blob: f3008b2e805cadca828076ca2d0797cfd37db495 [file] [log] [blame]
* Misc useful routines to access NIC local SROM/OTP .
* Copyright (C) 2020, Broadcom.
* Unless you and Broadcom execute a separate written software license
* agreement governing use of this software, this software is licensed to you
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 (the "GPL"),
* available at, with the
* following added to such license:
* As a special exception, the copyright holders of this software give you
* permission to link this software with independent modules, and to copy and
* distribute the resulting executable under terms of your choice, provided that
* you also meet, for each linked independent module, the terms and conditions of
* the license of that module. An independent module is a module which is not
* derived from this software. The special exception does not apply to any
* modifications of the software.
* <<Broadcom-WL-IPTag/Dual:>>
#ifndef _bcmsrom_h_
#define _bcmsrom_h_
#include <typedefs.h>
#include <osl_decl.h>
#include <siutils.h>
#include <bcmsrom_fmt.h>
typedef struct srom_info {
char *_srom_vars;
bool is_caldata_prsnt;
} srom_info_t;
/* Prototypes */
extern int srom_var_init(si_t *sih, uint bus, volatile void *curmap, osl_t *osh,
char **vars, uint *count);
extern void srom_var_deinit(si_t *sih);
extern int srom_read(si_t *sih, uint bus, volatile void *curmap, osl_t *osh,
uint byteoff, uint nbytes, uint16 *buf,
bool check_crc);
extern int srom_write(si_t *sih, uint bus, volatile void *curmap, osl_t *osh,
uint byteoff, uint nbytes, uint16 *buf);
extern int srom_write_short(si_t *sih, uint bustype, volatile void *curmap, osl_t *osh,
uint byteoff, uint16 value);
extern int srom_otp_cisrwvar(si_t *sih, osl_t *osh, char *vars, int *count);
extern int srom_otp_write_region_crc(si_t *sih, uint nbytes, uint16* buf16, bool write);
/* parse standard PCMCIA cis, normally used by SB/PCMCIA/SDIO/SPI/OTP
* and extract from it into name=value pairs
extern int srom_parsecis(si_t *sih, osl_t *osh, uint8 **pcis, uint ciscnt,
char **vars, uint *count);
extern int _initvars_srom_pci_caldata(si_t *sih, uint16 *srom, uint32 sromrev);
extern void srom_set_sromvars(char *vars);
extern char * srom_get_sromvars(void);
extern srom_info_t * srom_info_init(osl_t *osh);
extern int get_srom_pci_caldata_size(uint32 sromrev);
extern uint32 get_srom_size(uint32 sromrev);
/* Return sprom size in 16-bit words */
extern uint srom_size(si_t *sih, osl_t *osh);
extern bool srom_caldata_prsnt(si_t *sih);
extern int srom_get_caldata(si_t *sih, uint16 *srom);
#endif /* _bcmsrom_h_ */