blob: 2e0d07e7f30020ceadf07d7ca404b3c897bb5bc9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Misc utility routines for WL and Apps
* This header file housing the define and function prototype use by
* both the wl driver, tools & Apps.
* Copyright (C) 1999-2019, Broadcom.
* Unless you and Broadcom execute a separate written software license
* agreement governing use of this software, this software is licensed to you
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 (the "GPL"),
* available at, with the
* following added to such license:
* As a special exception, the copyright holders of this software give you
* permission to link this software with independent modules, and to copy and
* distribute the resulting executable under terms of your choice, provided that
* you also meet, for each linked independent module, the terms and conditions of
* the license of that module. An independent module is a module which is not
* derived from this software. The special exception does not apply to any
* modifications of the software.
* Notwithstanding the above, under no circumstances may you combine this
* software in any way with any other Broadcom software provided under a license
* other than the GPL, without Broadcom's express prior written consent.
* <<Broadcom-WL-IPTag/Open:>>
* $Id: bcmwifi_channels.h 806092 2019-02-21 08:19:13Z $
#ifndef _bcmwifi_channels_h_
#define _bcmwifi_channels_h_
/* A chanspec holds the channel number, band, bandwidth and primary 20MHz sideband */
typedef uint16 chanspec_t;
typedef uint16 chanspec_band_t;
typedef uint16 chanspec_bw_t;
typedef uint16 chanspec_subband_t;
/* channel defines */
#define CH_80MHZ_APART 16
#define CH_40MHZ_APART 8
#define CH_20MHZ_APART 4
#define CH_10MHZ_APART 2
#define CH_5MHZ_APART 1 /* 2G band channels are 5 Mhz apart */
#define CH_MIN_2G_CHANNEL 1u /* Min channel in 2G band */
#define CH_MAX_2G_CHANNEL 14u /* Max channel in 2G band */
#define CH_MIN_2G_40M_CHANNEL 3u /* Min 40MHz center channel in 2G band */
#define CH_MAX_2G_40M_CHANNEL 11u /* Max 40MHz center channel in 2G band */
/* maximum # channels the s/w supports */
#define MAXCHANNEL 224 /* max # supported channels. The max channel no is above,
* this is that + 1 rounded up to a multiple of NBBY (8).
* DO NOT MAKE it > 255: channels are uint8's all over
#define MAXCHANNEL_NUM (MAXCHANNEL - 1) /* max channel number */
#define INVCHANNEL 255 /* error value for a bad channel */
/* channel bitvec */
typedef struct {
uint8 vec[MAXCHANNEL/8]; /* bitvec of channels */
} chanvec_t;
/* make sure channel num is within valid range */
#define CH_NUM_VALID_RANGE(ch_num) ((ch_num) > 0 && (ch_num) <= MAXCHANNEL_NUM)
#define CHSPEC_CTLOVLP(sp1, sp2, sep) \
(ABS(wf_chspec_ctlchan(sp1) - wf_chspec_ctlchan(sp2)) < (sep))
/* All builds use the new 11ac ratespec/chanspec */
#undef D11AC_IOTYPES
#define D11AC_IOTYPES
#define WL_CHANSPEC_CHAN_MASK 0x00ff
#define WL_CHANSPEC_CHAN1_MASK 0x000f
#define WL_CHANSPEC_CHAN2_MASK 0x00f0
#define WL_CHANSPEC_CTL_SB_MASK 0x0700
#define WL_CHANSPEC_CTL_SB_LLL 0x0000
#define WL_CHANSPEC_CTL_SB_LLU 0x0100
#define WL_CHANSPEC_CTL_SB_LUL 0x0200
#define WL_CHANSPEC_CTL_SB_LUU 0x0300
#define WL_CHANSPEC_CTL_SB_ULL 0x0400
#define WL_CHANSPEC_CTL_SB_ULU 0x0500
#define WL_CHANSPEC_CTL_SB_UUL 0x0600
#define WL_CHANSPEC_CTL_SB_UUU 0x0700
#define WL_CHANSPEC_BW_MASK 0x3800u
#define WL_CHANSPEC_BW_5 0x0000u
#define WL_CHANSPEC_BW_10 0x0800u
#define WL_CHANSPEC_BW_20 0x1000u
#define WL_CHANSPEC_BW_40 0x1800u
#define WL_CHANSPEC_BW_80 0x2000u
#define WL_CHANSPEC_BW_160 0x2800u
#define WL_CHANSPEC_BW_8080 0x3000u
#define WL_CHANSPEC_BAND_MASK 0xc000u
#define WL_CHANSPEC_BAND_2G 0x0000u
#define WL_CHANSPEC_BAND_3G 0x4000u
#define WL_CHANSPEC_BAND_4G 0x8000u
#define WL_CHANSPEC_BAND_5G 0xc000u
#define INVCHANSPEC 255u
#define WL_CHANNEL_BAND(ch) (((ch) <= CH_MAX_2G_CHANNEL) ? \
/* channel defines */
#define LOWER_20_SB(channel) (((channel) > CH_10MHZ_APART) ? \
((channel) - CH_10MHZ_APART) : 0)
#define UPPER_20_SB(channel) (((channel) < (MAXCHANNEL - CH_10MHZ_APART)) ? \
((channel) + CH_10MHZ_APART) : 0)
/* pass a 80MHz channel number (uint8) to get respective LL, UU, LU, UL */
#define LL_20_SB(channel) (((channel) > 3 * CH_10MHZ_APART) ? ((channel) - 3 * CH_10MHZ_APART) : 0)
#define UU_20_SB(channel) (((channel) < (MAXCHANNEL - 3 * CH_10MHZ_APART)) ? \
((channel) + 3 * CH_10MHZ_APART) : 0)
#define LU_20_SB(channel) LOWER_20_SB(channel)
#define UL_20_SB(channel) UPPER_20_SB(channel)
#define LOWER_40_SB(channel) ((channel) - CH_20MHZ_APART)
#define UPPER_40_SB(channel) ((channel) + CH_20MHZ_APART)
#define CH20MHZ_CHSPEC(channel) (chanspec_t)((chanspec_t)(channel) | WL_CHANSPEC_BW_20 | \
(((channel) <= CH_MAX_2G_CHANNEL) ? \
#define NEXT_20MHZ_CHAN(channel) (((channel) < (MAXCHANNEL - CH_20MHZ_APART)) ? \
((channel) + CH_20MHZ_APART) : 0)
#define CH40MHZ_CHSPEC(channel, ctlsb) (chanspec_t) \
((channel) | (ctlsb) | WL_CHANSPEC_BW_40 | \
((channel) <= CH_MAX_2G_CHANNEL ? WL_CHANSPEC_BAND_2G : \
#define CH80MHZ_CHSPEC(channel, ctlsb) (chanspec_t) \
((channel) | (ctlsb) | \
#define CH160MHZ_CHSPEC(channel, ctlsb) (chanspec_t) \
((channel) | (ctlsb) | \
/* simple MACROs to get different fields of chanspec */
#ifdef WL11AC_80P80
#define CHSPEC_CHANNEL(chspec) wf_chspec_channel(chspec)
#define CHSPEC_CHANNEL(chspec) ((uint8)((chspec) & WL_CHANSPEC_CHAN_MASK))
#endif // endif
#define CHSPEC_BAND(chspec) ((chspec) & WL_CHANSPEC_BAND_MASK)
#define CHSPEC_CTL_SB(chspec) ((chspec) & WL_CHANSPEC_CTL_SB_MASK)
#define CHSPEC_BW(chspec) ((chspec) & WL_CHANSPEC_BW_MASK)
#ifdef WL11N_20MHZONLY
#define CHSPEC_IS20(chspec) 1
#define CHSPEC_IS20_2G(chspec) ((((chspec) & WL_CHANSPEC_BW_MASK) == WL_CHANSPEC_BW_20) && \
#ifndef CHSPEC_IS40
#define CHSPEC_IS40(chspec) 0
#endif // endif
#ifndef CHSPEC_IS80
#define CHSPEC_IS80(chspec) 0
#endif // endif
#ifndef CHSPEC_IS160
#define CHSPEC_IS160(chspec) 0
#endif // endif
#ifndef CHSPEC_IS8080
#define CHSPEC_IS8080(chspec) 0
#endif // endif
/* see FOREACH_20_SB in !WL11N_20MHZONLY section */
#define FOREACH_20_SB(chspec, channel) \
for (channel = CHSPEC_CHANNEL(chspec); channel; channel = 0)
/* see GET_ALL_SB in !WL11N_20MHZONLY section */
#define GET_ALL_SB(chspec, psb) do { \
psb[0] = CHSPEC_CHANNEL(chspec); \
} while (0)
#else /* !WL11N_20MHZONLY */
#define CHSPEC_IS20(chspec) (((chspec) & WL_CHANSPEC_BW_MASK) == WL_CHANSPEC_BW_20)
#define CHSPEC_IS20_5G(chspec) ((((chspec) & WL_CHANSPEC_BW_MASK) == WL_CHANSPEC_BW_20) && \
#ifndef CHSPEC_IS40
#define CHSPEC_IS40(chspec) (((chspec) & WL_CHANSPEC_BW_MASK) == WL_CHANSPEC_BW_40)
#endif // endif
#ifndef CHSPEC_IS80
#define CHSPEC_IS80(chspec) (((chspec) & WL_CHANSPEC_BW_MASK) == WL_CHANSPEC_BW_80)
#endif // endif
#ifndef CHSPEC_IS160
#define CHSPEC_IS160(chspec) (((chspec) & WL_CHANSPEC_BW_MASK) == WL_CHANSPEC_BW_160)
#endif // endif
#ifndef CHSPEC_IS8080
#define CHSPEC_IS8080(chspec) (((chspec) & WL_CHANSPEC_BW_MASK) == WL_CHANSPEC_BW_8080)
#endif // endif
/* pass a center channel and get channel offset from it by 10MHz */
#define CH_OFF_10MHZ_MULTIPLES(channel, offset) ((uint8) (((offset) < 0) ? \
(((channel) > (WL_CHANSPEC_CHAN_MASK & ((uint16)((-(offset)) * CH_10MHZ_APART)))) ?\
((channel) + (offset) * CH_10MHZ_APART) : 0) : \
(((channel) < (uint16)(MAXCHANNEL - (offset) * CH_10MHZ_APART)) ? \
((channel) + (offset) * CH_10MHZ_APART) : 0)))
#if defined(WL11AC_80P80) || defined(WL11AC_160)
/* pass a 160MHz center channel to get 20MHz subband channel numbers */
#define LLL_20_SB_160(channel) CH_OFF_10MHZ_MULTIPLES(channel, -7)
#define LLU_20_SB_160(channel) CH_OFF_10MHZ_MULTIPLES(channel, -5)
#define LUL_20_SB_160(channel) CH_OFF_10MHZ_MULTIPLES(channel, -3)
#define LUU_20_SB_160(channel) CH_OFF_10MHZ_MULTIPLES(channel, -1)
#define ULL_20_SB_160(channel) CH_OFF_10MHZ_MULTIPLES(channel, 1)
#define ULU_20_SB_160(channel) CH_OFF_10MHZ_MULTIPLES(channel, 3)
#define UUL_20_SB_160(channel) CH_OFF_10MHZ_MULTIPLES(channel, 5)
#define UUU_20_SB_160(channel) CH_OFF_10MHZ_MULTIPLES(channel, 7)
/* given an 80p80 channel, return the lower 80MHz sideband */
#define LOWER_80_SB(chspec) (wf_chspec_primary80_channel(chspec) < \
wf_chspec_secondary80_channel(chspec) ? \
wf_chspec_primary80_channel(chspec) : wf_chspec_secondary80_channel(chspec))
/* given an 80p80 channel, return the upper 80MHz sideband */
#define UPPER_80_SB(chspec) (wf_chspec_primary80_channel(chspec) > \
wf_chspec_secondary80_channel(chspec) ? \
wf_chspec_primary80_channel(chspec) : wf_chspec_secondary80_channel(chspec))
/* pass an 80P80 chanspec (not channel) to get 20MHz subnand channel numbers */
#define LLL_20_SB_8080(chspec) CH_OFF_10MHZ_MULTIPLES(LOWER_80_SB(chspec), -3)
#define LLU_20_SB_8080(chspec) CH_OFF_10MHZ_MULTIPLES(LOWER_80_SB(chspec), -1)
#define LUL_20_SB_8080(chspec) CH_OFF_10MHZ_MULTIPLES(LOWER_80_SB(chspec), 1)
#define LUU_20_SB_8080(chspec) CH_OFF_10MHZ_MULTIPLES(LOWER_80_SB(chspec), 3)
#define ULL_20_SB_8080(chspec) CH_OFF_10MHZ_MULTIPLES(UPPER_80_SB(chspec), -3)
#define ULU_20_SB_8080(chspec) CH_OFF_10MHZ_MULTIPLES(UPPER_80_SB(chspec), -1)
#define UUL_20_SB_8080(chspec) CH_OFF_10MHZ_MULTIPLES(UPPER_80_SB(chspec), 1)
#define UUU_20_SB_8080(chspec) CH_OFF_10MHZ_MULTIPLES(UPPER_80_SB(chspec), 3)
/* get lowest 20MHz sideband of a given chspec
* (works with 20, 40, 80, 160, 80p80)
#define CH_FIRST_20_SB(chspec) ((uint8) (\
CHSPEC_IS160(chspec) ? LLL_20_SB_160(CHSPEC_CHANNEL(chspec)) : (\
CHSPEC_IS8080(chspec) ? LLL_20_SB_8080(chspec) : (\
CHSPEC_IS80(chspec) ? LL_20_SB(CHSPEC_CHANNEL(chspec)) : (\
CHSPEC_IS40(chspec) ? LOWER_20_SB(CHSPEC_CHANNEL(chspec)) : \
/* get upper most 20MHz sideband of a given chspec
* (works with 20, 40, 80, 160, 80p80)
#define CH_LAST_20_SB(chspec) ((uint8) (\
CHSPEC_IS160(chspec) ? UUU_20_SB_160(CHSPEC_CHANNEL(chspec)) : (\
CHSPEC_IS8080(chspec) ? UUU_20_SB_8080(chspec) : (\
CHSPEC_IS80(chspec) ? UU_20_SB(CHSPEC_CHANNEL(chspec)) : (\
CHSPEC_IS40(chspec) ? UPPER_20_SB(CHSPEC_CHANNEL(chspec)) : \
/* call this with chspec and a valid 20MHz sideband of this channel to get the next 20MHz sideband
* (works with 80p80 only)
* resolves to 0 if called with upper most channel
#define CH_NEXT_20_SB_IN_8080(chspec, channel) ((uint8) (\
((uint8) ((channel) + CH_20MHZ_APART) > CH_LAST_20_SB(chspec) ? 0 : \
((channel) == LUU_20_SB_8080(chspec) ? ULL_20_SB_8080(chspec) : \
(channel) + CH_20MHZ_APART))))
/* call this with chspec and a valid 20MHz sideband of this channel to get the next 20MHz sideband
* (works with 20, 40, 80, 160, 80p80)
* resolves to 0 if called with upper most channel
#define CH_NEXT_20_SB(chspec, channel) ((uint8) (\
(CHSPEC_IS8080(chspec) ? CH_NEXT_20_SB_IN_8080((chspec), (channel)) : \
((uint8) ((channel) + CH_20MHZ_APART) > CH_LAST_20_SB(chspec) ? 0 : \
((channel) + CH_20MHZ_APART)))))
#else /* WL11AC_80P80, WL11AC_160 */
#define LLL_20_SB_160(channel) 0
#define LLU_20_SB_160(channel) 0
#define LUL_20_SB_160(channel) 0
#define LUU_20_SB_160(channel) 0
#define ULL_20_SB_160(channel) 0
#define ULU_20_SB_160(channel) 0
#define UUL_20_SB_160(channel) 0
#define UUU_20_SB_160(channel) 0
#define LOWER_80_SB(chspec) 0
#define UPPER_80_SB(chspec) 0
#define LLL_20_SB_8080(chspec) 0
#define LLU_20_SB_8080(chspec) 0
#define LUL_20_SB_8080(chspec) 0
#define LUU_20_SB_8080(chspec) 0
#define ULL_20_SB_8080(chspec) 0
#define ULU_20_SB_8080(chspec) 0
#define UUL_20_SB_8080(chspec) 0
#define UUU_20_SB_8080(chspec) 0
/* get lowest 20MHz sideband of a given chspec
* (works with 20, 40, 80)
#define CH_FIRST_20_SB(chspec) ((uint8) (\
CHSPEC_IS80(chspec) ? LL_20_SB(CHSPEC_CHANNEL(chspec)) : (\
CHSPEC_IS40(chspec) ? LOWER_20_SB(CHSPEC_CHANNEL(chspec)) : \
/* get upper most 20MHz sideband of a given chspec
* (works with 20, 40, 80, 160, 80p80)
#define CH_LAST_20_SB(chspec) ((uint8) (\
CHSPEC_IS80(chspec) ? UU_20_SB(CHSPEC_CHANNEL(chspec)) : (\
CHSPEC_IS40(chspec) ? UPPER_20_SB(CHSPEC_CHANNEL(chspec)) : \
/* call this with chspec and a valid 20MHz sideband of this channel to get the next 20MHz sideband
* (works with 20, 40, 80, 160, 80p80)
* resolves to 0 if called with upper most channel
#define CH_NEXT_20_SB(chspec, channel) ((uint8) (\
((uint8) ((channel) + CH_20MHZ_APART) > CH_LAST_20_SB(chspec) ? 0 : \
((channel) + CH_20MHZ_APART))))
#endif /* WL11AC_80P80, WL11AC_160 */
/* Iterator for 20MHz side bands of a chanspec: (chanspec_t chspec, uint8 channel)
* 'chspec' chanspec_t of interest (used in loop, better to pass a resolved value than a macro)
* 'channel' must be a variable (not an expression).
#define FOREACH_20_SB(chspec, channel) \
for (channel = CH_FIRST_20_SB(chspec); channel; \
channel = CH_NEXT_20_SB((chspec), channel))
/* Uses iterator to populate array with all side bands involved (sorted lower to upper).
* 'chspec' chanspec_t of interest
* 'psb' pointer to uint8 array of enough size to hold all side bands for the given chspec
#define GET_ALL_SB(chspec, psb) do { \
uint8 channel, idx = 0; \
chanspec_t chspec_local = chspec; \
FOREACH_20_SB(chspec_local, channel) \
(psb)[idx++] = channel; \
} while (0)
/* given a chanspec of any bw, tests if primary20 SB is in lower 20, 40, 80 respectively */
#define IS_CTL_IN_L20(chspec) !((chspec) & WL_CHANSPEC_CTL_SB_U) /* CTL SB is in low 20 of any 40 */
#define IS_CTL_IN_L40(chspec) !((chspec) & WL_CHANSPEC_CTL_SB_UL) /* in low 40 of any 80 */
#define IS_CTL_IN_L80(chspec) !((chspec) & WL_CHANSPEC_CTL_SB_ULL) /* in low 80 of 80p80/160 */
#endif /* !WL11N_20MHZONLY */
/* ULB introduced macros. Remove once ULB is cleaned from phy code */
#define CHSPEC_IS2P5(chspec) 0
#define CHSPEC_IS5(chspec) 0
#define CHSPEC_IS10(chspec) 0
#define CHSPEC_ISLE20(chspec) (CHSPEC_IS20(chspec))
#define CHSPEC_BW_LE20(chspec) (CHSPEC_IS20(chspec))
#define BW_LE40(bw) ((bw) == WL_CHANSPEC_BW_20 || ((bw) == WL_CHANSPEC_BW_40))
#define BW_LE80(bw) (BW_LE40(bw) || ((bw) == WL_CHANSPEC_BW_80))
#define BW_LE160(bw) (BW_LE80(bw) || ((bw) == WL_CHANSPEC_BW_160))
#define CHSPEC_IS5G(chspec) (((chspec) & WL_CHANSPEC_BAND_MASK) == WL_CHANSPEC_BAND_5G)
#define CHSPEC_IS2G(chspec) (((chspec) & WL_CHANSPEC_BAND_MASK) == WL_CHANSPEC_BAND_2G)
#define CHSPEC_SB_UPPER(chspec) \
(((chspec) & WL_CHANSPEC_BW_MASK) == WL_CHANSPEC_BW_40))
#define CHSPEC_SB_LOWER(chspec) \
(((chspec) & WL_CHANSPEC_BW_MASK) == WL_CHANSPEC_BW_40))
#define CHSPEC2WLC_BAND(chspec) (CHSPEC_IS5G(chspec) ? WLC_BAND_5G : WLC_BAND_2G)
* Number of chars needed for wf_chspec_ntoa() destination character buffer.
* This function returns TRUE if both the chanspec can co-exist in PHY.
* Addition to primary20 channel, the function checks for side band for 2g 40 channels
extern bool wf_chspec_coexist(chanspec_t chspec1, chanspec_t chspec2);
#define CHSPEC_IS_BW_160_WIDE(chspec) (CHSPEC_BW(chspec) == WL_CHANSPEC_BW_160 ||\
CHSPEC_BW(chspec) == WL_CHANSPEC_BW_8080)
/* BW inequality comparisons, LE (<=), GE (>=), LT (<), GT (>), comparisons can be made
* as simple numeric comparisons, with the exception that 160 is the same BW as 80+80,
* but have different numeric values; (WL_CHANSPEC_BW_160 < WL_CHANSPEC_BW_8080).
* The LT/LE/GT/GE macros check first checks whether both chspec bandwidth and bw are 160 wide.
* If both chspec bandwidth and bw is not 160 wide, then the comparison is made.
#define CHSPEC_BW_GE(chspec, bw) \
((CHSPEC_IS_BW_160_WIDE(chspec) &&\
((bw) == WL_CHANSPEC_BW_160 || (bw) == WL_CHANSPEC_BW_8080)) ||\
(CHSPEC_BW(chspec) >= (bw)))
#define CHSPEC_BW_LE(chspec, bw) \
((CHSPEC_IS_BW_160_WIDE(chspec) &&\
((bw) == WL_CHANSPEC_BW_160 || (bw) == WL_CHANSPEC_BW_8080)) ||\
(CHSPEC_BW(chspec) <= (bw)))
#define CHSPEC_BW_GT(chspec, bw) \
(!(CHSPEC_IS_BW_160_WIDE(chspec) &&\
((bw) == WL_CHANSPEC_BW_160 || (bw) == WL_CHANSPEC_BW_8080)) &&\
(CHSPEC_BW(chspec) > (bw)))
#define CHSPEC_BW_LT(chspec, bw) \
(!(CHSPEC_IS_BW_160_WIDE(chspec) &&\
((bw) == WL_CHANSPEC_BW_160 || (bw) == WL_CHANSPEC_BW_8080)) &&\
(CHSPEC_BW(chspec) < (bw)))
/* Legacy Chanspec defines
* These are the defines for the previous format of the chanspec_t
#define WL_LCHANSPEC_BW_10 0x0400
#define WL_LCHANSPEC_BW_20 0x0800
#define WL_LCHANSPEC_BW_40 0x0C00
#define WL_LCHANSPEC_BAND_5G 0x1000
#define WL_LCHANSPEC_BAND_2G 0x2000
#define LCHSPEC_CHANNEL(chspec) ((uint8)((chspec) & WL_LCHANSPEC_CHAN_MASK))
#define LCHSPEC_BAND(chspec) ((chspec) & WL_LCHANSPEC_BAND_MASK)
#define LCHSPEC_CTL_SB(chspec) ((chspec) & WL_LCHANSPEC_CTL_SB_MASK)
#define LCHSPEC_BW(chspec) ((chspec) & WL_LCHANSPEC_BW_MASK)
#define LCHSPEC_IS10(chspec) (((chspec) & WL_LCHANSPEC_BW_MASK) == WL_LCHANSPEC_BW_10)
#define LCHSPEC_IS20(chspec) (((chspec) & WL_LCHANSPEC_BW_MASK) == WL_LCHANSPEC_BW_20)
#define LCHSPEC_IS40(chspec) (((chspec) & WL_LCHANSPEC_BW_MASK) == WL_LCHANSPEC_BW_40)
#define LCHSPEC_IS5G(chspec) (((chspec) & WL_LCHANSPEC_BAND_MASK) == WL_LCHANSPEC_BAND_5G)
#define LCHSPEC_IS2G(chspec) (((chspec) & WL_LCHANSPEC_BAND_MASK) == WL_LCHANSPEC_BAND_2G)
#define LCHSPEC_SB_UPPER(chspec) \
#define LCHSPEC_SB_LOWER(chspec) \
#define LCHSPEC_CREATE(chan, band, bw, sb) ((uint16)((chan) | (sb) | (bw) | (band)))
#define CH20MHZ_LCHSPEC(channel) \
(chanspec_t)((chanspec_t)(channel) | WL_LCHANSPEC_BW_20 | \
#define GET_ALL_EXT wf_get_all_ext
* WF_CHAN_FACTOR_* constants are used to calculate channel frequency
* given a channel number.
* chan_freq = chan_factor * 500Mhz + chan_number * 5
* Channel Factor for the starting frequence of 2.4 GHz channels.
* The value corresponds to 2407 MHz.
#define WF_CHAN_FACTOR_2_4_G 4814 /* 2.4 GHz band, 2407 MHz */
* Channel Factor for the starting frequence of 5 GHz channels.
* The value corresponds to 5000 MHz.
#define WF_CHAN_FACTOR_5_G 10000 /* 5 GHz band, 5000 MHz */
* Channel Factor for the starting frequence of 4.9 GHz channels.
* The value corresponds to 4000 MHz.
#define WF_CHAN_FACTOR_4_G 8000 /* 4.9 GHz band for Japan */
#define WLC_2G_25MHZ_OFFSET 5 /* 2.4GHz band channel offset */
* No of sub-band vlaue of the specified Mhz chanspec
#define WF_NUM_SIDEBANDS_8080MHZ 4
* Return the chanspec bandwidth in MHz
* Bandwidth of 160 MHz will be returned for 80+80MHz chanspecs.
* @param chspec chanspec_t
* @return bandwidth of chspec in MHz units
extern uint wf_bw_chspec_to_mhz(chanspec_t chspec);
* Convert chanspec to ascii string
* @param chspec chanspec format
* @param buf ascii string of chanspec
* @return pointer to buf with room for at least CHANSPEC_STR_LEN bytes
* Original chanspec in case of error
extern char * wf_chspec_ntoa_ex(chanspec_t chspec, char *buf);
* Convert chanspec to ascii string
* @param chspec chanspec format
* @param buf ascii string of chanspec
* @return pointer to buf with room for at least CHANSPEC_STR_LEN bytes
* NULL in case of error
extern char * wf_chspec_ntoa(chanspec_t chspec, char *buf);
* Convert ascii string to chanspec
* @param a pointer to input string
* @return >= 0 if successful or 0 otherwise
extern chanspec_t wf_chspec_aton(const char *a);
* Verify the chanspec fields are valid.
* Verify the chanspec is using a legal set field values, i.e. that the chanspec
* specified a band, bw, primary_sb, and channel and that the combination could be
* legal given some set of circumstances.
* @param chanspec input chanspec to verify
* @return TRUE if the chanspec is malformed, FALSE if it looks good.
extern bool wf_chspec_malformed(chanspec_t chanspec);
* Verify the chanspec specifies a valid channel according to 802.11.
* @param chanspec input chanspec to verify
* @return TRUE if the chanspec is a valid 802.11 channel
extern bool wf_chspec_valid(chanspec_t chanspec);
* Return the primary 20MHz channel.
* This function returns the channel number of the primary 20MHz channel. For
* 20MHz channels this is just the channel number. For 40MHz or wider channels
* it is the primary 20MHz channel specified by the chanspec.
* @param chspec input chanspec
* @return Returns the channel number of the primary 20MHz channel
extern uint8 wf_chspec_primary20_chan(chanspec_t chspec);
/* alias for old function name */
#define wf_chspec_ctlchan(c) wf_chspec_primary20_chan(c)
* Return the bandwidth string.
* This function returns the bandwidth string for the passed chanspec.
* @param chspec input chanspec
* @return Returns the bandwidth string:
* "5", "10", "20", "40", "80", "160", "80+80"
extern const char *wf_chspec_to_bw_str(chanspec_t chspec);
* Create a 20MHz chanspec for the given band.
chanspec_t wf_create_20MHz_chspec(uint channel, chanspec_band_t band);
* Return the primary 20MHz chanspec.
* This function returns the chanspec of the primary 20MHz channel. For 20MHz
* channels this is just the chanspec. For 40MHz or wider channels it is the
* chanspec of the primary 20MHZ channel specified by the chanspec.
* @param chspec input chanspec
* @return Returns the chanspec of the primary 20MHz channel
extern chanspec_t wf_chspec_primary20_chspec(chanspec_t chspec);
/* alias for old function name */
#define wf_chspec_ctlchspec(c) wf_chspec_primary20_chspec(c)
* Return the primary 40MHz chanspec.
* This function returns the chanspec for the primary 40MHz of an 80MHz or wider channel.
* The primary 20MHz channel of the returned 40MHz chanspec is the same as the primary 20MHz
* channel of the input chanspec.
extern chanspec_t wf_chspec_primary40_chspec(chanspec_t chspec);
* Return the channel number for a given frequency and base frequency.
* The returned channel number is relative to the given base frequency.
* If the given base frequency is zero, a base frequency of 5 GHz is assumed for
* frequencies from 5 - 6 GHz, and 2.407 GHz is assumed for 2.4 - 2.5 GHz.
* Frequency is specified in MHz.
* The base frequency is specified as (start_factor * 500 kHz).
* Constants WF_CHAN_FACTOR_2_4_G, WF_CHAN_FACTOR_5_G are defined for
* 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands.
* The returned channel will be in the range [1, 14] in the 2.4 GHz band
* and [0, 200] otherwise.
* -1 is returned if the start_factor is WF_CHAN_FACTOR_2_4_G and the
* frequency is not a 2.4 GHz channel, or if the frequency is not and even
* multiple of 5 MHz from the base frequency to the base plus 1 GHz.
* Reference 802.11-2016, section and section
* @param freq frequency in MHz
* @param start_factor base frequency in 500 kHz units, e.g. 10000 for 5 GHz
* @return Returns a channel number
* @see WF_CHAN_FACTOR_2_4_G
extern int wf_mhz2channel(uint freq, uint start_factor);
* Return the center frequency in MHz of the given channel and base frequency.
* Return the center frequency in MHz of the given channel and base frequency.
* The channel number is interpreted relative to the given base frequency.
* The valid channel range is [1, 14] in the 2.4 GHz band and [0, 200] otherwise.
* The base frequency is specified as (start_factor * 500 kHz).
* Constants WF_CHAN_FACTOR_2_4_G, WF_CHAN_FACTOR_5_G are defined for
* 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands.
* The channel range of [1, 14] is only checked for a start_factor of
* WF_CHAN_FACTOR_2_4_G (4814).
* Odd start_factors produce channels on .5 MHz boundaries, in which case
* the answer is rounded down to an integral MHz.
* -1 is returned for an out of range channel.
* Reference 802.11-2016, section and section
* @param channel input channel number
* @param start_factor base frequency in 500 kHz units, e.g. 10000 for 5 GHz
* @return Returns a frequency in MHz
* @see WF_CHAN_FACTOR_2_4_G
extern int wf_channel2mhz(uint channel, uint start_factor);
* Returns the chanspec 80Mhz channel corresponding to the following input
* parameters
* primary_channel - primary 20Mhz channel
* center_channel - center frequecny of the 80Mhz channel
* The center_channel can be one of {42, 58, 106, 122, 138, 155}
* returns INVCHANSPEC in case of error
extern chanspec_t wf_chspec_80(uint8 center_channel, uint8 primary_channel);
* Convert ctl chan and bw to chanspec
* @param ctl_ch channel
* @param bw bandwidth
* @return > 0 if successful or 0 otherwise
extern uint16 wf_channel2chspec(uint ctl_ch, uint bw);
extern uint wf_channel2freq(uint channel);
extern uint wf_freq2channel(uint freq);
* Returns the 80+80 MHz chanspec corresponding to the following input parameters
* primary_20mhz - Primary 20 MHz channel
* chan0_80MHz - center channel number of one frequency segment
* chan1_80MHz - center channel number of the other frequency segment
* Parameters chan0_80MHz and chan1_80MHz are channel numbers in {42, 58, 106, 122, 138, 155}.
* The primary channel must be contained in one of the 80MHz channels. This routine
* will determine which frequency segment is the primary 80 MHz segment.
* Returns INVCHANSPEC in case of error.
* Refer to 802.11-2016 section 22.3.14 "Channelization".
extern chanspec_t wf_chspec_get8080_chspec(uint8 primary_20mhz,
uint8 chan0_80Mhz, uint8 chan1_80Mhz);
* Returns the center channel of the primary 80 MHz sub-band of the provided chanspec
* @param chspec input chanspec
* @return center channel number of the primary 80MHz sub-band of the input.
* Will return the center channel of an input 80MHz chspec.
* Will return INVCHANNEL if the chspec is malformed or less than 80MHz bw.
extern uint8 wf_chspec_primary80_channel(chanspec_t chanspec);
* Returns the center channel of the secondary 80 MHz sub-band of the provided chanspec
* @param chspec input chanspec
* @return center channel number of the secondary 80MHz sub-band of the input.
* Will return INVCHANNEL if the chspec is malformed or bw is not greater than 80MHz.
extern uint8 wf_chspec_secondary80_channel(chanspec_t chanspec);
* Returns the chanspec for the primary 80MHz sub-band of an 160MHz or 80+80 channel
* @param chspec input chanspec
* @return An 80MHz chanspec describing the primary 80MHz sub-band of the input.
* Will return an input 80MHz chspec as is.
* Will return INVCHANSPEC if the chspec is malformed or less than 80MHz bw.
extern chanspec_t wf_chspec_primary80_chspec(chanspec_t chspec);
* Returns the chanspec for the secondary 80MHz sub-band of an 160MHz or 80+80 channel
* The sideband in the chanspec is always set to WL_CHANSPEC_CTL_SB_LL since this sub-band
* does not contain the primary 20MHz channel.
* @param chspec input chanspec
* @return An 80MHz chanspec describing the secondary 80MHz sub-band of the input.
* Will return INVCHANSPEC if the chspec is malformed or bw is not greater than 80MHz.
extern chanspec_t wf_chspec_secondary80_chspec(chanspec_t chspec);
* For 160MHz or 80P80 chanspec, set ch[0]/ch[1] to be the low/high 80 Mhz channels
* For 20/40/80MHz chanspec, set ch[0] to be the center freq, and chan[1]=-1
extern void wf_chspec_get_80p80_channels(chanspec_t chspec, uint8 *ch);
#ifdef WL11AC_80P80
* This function returns the centre chanel for the given chanspec.
* In case of 80+80 chanspec it returns the primary 80 Mhz centre channel
extern uint8 wf_chspec_channel(chanspec_t chspec);
#endif // endif
extern chanspec_t wf_channel_create_chspec_frm_opclass(uint8 opclass, uint8 channel);
extern int wf_channel_create_opclass_frm_chspec(chanspec_t chspec);
/* Populates array with all 20MHz side bands of a given chanspec_t in the following order:
* primary20, ext20, two ext40s, four ext80s.
* 'chspec' is the chanspec of interest
* 'pext' must point to an uint8 array of long enough to hold all side bands of the given chspec
* Works with 20, 40, 80, 80p80 and 160MHz chspec
extern void wf_get_all_ext(chanspec_t chspec, uint8 *chan_ptr);
* Given two chanspecs, returns true if they overlap.
* (Overlap: At least one 20MHz subband is common between the two chanspecs provided)
extern bool wf_chspec_overlap(chanspec_t chspec0, chanspec_t chspec1);
extern uint8 channel_bw_to_width(chanspec_t chspec);
#endif /* _bcmwifi_channels_h_ */