DCHECK(!prev_rect.Contains(IntRect(IntPoint(), Size())));
DCHECK_EQ(high_bit_depth_decoding_option_ == kHighBitDepthToHalfFloat &&
buffer->GetPixelFormat() == ImageFrame::kRGBA_F16);
// Update our status to be partially complete.
return true;
void ImageDecoder::UpdateAggressivePurging(size_t index) {
if (purge_aggressively_)
// We don't want to cache so much that we cause a memory issue.
// If we used a LRU cache we would fill it and then on next animation loop
// we would need to decode all the frames again -- the LRU would give no
// benefit and would consume more memory.
// So instead, simply purge unused frames if caching all of the frames of
// the image would use more memory than the image decoder is allowed
// (|max_decoded_bytes|) or would overflow 32 bits..
// As we decode we will learn the total number of frames, and thus total
// possible image memory used.
size_t decoded_bytes_per_pixel = 4;
if (frame_buffer_cache_.size() && frame_buffer_cache_[0].GetPixelFormat() ==
ImageFrame::PixelFormat::kRGBA_F16) {
decoded_bytes_per_pixel = 8;
const uint64_t frame_memory_usage =
DecodedSize().Area() * decoded_bytes_per_pixel;
// This condition never fails in the current code. Our existing image decoders
// parse for the image size and SetFailed() if that size overflows
DCHECK_EQ(frame_memory_usage / decoded_bytes_per_pixel, DecodedSize().Area());
const uint64_t total_memory_usage = frame_memory_usage * index;
if (total_memory_usage / frame_memory_usage != index) { // overflow occurred
purge_aggressively_ = true;
if (total_memory_usage > max_decoded_bytes_) {
purge_aggressively_ = true;
size_t ImageDecoder::FindRequiredPreviousFrame(size_t frame_index,
bool frame_rect_is_opaque) {
DCHECK_LT(frame_index, frame_buffer_cache_.size());
if (!frame_index) {
// The first frame doesn't rely on any previous data.
return kNotFound;
const ImageFrame* curr_buffer = &frame_buffer_cache_[frame_index];
if ((frame_rect_is_opaque ||
curr_buffer->GetAlphaBlendSource() == ImageFrame::kBlendAtopBgcolor) &&
curr_buffer->OriginalFrameRect().Contains(IntRect(IntPoint(), Size())))
return kNotFound;
// The starting state for this frame depends on the previous frame's
// disposal method.
size_t prev_frame = frame_index - 1;
const ImageFrame* prev_buffer = &frame_buffer_cache_[prev_frame];
// Frames that use the DisposeOverwritePrevious method are effectively
// no-ops in terms of changing the starting state of a frame compared to
// the starting state of the previous frame, so skip over them.
while (prev_buffer->GetDisposalMethod() ==
ImageFrame::kDisposeOverwritePrevious) {
if (prev_frame == 0) {
return kNotFound;
prev_buffer = &frame_buffer_cache_[prev_frame];
switch (prev_buffer->GetDisposalMethod()) {
case ImageFrame::kDisposeNotSpecified:
case ImageFrame::kDisposeKeep:
// |prev_frame| will be used as the starting state for this frame.
// FIXME: Be even smarter by checking the frame sizes and/or
// alpha-containing regions.
return prev_frame;
case ImageFrame::kDisposeOverwriteBgcolor:
// If the previous frame fills the whole image, then the current frame
// can be decoded alone. Likewise, if the previous frame could be
// decoded without reference to any prior frame, the starting state for
// this frame is a blank frame, so it can again be decoded alone.
// Otherwise, the previous frame contributes to this frame.
return (prev_buffer->OriginalFrameRect().Contains(
IntRect(IntPoint(), Size())) ||
(prev_buffer->RequiredPreviousFrameIndex() == kNotFound))
? kNotFound
: prev_frame;
case ImageFrame::kDisposeOverwritePrevious:
return kNotFound;
ImagePlanes::ImagePlanes() {
color_type_ = kUnknown_SkColorType;
for (int i = 0; i < cc::kNumYUVPlanes; ++i) {
planes_[i] = nullptr;
row_bytes_[i] = 0;
ImagePlanes::ImagePlanes(void* planes[cc::kNumYUVPlanes],
const size_t row_bytes[cc::kNumYUVPlanes],
SkColorType color_type)
: color_type_(color_type) {
for (int i = 0; i < cc::kNumYUVPlanes; ++i) {
planes_[i] = planes[i];
row_bytes_[i] = row_bytes[i];
void* ImagePlanes::Plane(cc::YUVIndex index) {
return planes_[static_cast<size_t>(index)];
size_t ImagePlanes::RowBytes(cc::YUVIndex index) const {
return row_bytes_[static_cast<size_t>(index)];
ColorProfile::ColorProfile(const skcms_ICCProfile& profile,
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> buffer)
: profile_(profile), buffer_(std::move(buffer)) {}
std::unique_ptr<ColorProfile> ColorProfile::Create(const void* buffer,
size_t size) {
// After skcms_Parse, profile will have pointers into the passed buffer,
// so we need to copy first, then parse.
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> owned_buffer(new uint8_t[size]);
memcpy(owned_buffer.get(), buffer, size);
skcms_ICCProfile profile;
if (skcms_Parse(owned_buffer.get(), size, &profile)) {
return std::make_unique<ColorProfile>(profile, std::move(owned_buffer));
return nullptr;
const skcms_ICCProfile* src_profile,
const skcms_ICCProfile* dst_profile) {
src_profile_ = src_profile;
dst_profile_ = *dst_profile;
const skcms_ICCProfile* ColorProfileTransform::SrcProfile() const {
return src_profile_;
const skcms_ICCProfile* ColorProfileTransform::DstProfile() const {
return &dst_profile_;
void ImageDecoder::SetEmbeddedColorProfile(
std::unique_ptr<ColorProfile> profile) {
embedded_color_profile_ = std::move(profile);
source_to_target_color_transform_needs_update_ = true;
color_space_for_sk_images_ = nullptr;
ColorProfileTransform* ImageDecoder::ColorTransform() {
if (!source_to_target_color_transform_needs_update_)
return source_to_target_color_transform_.get();
source_to_target_color_transform_needs_update_ = false;
source_to_target_color_transform_ = nullptr;
if (color_behavior_.IsIgnore()) {
return nullptr;
const skcms_ICCProfile* src_profile = nullptr;
skcms_ICCProfile dst_profile;
if (color_behavior_.IsTransformToSRGB()) {
if (!embedded_color_profile_) {
return nullptr;
src_profile = embedded_color_profile_->GetProfile();
dst_profile = *skcms_sRGB_profile();
} else {
src_profile = embedded_color_profile_
? embedded_color_profile_->GetProfile()
: skcms_sRGB_profile();
// This will most likely be equal to the |src_profile|.
// In that case, we skip the xform when we check for equality below.
if (skcms_ApproximatelyEqualProfiles(src_profile, &dst_profile)) {
return nullptr;
source_to_target_color_transform_ =
std::make_unique<ColorProfileTransform>(src_profile, &dst_profile);
return source_to_target_color_transform_.get();
sk_sp<SkColorSpace> ImageDecoder::ColorSpaceForSkImages() {
if (color_space_for_sk_images_)
return color_space_for_sk_images_;
if (!color_behavior_.IsTag())
return nullptr;
if (embedded_color_profile_) {
const skcms_ICCProfile* profile = embedded_color_profile_->GetProfile();
color_space_for_sk_images_ = SkColorSpace::Make(*profile);
// If the embedded color space isn't supported by Skia,
// we xform at decode time.
if (!color_space_for_sk_images_ && profile->has_toXYZD50) {
// Preserve the gamut, but convert to a standard transfer function.
skcms_ICCProfile with_srgb = *profile;
skcms_SetTransferFunction(&with_srgb, skcms_sRGB_TransferFunction());
color_space_for_sk_images_ = SkColorSpace::Make(with_srgb);
// For color spaces without an identifiable gamut, just fall through to sRGB.
if (!color_space_for_sk_images_)
color_space_for_sk_images_ = SkColorSpace::MakeSRGB();
return color_space_for_sk_images_;
} // namespace blink