blob: 1c0275379c266ea31eb78461184dfa95956b4102 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/platform/modules/mediastream/web_media_stream_track.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/platform_export.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/text/wtf_string.h"
namespace blink {
// MediaStreamTrackPlatform is a low-level object backing a
// WebMediaStreamTrack.
class PLATFORM_EXPORT MediaStreamTrackPlatform {
enum class FacingMode { kNone, kUser, kEnvironment, kLeft, kRight };
struct CaptureHandle {
String origin;
String handle;
struct Settings {
bool HasFrameRate() const { return frame_rate >= 0.0; }
bool HasWidth() const { return width >= 0; }
bool HasHeight() const { return height >= 0; }
bool HasAspectRatio() const { return aspect_ratio >= 0.0; }
bool HasFacingMode() const { return facing_mode != FacingMode::kNone; }
bool HasSampleRate() const { return sample_rate >= 0; }
bool HasSampleSize() const { return sample_size >= 0; }
bool HasChannelCount() const { return channel_count >= 0; }
bool HasLatency() const { return latency >= 0; }
bool HasVideoKind() const { return !video_kind.IsNull(); }
// The variables are read from
// MediaStreamTrack::GetSettings only.
double frame_rate = -1.0;
int32_t width = -1;
int32_t height = -1;
double aspect_ratio = -1.0;
String device_id;
String group_id;
FacingMode facing_mode = FacingMode::kNone;
String resize_mode;
absl::optional<bool> echo_cancellation;
absl::optional<bool> auto_gain_control;
absl::optional<bool> noise_supression;
String echo_cancellation_type;
int32_t sample_rate = -1;
int32_t sample_size = -1;
int32_t channel_count = -1;
double latency = -1.0;
// Media Capture Depth Stream Extensions.
String video_kind;
// Screen Capture extensions
absl::optional<media::mojom::DisplayCaptureSurfaceType> display_surface;
absl::optional<bool> logical_surface;
absl::optional<media::mojom::CursorCaptureType> cursor;
absl::optional<CaptureHandle> capture_handle;
explicit MediaStreamTrackPlatform(bool is_local_track);
virtual ~MediaStreamTrackPlatform();
static MediaStreamTrackPlatform* GetTrack(const WebMediaStreamTrack& track);
virtual void SetEnabled(bool enabled) = 0;
virtual void SetContentHint(
WebMediaStreamTrack::ContentHintType content_hint) = 0;
// If |callback| is not null, it is invoked when the track has stopped.
virtual void StopAndNotify(base::OnceClosure callback) = 0;
void Stop() { StopAndNotify(base::OnceClosure()); }
// TODO(hta): Make method pure virtual when all tracks have the method.
virtual void GetSettings(Settings& settings) {}
bool is_local_track() const { return is_local_track_; }
const bool is_local_track_;
} // namespace blink