blob: 3fd6dca90aa9b77132ed8803ef270bd708a436c4 [file] [log] [blame]
* SiliconBackplane GCI core hardware definitions
* Copyright (C) 1999-2019, Broadcom.
* Unless you and Broadcom execute a separate written software license
* agreement governing use of this software, this software is licensed to you
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 (the "GPL"),
* available at, with the
* following added to such license:
* As a special exception, the copyright holders of this software give you
* permission to link this software with independent modules, and to copy and
* distribute the resulting executable under terms of your choice, provided that
* you also meet, for each linked independent module, the terms and conditions of
* the license of that module. An independent module is a module which is not
* derived from this software. The special exception does not apply to any
* modifications of the software.
* Notwithstanding the above, under no circumstances may you combine this
* software in any way with any other Broadcom software provided under a license
* other than the GPL, without Broadcom's express prior written consent.
* <<Broadcom-WL-IPTag/Open:>>
* $Id: sbgci.h 696881 2017-04-28 17:20:35Z $
#ifndef _SBGCI_H
#define _SBGCI_H
#include <bcmutils.h>
#if !defined(_LANGUAGE_ASSEMBLY) && !defined(__ASSEMBLY__)
/* cpp contortions to concatenate w/arg prescan */
#ifndef PAD
#define _PADLINE(line) pad ## line
#define _XSTR(line) _PADLINE(line)
#define PAD _XSTR(__LINE__)
#endif /* PAD */
#define GCI_OFFSETOF(sih, reg) \
(AOB_ENAB(sih) ? OFFSETOF(gciregs_t, reg) : OFFSETOF(chipcregs_t, reg))
#define GCI_CORE_IDX(sih) (AOB_ENAB(sih) ? si_findcoreidx(sih, GCI_CORE_ID, 0) : SI_CC_IDX)
typedef volatile struct {
uint32 gci_corecaps0; /* 0x000 */
uint32 gci_corecaps1; /* 0x004 */
uint32 gci_corecaps2; /* 0x008 */
uint32 gci_corectrl; /* 0x00c */
uint32 gci_corestat; /* 0x010 */
uint32 gci_intstat; /* 0x014 */
uint32 gci_intmask; /* 0x018 */
uint32 gci_wakemask; /* 0x01c */
uint32 gci_levelintstat; /* 0x020 */
uint32 gci_eventintstat; /* 0x024 */
uint32 gci_wakelevelintstat; /* 0x028 */
uint32 gci_wakeeventintstat; /* 0x02c */
uint32 semaphoreintstatus; /* 0x030 */
uint32 semaphoreintmask; /* 0x034 */
uint32 semaphorerequest; /* 0x038 */
uint32 semaphorereserve; /* 0x03c */
uint32 gci_indirect_addr; /* 0x040 */
uint32 gci_gpioctl; /* 0x044 */
uint32 gci_gpiostatus; /* 0x048 */
uint32 gci_gpiomask; /* 0x04c */
uint32 gci_eventsummary; /* 0x050 */
uint32 gci_miscctl; /* 0x054 */
uint32 gci_gpiointmask; /* 0x058 */
uint32 gci_gpiowakemask; /* 0x05c */
uint32 gci_input[32]; /* 0x060 */
uint32 gci_event[32]; /* 0x0e0 */
uint32 gci_output[4]; /* 0x160 */
uint32 gci_control_0; /* 0x170 */
uint32 gci_control_1; /* 0x174 */
uint32 gci_intpolreg; /* 0x178 */
uint32 gci_levelintmask; /* 0x17c */
uint32 gci_eventintmask; /* 0x180 */
uint32 wakelevelintmask; /* 0x184 */
uint32 wakeeventintmask; /* 0x188 */
uint32 hwmask; /* 0x18c */
uint32 PAD;
uint32 gci_inbandeventintmask; /* 0x194 */
uint32 PAD;
uint32 gci_inbandeventstatus; /* 0x19c */
uint32 gci_seciauxtx; /* 0x1a0 */
uint32 gci_seciauxrx; /* 0x1a4 */
uint32 gci_secitx_datatag; /* 0x1a8 */
uint32 gci_secirx_datatag; /* 0x1ac */
uint32 gci_secitx_datamask; /* 0x1b0 */
uint32 gci_seciusef0tx_reg; /* 0x1b4 */
uint32 gci_secif0tx_offset; /* 0x1b8 */
uint32 gci_secif0rx_offset; /* 0x1bc */
uint32 gci_secif1tx_offset; /* 0x1c0 */
uint32 gci_rxfifo_common_ctrl; /* 0x1c4 */
uint32 gci_rxfifoctrl; /* 0x1c8 */
uint32 gci_hw_sema_status; /* 0x1cc */
uint32 gci_seciuartescval; /* 0x1d0 */
uint32 gic_seciuartautobaudctr; /* 0x1d4 */
uint32 gci_secififolevel; /* 0x1d8 */
uint32 gci_seciuartdata; /* 0x1dc */
uint32 gci_secibauddiv; /* 0x1e0 */
uint32 gci_secifcr; /* 0x1e4 */
uint32 gci_secilcr; /* 0x1e8 */
uint32 gci_secimcr; /* 0x1ec */
uint32 gci_secilsr; /* 0x1f0 */
uint32 gci_secimsr; /* 0x1f4 */
uint32 gci_baudadj; /* 0x1f8 */
uint32 gci_inbandintmask; /* 0x1fc */
uint32 gci_chipctrl; /* 0x200 */
uint32 gci_chipsts; /* 0x204 */
uint32 gci_gpioout; /* 0x208 */
uint32 gci_gpioout_read; /* 0x20C */
uint32 gci_mpwaketx; /* 0x210 */
uint32 gci_mpwakedetect; /* 0x214 */
uint32 gci_seciin_ctrl; /* 0x218 */
uint32 gci_seciout_ctrl; /* 0x21C */
uint32 gci_seciin_auxfifo_en; /* 0x220 */
uint32 gci_seciout_txen_txbr; /* 0x224 */
uint32 gci_seciin_rxbrstatus; /* 0x228 */
uint32 gci_seciin_rxerrstatus; /* 0x22C */
uint32 gci_seciin_fcstatus; /* 0x230 */
uint32 gci_seciout_txstatus; /* 0x234 */
uint32 gci_seciout_txbrstatus; /* 0x238 */
uint32 wlan_mem_info; /* 0x23C */
uint32 wlan_bankxinfo; /* 0x240 */
uint32 bt_smem_select; /* 0x244 */
uint32 bt_smem_stby; /* 0x248 */
uint32 bt_smem_status; /* 0x24C */
uint32 wlan_bankxactivepda; /* 0x250 */
uint32 wlan_bankxsleeppda; /* 0x254 */
uint32 wlan_bankxkill; /* 0x258 */
uint32 PAD[PADSZ(0x25c, 0x268)]; /* 0x25c-0x268 */
uint32 bt_smem_control0; /* 0x26C */
uint32 bt_smem_control1; /* 0x270 */
uint32 PAD[PADSZ(0x274, 0x2fc)]; /* 0x274-0x2fc */
uint32 gci_chipid; /* 0x300 */
uint32 PAD[PADSZ(0x304, 0x30c)]; /* 0x304-0x30c */
uint32 otpstatus; /* 0x310 */
uint32 otpcontrol; /* 0x314 */
uint32 otpprog; /* 0x318 */
uint32 otplayout; /* 0x31c */
uint32 otplayoutextension; /* 0x320 */
uint32 otpcontrol1; /* 0x324 */
uint32 otpprogdata; /* 0x328 */
uint32 PAD[PADSZ(0x32c, 0x3f8)]; /* 0x32c-0x3f8 */
uint32 otpECCstatus; /* 0x3FC */
uint32 PAD[PADSZ(0x400, 0xbfc)]; /* 0x400-0xbfc */
uint32 lhl_core_capab_adr; /* 0xC00 */
uint32 lhl_main_ctl_adr; /* 0xC04 */
uint32 lhl_pmu_ctl_adr; /* 0xC08 */
uint32 lhl_extlpo_ctl_adr; /* 0xC0C */
uint32 lpo_ctl_adr; /* 0xC10 */
uint32 lhl_lpo2_ctl_adr; /* 0xC14 */
uint32 lhl_osc32k_ctl_adr; /* 0xC18 */
uint32 lhl_clk_status_adr; /* 0xC1C */
uint32 lhl_clk_det_ctl_adr; /* 0xC20 */
uint32 lhl_clk_sel_adr; /* 0xC24 */
uint32 hidoff_cnt_adr[2]; /* 0xC28-0xC2C */
uint32 lhl_autoclk_ctl_adr; /* 0xC30 */
uint32 PAD; /* reserved */
uint32 lhl_hibtim_adr; /* 0xC38 */
uint32 lhl_wl_ilp_val_adr; /* 0xC3C */
uint32 lhl_wl_armtim0_intrp_adr; /* 0xC40 */
uint32 lhl_wl_armtim0_st_adr; /* 0xC44 */
uint32 lhl_wl_armtim0_adr; /* 0xC48 */
uint32 PAD[PADSZ(0xc4c, 0xc6c)]; /* 0xC4C-0xC6C */
uint32 lhl_wl_mactim0_intrp_adr; /* 0xC70 */
uint32 lhl_wl_mactim0_st_adr; /* 0xC74 */
uint32 lhl_wl_mactim_int0_adr; /* 0xC78 */
uint32 lhl_wl_mactim_frac0_adr; /* 0xC7C */
uint32 lhl_wl_mactim1_intrp_adr; /* 0xC80 */
uint32 lhl_wl_mactim1_st_adr; /* 0xC84 */
uint32 lhl_wl_mactim_int1_adr; /* 0xC88 */
uint32 lhl_wl_mactim_frac1_adr; /* 0xC8C */
uint32 PAD[PADSZ(0xc90, 0xcac)]; /* 0xC90-0xCAC */
uint32 gpio_int_en_port_adr[4]; /* 0xCB0-0xCBC */
uint32 gpio_int_st_port_adr[4]; /* 0xCC0-0xCCC */
uint32 gpio_ctrl_iocfg_p_adr[40]; /* 0xCD0-0xD6C */
uint32 lhl_lp_up_ctl1_adr; /* 0xd70 */
uint32 lhl_lp_dn_ctl1_adr; /* 0xd74 */
uint32 PAD[PADSZ(0xd78, 0xdb4)]; /* 0xd78-0xdb4 */
uint32 lhl_sleep_timer_adr; /* 0xDB8 */
uint32 lhl_sleep_timer_ctl_adr; /* 0xDBC */
uint32 lhl_sleep_timer_load_val_adr; /* 0xDC0 */
uint32 lhl_lp_main_ctl_adr; /* 0xDC4 */
uint32 lhl_lp_up_ctl_adr; /* 0xDC8 */
uint32 lhl_lp_dn_ctl_adr; /* 0xDCC */
uint32 gpio_gctrl_iocfg_p0_p39_adr; /* 0xDD0 */
uint32 gpio_gdsctrl_iocfg_p0_p25_p30_p39_adr; /* 0xDD4 */
uint32 gpio_gdsctrl_iocfg_p26_p29_adr; /* 0xDD8 */
uint32 PAD[PADSZ(0xddc, 0xdf8)]; /* 0xDDC-0xDF8 */
uint32 lhl_gpio_din0_adr; /* 0xDFC */
uint32 lhl_gpio_din1_adr; /* 0xE00 */
uint32 lhl_wkup_status_adr; /* 0xE04 */
uint32 lhl_ctl_adr; /* 0xE08 */
uint32 lhl_adc_ctl_adr; /* 0xE0C */
uint32 lhl_qdxyz_in_dly_adr; /* 0xE10 */
uint32 lhl_optctl_adr; /* 0xE14 */
uint32 lhl_optct2_adr; /* 0xE18 */
uint32 lhl_scanp_cntr_init_val_adr; /* 0xE1C */
uint32 lhl_opt_togg_val_adr[6]; /* 0xE20-0xE34 */
uint32 lhl_optx_smp_val_adr; /* 0xE38 */
uint32 lhl_opty_smp_val_adr; /* 0xE3C */
uint32 lhl_optz_smp_val_adr; /* 0xE40 */
uint32 lhl_hidoff_keepstate_adr[3]; /* 0xE44-0xE4C */
uint32 lhl_bt_slmboot_ctl0_adr[4]; /* 0xE50-0xE5C */
uint32 lhl_wl_fw_ctl; /* 0xE60 */
uint32 lhl_wl_hw_ctl_adr[2]; /* 0xE64-0xE68 */
uint32 lhl_bt_hw_ctl_adr; /* 0xE6C */
uint32 lhl_top_pwrseq_en_adr; /* 0xE70 */
uint32 lhl_top_pwrdn_ctl_adr; /* 0xE74 */
uint32 lhl_top_pwrup_ctl_adr; /* 0xE78 */
uint32 lhl_top_pwrseq_ctl_adr; /* 0xE7C */
uint32 lhl_top_pwrdn2_ctl_adr; /* 0xE80 */
uint32 lhl_top_pwrup2_ctl_adr; /* 0xE84 */
uint32 wpt_regon_intrp_cfg_adr; /* 0xE88 */
uint32 bt_regon_intrp_cfg_adr; /* 0xE8C */
uint32 wl_regon_intrp_cfg_adr; /* 0xE90 */
uint32 regon_intrp_st_adr; /* 0xE94 */
uint32 regon_intrp_en_adr; /* 0xE98 */
uint32 PAD[PADSZ(0xe9c, 0xeb4)]; /* 0xe9c-0xeb4 */
uint32 lhl_lp_main_ctl1_adr; /* 0xeb8 */
uint32 lhl_lp_up_ctl2_adr; /* 0xebc */
uint32 lhl_lp_dn_ctl2_adr; /* 0xec0 */
uint32 lhl_lp_up_ctl3_adr; /* 0xec4 */
uint32 lhl_lp_dn_ctl3_adr; /* 0xec8 */
uint32 PAD[PADSZ(0xecc, 0xed8)]; /* 0xecc-0xed8 */
uint32 lhl_lp_main_ctl2_adr; /* 0xedc */
uint32 lhl_lp_up_ctl4_adr; /* 0xee0 */
uint32 lhl_lp_dn_ctl4_adr; /* 0xee4 */
uint32 lhl_lp_up_ctl5_adr; /* 0xee8 */
uint32 lhl_lp_dn_ctl5_adr; /* 0xeec */
} gciregs_t;
#define GCI_CAP0_REV_MASK 0x000000ff
/* GCI Capabilities registers */
/* WLAN BankXInfo Register */
/* WLAN Mem Info Register */
#endif /* !_LANGUAGE_ASSEMBLY && !__ASSEMBLY__ */
#endif /* _SBGCI_H */