blob: d5ea50f87114d196ad71661c5d9ea77b7bbd2529 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include "base/check.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/hash_map.h"
namespace blink {
// A map with up to two keys per entry. An element is inserted with a key, this
// is the primary key. A secondary key can optionally be set to the same entry
// and it may be set at a later point in time than the element was inserted. For
// lookup and erasure both keys can be used.
// This was designed to assist the implementation of adapter maps. The adapters
// are the glue between the blink and webrtc layer objects. The adapter maps
// keep track of which blink and webrtc layer objects have which associated
// adapter. This requires two keys per adapter entry: something that can be used
// for lookup based on a webrtc layer object and something that can be used for
// lookup based on a blink layer object. The primary key is based on the
// webrtc/blink object that was used to create the adapter and the secondary key
// is based on the resulting blink/webrtc object after the adapter has been
// initialized.
template <typename PrimaryKey, typename SecondaryKey, typename Value>
class TwoKeysAdapterMap {
// Maps the primary key to the value, increasing |PrimarySize| by one and
// allowing lookup of the value based on primary key. Returns a pointer to the
// value in the map, the pointer is valid for as long as the value is in the
// map. There must not already exist a mapping for this primary key, in other
// words |!FindByPrimary(primary)| must hold.
Value* Insert(PrimaryKey primary, Value value) {
DCHECK(entries_by_primary_.find(primary) == entries_by_primary_.end());
auto* add_result =
std::unique_ptr<Entry>(new Entry(std::move(value))))
add_result->value->primary_key = add_result->key;
return &add_result->value->value;
// Maps the secondary key to the value mapped by the primary key, increasing
// |SecondarySize| by one and allowing lookup of the value based on secondary
// key.
// There must exist a mapping for this primary key and there must not already
// exist a mapping for this secondary key, in other words
// |FindByPrimary(primary) && !FindBySecondary(secondary)| must hold.
void SetSecondaryKey(const PrimaryKey& primary, SecondaryKey secondary) {
auto it = entries_by_primary_.find(primary);
DCHECK(it != entries_by_primary_.end());
DCHECK(entries_by_secondary_.find(secondary) ==
Entry* entry = it->value.get();
auto* add_result =
entries_by_secondary_.insert(std::move(secondary), entry).stored_value;
entry->secondary_key = add_result->key;
// Returns a pointer to the value mapped by the primary key, or null if the
// primary key is not mapped to any value. The pointer is valid for as long as
// the value is in the map.
Value* FindByPrimary(const PrimaryKey& primary) const {
auto it = entries_by_primary_.find(primary);
if (it == entries_by_primary_.end())
return nullptr;
return &it->value->value;
// Returns a pointer to the value mapped by the secondary key, or null if the
// secondary key is not mapped to any value. The pointer is valid for as long
// as the value is in the map.
Value* FindBySecondary(const SecondaryKey& secondary) const {
auto it = entries_by_secondary_.find(secondary);
if (it == entries_by_secondary_.end())
return nullptr;
return &it->value->value;
// Erases the value associated with the primary key, removing the mapping of
// of its primary and secondary key, if it had one. Returns true on removal or
// false if there was no value associated with the primary key.
bool EraseByPrimary(const PrimaryKey& primary) {
auto primary_it = entries_by_primary_.find(primary);
if (primary_it == entries_by_primary_.end())
return false;
if (primary_it->value->secondary_key.has_value()) {
auto secondary_it =
if (secondary_it != entries_by_secondary_.end())
return true;
// Erases the value associated with the secondary key, removing the mapping of
// of both its primary and secondary keys. Returns true on removal or false if
// there was no value associated with the secondary key.
bool EraseBySecondary(const SecondaryKey& secondary) {
auto secondary_it = entries_by_secondary_.find(secondary);
if (secondary_it == entries_by_secondary_.end())
return false;
auto primary_it =
return true;
// The number of elements in the map.
size_t PrimarySize() const { return entries_by_primary_.size(); }
// The number of elements in the map which have secondary keys.
size_t SecondarySize() const { return entries_by_secondary_.size(); }
bool empty() const { return entries_by_primary_.IsEmpty(); }
struct Entry {
Entry(Value value) : value(std::move(value)) {}
Value value;
// The primary and secondary keys are cached here, instead of the
// respective iterators, because WTF::HashMap invalidates iterators
// upon changes on the set (eg insertion, deletions).
// Entries are only created in TwoKeysAdapterMap::Insert, which initializes
// |primary_key| right afterward (so it can never be read while
// uninitialized).
PrimaryKey primary_key;
// However, for |secondary_key|, calling EraseByPrimaryKey() can
// read an uninitialized secondary_key in case it is left uninitialized.
// Hence, it is guarded with absl::optional.
absl::optional<SecondaryKey> secondary_key;
using PrimaryMap = WTF::HashMap<PrimaryKey, std::unique_ptr<Entry>>;
using SecondaryMap = WTF::HashMap<SecondaryKey, Entry*>;
PrimaryMap entries_by_primary_;
SecondaryMap entries_by_secondary_;
} // namespace blink