blob: ae0836a2ff37086b2a833f913d60084a4b558d35 [file] [log] [blame]
* Firmware trace implementation common header file between DHD and the firmware.
* Broadcom Proprietary and Confidential. Copyright (C) 2020,
* All Rights Reserved.
* the contents of this file may not be disclosed to third parties,
* copied or duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without
* the prior written permission of Broadcom.
* <<Broadcom-WL-IPTag/Secret:>>
#ifndef _bcm_fwtrace_h
#define _bcm_fwtrace_h
#include <bcmpcie.h>
#include <bcmmsgbuf.h>
* Number of trace entries per trace buffer.
* Both DHD and FW must use same number.
#define FWTRACE_NUM_ENTRIES (2u * 1024u) /* 2KB, power of 2 */
* Number of buffers provided by the host.
* DHD may allocate smaller number of trace buffers based on continuous memory availability.
/* Magic value to differentiate between regural trace data Vs other blobs */
/* The lower 24 bits of the fwtrace_entry->func_ptr is used to push different type of
* information to host such as ACK bitmap, interrupts DPC is going to process etc.
#define FWTRACE_BLOB_TYPE_ACK_BMAP1 (0x2u) /* Ack bits (0-31 ) */
#define FWTRACE_BLOB_TYPE_ACK_BMAP2 (0x4u) /* Ack bits (32-63) */
#define FWTRACE_BLOB_TYPE_ACK_BMAP3 (0x8u) /* Ack bits (64-95) */
#define FWTRACE_BLOB_TYPE_ACK_BMAP4 (0x10u) /* Ack bits (96-127) */
#define FWTRACE_BLOB_TYPE_INTR1 (0x20u) /* interrupts the DPC is going to process */
#define FWTRACE_BLOB_TYPE_INTR2 (0x40u) /* interrupts the DPC is going to process */
/* The blob data for LFRAGS_INFO will contain
* Bit31-16: Available buffer/lfrags info
* Bit15-0 : # of lfrags requested by FW in the fetch request
#define FWTRACE_BLOB_TYPE_LFRAGS_INFO (0x80u) /* Available and fetch requested lfrags */
#define FWTRACE_BLOB_ADD_CUR (0) /* updates with in the existing trace entry */
#define FWTRACE_BLOB_ADD_NEW (1u) /* Creates new trace entry */
* Host sends host memory location to FW via iovar.
* FW will push trace information here.
typedef struct fwtrace_hostaddr_info {
bcm_addr64_t haddr; /* host address for the firmware to DMA trace data */
uint32 buf_len;
uint32 num_bufs; /* Number of trace buffers */
} fwtrace_hostaddr_info_t;
* Eact trace info buffer pushed to host will have this header.
typedef struct fwtrace_dma_header_info {
uint16 length; /* length in bytes */
uint16 seq_num; /* sequence number */
uint32 version;
uint32 hostmem_addr;
} fwtrace_dma_header_info_t;
* Content of each trace entry
typedef struct fwtrace_entry {
uint32 func_ptr;
/* How the pkts_cycle being used?
* Bit31-23: (If present) Used to indicate the number of packets processed by the
* current function
* Bit22-1 : Used to indicate the CPU cycles(in units of 2Cycles). So to get the actual
* cycles multiply the cycles by 2.
* Bit0 : Used to indicate whether this entry is valid or not
uint32 pkts_cycles;
} fwtrace_entry_t;
#define FWTRACE_CYCLES_VALID (1u << 0u)
* Format of firmware trace buffer pushed to host memory
typedef struct fwtrace_buf {
fwtrace_dma_header_info_t info; /* includes the sequence number and the length */
fwtrace_entry_t entry[FWTRACE_NUM_ENTRIES];
} fwtrace_buf_t;
void fwtracing_add_blob(uint32 update_type, uint32 trace_type, uint32 blob);
#endif /* _bcm_fwtrace_h */