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* Broadcom SiliconBackplane ARM definitions
* Copyright (C) 1999-2019, Broadcom.
* Unless you and Broadcom execute a separate written software license
* agreement governing use of this software, this software is licensed to you
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 (the "GPL"),
* available at, with the
* following added to such license:
* As a special exception, the copyright holders of this software give you
* permission to link this software with independent modules, and to copy and
* distribute the resulting executable under terms of your choice, provided that
* you also meet, for each linked independent module, the terms and conditions of
* the license of that module. An independent module is a module which is not
* derived from this software. The special exception does not apply to any
* modifications of the software.
* Notwithstanding the above, under no circumstances may you combine this
* software in any way with any other Broadcom software provided under a license
* other than the GPL, without Broadcom's express prior written consent.
* <<Broadcom-WL-IPTag/Open:>>
* $Id: sbhndarm.h 799498 2019-01-16 06:02:27Z $
#ifndef _sbhndarm_h_
#define _sbhndarm_h_
/* cpp contortions to concatenate w/arg prescan */
#ifndef PAD
#define _PADLINE(line) pad ## line
#define _XSTR(line) _PADLINE(line)
#define PAD _XSTR(__LINE__)
#endif /* PAD */
/* cortex-m3 */
typedef volatile struct {
uint32 corecontrol; /* 0x0 */
uint32 corestatus; /* 0x4 */
uint32 PAD[1];
uint32 biststatus; /* 0xc */
uint32 nmiisrst; /* 0x10 */
uint32 nmimask; /* 0x14 */
uint32 isrmask; /* 0x18 */
uint32 PAD[1];
uint32 resetlog; /* 0x20 */
uint32 gpioselect; /* 0x24 */
uint32 gpioenable; /* 0x28 */
uint32 PAD[1];
uint32 bpaddrlo; /* 0x30 */
uint32 bpaddrhi; /* 0x34 */
uint32 bpdata; /* 0x38 */
uint32 bpindaccess; /* 0x3c */
uint32 ovlidx; /* 0x40 */
uint32 ovlmatch; /* 0x44 */
uint32 ovladdr; /* 0x48 */
uint32 PAD[13];
uint32 bwalloc; /* 0x80 */
uint32 PAD[3];
uint32 cyclecnt; /* 0x90 */
uint32 inttimer; /* 0x94 */
uint32 intmask; /* 0x98 */
uint32 intstatus; /* 0x9c */
uint32 PAD[80];
uint32 clk_ctl_st; /* 0x1e0 */
uint32 PAD[1];
uint32 powerctl; /* 0x1e8 */
} cm3regs_t;
#define ARM_CM3_REG(regs, reg) (&((cm3regs_t *)regs)->reg)
/* cortex-R4 */
typedef volatile struct {
uint32 corecontrol; /* 0x0 */
uint32 corecapabilities; /* 0x4 */
uint32 corestatus; /* 0x8 */
uint32 biststatus; /* 0xc */
uint32 nmiisrst; /* 0x10 */
uint32 nmimask; /* 0x14 */
uint32 isrmask; /* 0x18 */
uint32 swintreg; /* 0x1C */
uint32 intstatus; /* 0x20 */
uint32 intmask; /* 0x24 */
uint32 cyclecnt; /* 0x28 */
uint32 inttimer; /* 0x2c */
uint32 gpioselect; /* 0x30 */
uint32 gpioenable; /* 0x34 */
uint32 PAD[2];
uint32 bankidx; /* 0x40 */
uint32 bankinfo; /* 0x44 */
uint32 bankstbyctl; /* 0x48 */
uint32 bankpda; /* 0x4c */
uint32 PAD[6];
uint32 tcampatchctrl; /* 0x68 */
uint32 tcampatchtblbaseaddr; /* 0x6c */
uint32 tcamcmdreg; /* 0x70 */
uint32 tcamdatareg; /* 0x74 */
uint32 tcambankxmaskreg; /* 0x78 */
uint32 PAD[89];
uint32 clk_ctl_st; /* 0x1e0 */
uint32 PAD[1];
uint32 powerctl; /* 0x1e8 */
} cr4regs_t;
#define ARM_CR4_REG(regs, reg) (&((cr4regs_t *)regs)->reg)
/* cortex-A7 */
typedef volatile struct {
uint32 corecontrol; /* 0x0 */
uint32 corecapabilities; /* 0x4 */
uint32 corestatus; /* 0x8 */
uint32 tracecontrol; /* 0xc */
uint32 PAD[8];
uint32 gpioselect; /* 0x30 */
uint32 gpioenable; /* 0x34 */
uint32 PAD[106];
uint32 clk_ctl_st; /* 0x1e0 */
uint32 PAD[1];
uint32 powerctl; /* 0x1e8 */
} ca7regs_t;
#define ARM_CA7_REG(regs, reg) (&((ca7regs_t *)regs)->reg)
#if defined(__ARM_ARCH_7M__)
#define ARMREG(regs, reg) ARM_CM3_REG(regs, reg)
#endif /* __ARM_ARCH_7M__ */
#if defined(__ARM_ARCH_7R__)
#define ARMREG(regs, reg) ARM_CR4_REG(regs, reg)
#endif /* __ARM_ARCH_7R__ */
#if defined(__ARM_ARCH_7A__)
#define ARMREG(regs, reg) ARM_CA7_REG(regs, reg)
#endif /* __ARM_ARCH_7A__ */
#endif /* _sbhndarm_h_ */