blob: 4485fcc8f44b7f0d74522abcda3387fe8004ecf1 [file] [log] [blame]
* EVENT_LOG System Definitions
* This file describes the payloads of event log entries that are data buffers
* rather than formatted string entries. The contents are generally XTLVs.
* Copyright (C) 2020, Broadcom.
* Unless you and Broadcom execute a separate written software license
* agreement governing use of this software, this software is licensed to you
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 (the "GPL"),
* available at, with the
* following added to such license:
* As a special exception, the copyright holders of this software give you
* permission to link this software with independent modules, and to copy and
* distribute the resulting executable under terms of your choice, provided that
* you also meet, for each linked independent module, the terms and conditions of
* the license of that module. An independent module is a module which is not
* derived from this software. The special exception does not apply to any
* modifications of the software.
* <<Broadcom-WL-IPTag/Dual:>>
#include <typedefs.h>
#include <bcmutils.h>
#include <ethernet.h>
#include <event_log_tag.h>
* A (legacy) timestamp message
typedef struct ts_message {
uint32 timestamp;
uint32 cyclecount;
} ts_msg_t;
* Enhanced timestamp message
typedef struct enhanced_ts_message {
uint32 version;
/* More data, depending on version */
uint8 data[];
} ets_msg_t;
* Enhanced timestamp message, version 1
typedef struct enhanced_ts_message_v1 {
uint32 version;
uint32 timestamp; /* PMU time, in milliseconds */
uint32 cyclecount;
uint32 cpu_freq;
} ets_msg_v1_t;
#define EVENT_LOG_XTLV_ID_STR 0 /**< XTLV ID for a string */
#define EVENT_LOG_XTLV_ID_TXQ_SUM 1 /**< XTLV ID for txq_summary_t */
#define EVENT_LOG_XTLV_ID_SCBDATA_SUM 2 /**< XTLV ID for cb_subq_summary_t */
#define EVENT_LOG_XTLV_ID_SCBDATA_AMPDU_TX_SUM 3 /**< XTLV ID for scb_ampdu_tx_summary_t */
#define EVENT_LOG_XTLV_ID_BSSCFGDATA_SUM 4 /**< XTLV ID for bsscfg_q_summary_t */
#define EVENT_LOG_XTLV_ID_UCTXSTATUS 5 /**< XTLV ID for ucode TxStatus array */
#define EVENT_LOG_XTLV_ID_TXQ_SUM_V2 6 /**< XTLV ID for txq_summary_v2_t */
#define EVENT_LOG_XTLV_ID_BUF 7 /**< XTLV ID for event_log_buffer_t */
* An XTLV holding a string
* String is not null terminated, length is the XTLV len.
typedef struct xtlv_string {
uint16 id; /* XTLV ID: EVENT_LOG_XTLV_ID_STR */
uint16 len; /* XTLV Len (String length) */
char str[1]; /* var len array characters */
} xtlv_string_t;
#define XTLV_STRING_FULL_LEN(str_len) (BCM_XTLV_HDR_SIZE + (str_len) * sizeof(char))
* Summary for a single TxQ context
* Two of these will be used per TxQ context---one for the high TxQ, and one for
* the low txq that contains DMA prepared pkts. The high TxQ is a full multi-precidence
* queue and also has a BSSCFG map to identify the BSSCFGS associated with the queue context.
* The low txq counterpart does not populate the BSSCFG map.
* The excursion queue will have no bsscfgs associated and is the first queue dumped.
typedef struct txq_summary {
uint16 len; /* XTLV Len */
uint32 bsscfg_map; /* bitmap of bsscfg indexes associated with this queue */
uint32 stopped; /* flow control bitmap */
uint8 prec_count; /* count of precedences/fifos and len of following array */
uint8 pad;
uint16 plen[1]; /* var len array of lengths of each prec/fifo in the queue */
} txq_summary_t;
#define TXQ_SUMMARY_LEN (OFFSETOF(txq_summary_t, plen))
#define TXQ_SUMMARY_FULL_LEN(num_q) (TXQ_SUMMARY_LEN + (num_q) * sizeof(uint16))
typedef struct txq_summary_v2 {
uint16 id; /* XTLV ID: EVENT_LOG_XTLV_ID_TXQ_SUM_V2 */
uint16 len; /* XTLV Len */
uint32 bsscfg_map; /* bitmap of bsscfg indexes associated with this queue */
uint32 stopped; /* flow control bitmap */
uint32 hw_stopped; /* flow control bitmap */
uint8 prec_count; /* count of precedences/fifos and len of following array */
uint8 pad;
uint16 plen[1]; /* var len array of lengths of each prec/fifo in the queue */
} txq_summary_v2_t;
#define TXQ_SUMMARY_V2_LEN (OFFSETOF(txq_summary_v2_t, plen))
#define TXQ_SUMMARY_V2_FULL_LEN(num_q) (TXQ_SUMMARY_V2_LEN + (num_q) * sizeof(uint16))
* Summary for tx datapath of an SCB cubby
* This is a generic summary structure (one size fits all) with
* a cubby ID and sub-ID to differentiate SCB cubby types and possible sub-queues.
typedef struct scb_subq_summary {
uint16 len; /* XTLV Len */
uint32 flags; /* cubby specficic flags */
uint8 cubby_id; /* ID registered for cubby */
uint8 sub_id; /* sub ID if a cubby has more than one queue */
uint8 prec_count; /* count of precedences/fifos and len of following array */
uint8 pad;
uint16 plen[1]; /* var len array of lengths of each prec/fifo in the queue */
} scb_subq_summary_t;
#define SCB_SUBQ_SUMMARY_LEN (OFFSETOF(scb_subq_summary_t, plen))
#define SCB_SUBQ_SUMMARY_FULL_LEN(num_q) (SCB_SUBQ_SUMMARY_LEN + (num_q) * sizeof(uint16))
/* scb_subq_summary_t.flags for APPS */
#define SCBDATA_APPS_F_PS 0x00000001
#define SCBDATA_APPS_F_PSPEND 0x00000002
#define SCBDATA_APPS_F_INPVB 0x00000004
#define SCBDATA_APPS_F_APSD_USP 0x00000008
#define SCBDATA_APPS_F_TXBLOCK 0x00000010
#define SCBDATA_APPS_F_APSD_HPKT_TMR 0x00000020
#define SCBDATA_APPS_F_APSD_TX_PEND 0x00000040
#define SCBDATA_APPS_F_INTRANS 0x00000080
#define SCBDATA_APPS_F_OFF_PEND 0x00000100
#define SCBDATA_APPS_F_OFF_BLOCKED 0x00000200
#define SCBDATA_APPS_F_OFF_IN_PROG 0x00000400
* Summary for tx datapath AMPDU SCB cubby
* This is a specific data structure to describe the AMPDU datapath state for an SCB
* used instead of scb_subq_summary_t.
* Info is for one TID, so one will be dumped per BA TID active for an SCB.
typedef struct scb_ampdu_tx_summary {
uint16 len; /* XTLV Len */
uint32 flags; /* misc flags */
uint8 tid; /* initiator TID (priority) */
uint8 ba_state; /* internal BA state */
uint8 bar_cnt; /* number of bars sent with no progress */
uint8 retry_bar; /* reason code if bar to be retried at watchdog */
uint16 barpending_seq; /* seqnum for bar */
uint16 bar_ackpending_seq; /* seqnum of bar for which ack is pending */
uint16 start_seq; /* seqnum of the first unacknowledged packet */
uint16 max_seq; /* max unacknowledged seqnum sent */
uint32 released_bytes_inflight; /* Number of bytes pending in bytes */
uint32 released_bytes_target;
} scb_ampdu_tx_summary_t;
/* scb_ampdu_tx_summary.flags defs */
#define SCBDATA_AMPDU_TX_F_BAR_ACKPEND 0x00000001 /* bar_ackpending */
/** XTLV stuct to summarize a BSSCFG's packet queue */
typedef struct bsscfg_q_summary {
uint16 len; /* XTLV Len */
struct ether_addr BSSID; /* BSSID */
uint8 bsscfg_idx; /* bsscfg index */
uint8 type; /* bsscfg type enumeration: BSSCFG_TYPE_XXX */
uint8 subtype; /* bsscfg subtype enumeration: BSSCFG_SUBTYPE_XXX */
uint8 prec_count; /* count of precedences/fifos and len of following array */
uint16 plen[1]; /* var len array of lengths of each prec/fifo in the queue */
} bsscfg_q_summary_t;
#define BSSCFG_Q_SUMMARY_LEN (OFFSETOF(bsscfg_q_summary_t, plen))
#define BSSCFG_Q_SUMMARY_FULL_LEN(num_q) (BSSCFG_Q_SUMMARY_LEN + (num_q) * sizeof(uint16))
* An XTLV holding a TxStats array
* TxStatus entries are 8 or 16 bytes, size in words (2 or 4) givent in
* entry_size field.
* Array is uint32 words
typedef struct xtlv_uc_txs {
uint16 len; /* XTLV Len */
uint8 entry_size; /* num uint32 words per entry */
uint8 pad[3]; /* reserved, zero */
uint32 w[1]; /* var len array of words */
} xtlv_uc_txs_t;
#define XTLV_UCTXSTATUS_LEN (OFFSETOF(xtlv_uc_txs_t, w))
#define XTLV_UCTXSTATUS_FULL_LEN(words) (XTLV_UCTXSTATUS_LEN + (words) * sizeof(uint32))
/* Scan flags */
#define SCAN_SUM_CHAN_INFO 0x1
/* Scan_sum flags */
#define BAND5G_SIB_ENAB 0x2
#define BAND2G_SIB_ENAB 0x4
#define PARALLEL_SCAN 0x8
#define SCAN_ABORT 0x10
/* Note: Definitions being reused in chan_info as SCAN_SUM_SCAN_CORE need clean up */
#define SC_LOWSPAN_SCAN 0x20
/* Note: Definitions being reused in scan summary info as WL_SSUM_CLIENT_MASK need clean up */
#define SC_SCAN 0x40
#define WL_SSUM_CLIENT_MASK 0x1C0u /* bit 8 - 6 */
#define WL_SSUM_CLIENT_SHIFT 6u /* shift client scan opereration */
#define WL_SSUM_MODE_MASK 0xE00u /* bit 11 - 9 */
#define WL_SSUM_MODE_SHIFT 9u /* shift mode scan operation */
/* Common bits for channel and scan summary info */
#define SCAN_SUM_CHAN_RESHED 0x1000 /* Bit 12 as resched scan for chaninfo and scan summary */
#define WL_SSUM_CLIENT_ASSOCSCAN 0x0u /* Log as scan requested client is assoc scan */
#define WL_SSUM_CLIENT_ROAMSCAN 0x1u /* Log as scan requested client is roam scan */
#define WL_SSUM_CLIENT_FWSCAN 0x2u /* Log as scan requested client is other fw scan */
#define WL_SSUM_CLIENT_HOSTSCAN 0x3u /* Log as scan requested client is host scan */
#define WL_SSUM_SCANFLAG_INVALID 0x7u /* Log for invalid scan client or mode */
/* scan_channel_info flags */
#define SCAN_SUM_WLC_CORE0 0x4
#define SCAN_SUM_WLC_CORE1 0x8
#define HOME_CHAN 0x10
#define SCAN_SUM_SCAN_CORE 0x20
typedef struct wl_scan_ssid_info
uint8 ssid_len; /* the length of SSID */
uint8 ssid[32]; /* SSID string */
} wl_scan_ssid_info_t;
typedef struct wl_scan_channel_info {
uint16 chanspec; /* chanspec scanned */
uint16 reserv;
uint32 start_time; /* Scan start time in
* milliseconds for the chanspec
* or home_dwell time start
uint32 end_time; /* Scan end time in
* milliseconds for the chanspec
* or home_dwell time end
uint16 probe_count; /* No of probes sent out. For future use
uint16 scn_res_count; /* Count of scan_results found per
* channel. For future use
} wl_scan_channel_info_t;
typedef struct wl_scan_summary_info {
uint32 total_chan_num; /* Total number of channels scanned */
uint32 scan_start_time; /* Scan start time in milliseconds */
uint32 scan_end_time; /* Scan end time in milliseconds */
wl_scan_ssid_info_t ssid[1]; /* SSID being scanned in current
* channel. For future use
} wl_scan_summary_info_t;
struct wl_scan_summary {
uint8 version; /* Version */
uint8 reserved;
uint16 len; /* Length of the data buffer including SSID
* list.
uint16 sync_id; /* Scan Sync ID */
uint16 scan_flags; /* flags [0] or SCAN_SUM_CHAN_INFO = */
/* channel_info, if not set */
/* it is scan_summary_info */
/* when channel_info is used, */
/* the following flag bits are overridden: */
/* flags[1] or ACTIVE_SCAN_SCN_SUM = active channel if set */
/* passive if not set */
/* flags[2] or WLC_CORE0 = if set, represents wlc_core0 */
/* flags[3] or WLC_CORE1 = if set, represents wlc_core1 */
/* flags[4] or HOME_CHAN = if set, represents home-channel */
/* flags[5] or SCAN_SUM_SCAN_CORE = if set,
* represents chan_info from scan core.
/* flags[12] SCAN_SUM_CHAN_RESHED indicate scan rescheduled */
/* flags[6:11, 13:15] = reserved */
/* when scan_summary_info is used, */
/* the following flag bits are used: */
/* flags[1] or BAND5G_SIB_ENAB = */
/* allowSIBParallelPassiveScan on 5G band */
/* flags[2] or BAND2G_SIB_ENAB = */
/* allowSIBParallelPassiveScan on 2G band */
/* flags[3] or PARALLEL_SCAN = Parallel scan enabled or not */
/* flags[4] or SCAN_ABORT = SCAN_ABORTED scenario */
/* flags[5] = reserved */
/* flags[6:8] is used as count value to identify SCAN CLIENT
/* flags[9:11] is used as count value to identify SCAN MODE
/* flags[12] SCAN_SUM_CHAN_RESHED indicate scan rescheduled */
/* flags[13:15] = reserved */
union {
wl_scan_channel_info_t scan_chan_info; /* scan related information
* for each channel scanned
wl_scan_summary_info_t scan_sum_info; /* Cumulative scan related
* information.
} u;
struct wl_scan_summary_v2 {
uint8 version; /* Version */
uint8 reserved;
uint16 len; /* Length of the data buffer including SSID
* list.
uint16 sync_id; /* Scan Sync ID */
uint16 scan_flags; /* flags [0] or SCAN_SUM_CHAN_INFO = */
/* channel_info, if not set */
/* it is scan_summary_info */
/* when channel_info is used, */
/* the following flag bits are overridden: */
/* flags[1] or ACTIVE_SCAN_SCN_SUM = active channel if set */
/* passive if not set */
/* flags[2] or WLC_CORE0 = if set, represents wlc_core0 */
/* flags[3] or WLC_CORE1 = if set, represents wlc_core1 */
/* flags[4] or HOME_CHAN = if set, represents home-channel */
/* flags[5] or SCAN_SUM_SCAN_CORE = if set,
* represents chan_info from scan core.
/* flags[12] SCAN_SUM_CHAN_RESHED indicate scan rescheduled */
/* flags[6:11, 13:15] = reserved */
/* when scan_summary_info is used, */
/* the following flag bits are used: */
/* flags[1] or BAND5G_SIB_ENAB = */
/* allowSIBParallelPassiveScan on 5G band */
/* flags[2] or BAND2G_SIB_ENAB = */
/* allowSIBParallelPassiveScan on 2G band */
/* flags[3] or PARALLEL_SCAN = Parallel scan enabled or not */
/* flags[4] or SCAN_ABORT = SCAN_ABORTED scenario */
/* flags[5] = reserved */
/* flags[6:8] is used as count value to identify SCAN CLIENT
/* flags[9:11] is used as count value to identify SCAN MODE
/* flags[12] SCAN_SUM_CHAN_RESHED indicate scan rescheduled */
/* flags[13:15] = reserved */
/* scan_channel_ctx_t chan_cnt; */
uint8 channel_cnt_aux; /* Number of channels to be scanned on Aux core */
uint8 channel_cnt_main; /* Number of channels to be scanned on Main core */
uint8 channel_cnt_sc; /* Number of channels to be scanned on Scan core */
uint8 active_channel_cnt;
uint8 passive_channel_cnt;
char pad[3]; /* Pad to keep it 32 bit aligned */
union {
wl_scan_channel_info_t scan_chan_info; /* scan related information
* for each channel scanned
wl_scan_summary_info_t scan_sum_info; /* Cumulative scan related
* information.
} u;
/* Channel switch log record structure
* Host may map the following structure on channel switch event log record
* received from dongle. Note that all payload entries in event log record are
* uint32/int32.
typedef struct wl_chansw_event_log_record {
uint32 time; /* Time in us */
uint32 old_chanspec; /* Old channel spec */
uint32 new_chanspec; /* New channel spec */
uint32 chansw_reason; /* Reason for channel change */
int32 dwell_time;
} wl_chansw_event_log_record_t;
typedef struct wl_chansw_event_log_record_v2 {
uint32 time; /* Time in us */
uint32 old_chanspec; /* Old channel spec */
uint32 new_chanspec; /* New channel spec */
uint32 chansw_reason; /* Reason for channel change */
int32 dwell_time;
uint32 core;
int32 phychanswtime; /* channel switch time */
} wl_chansw_event_log_record_v2_t;
/* Sub-block type for EVENT_LOG_TAG_AMPDU_DUMP */
typedef enum {
WL_AMPDU_STATS_TYPE_RXMCSx1 = 0, /* RX MCS rate (Nss = 1) */
WL_AMPDU_STATS_TYPE_RXVHTx1 = 4, /* RX VHT rate (Nss = 1) */
WL_AMPDU_STATS_TYPE_TXMCSx1 = 8, /* TX MCS rate (Nss = 1) */
WL_AMPDU_STATS_TYPE_TXVHTx1 = 12, /* TX VHT rate (Nss = 1) */
WL_AMPDU_STATS_TYPE_RXMCSSGI = 16, /* RX SGI usage (for all MCS rates) */
WL_AMPDU_STATS_TYPE_TXMCSSGI = 17, /* TX SGI usage (for all MCS rates) */
WL_AMPDU_STATS_TYPE_RXVHTSGI = 18, /* RX SGI usage (for all VHT rates) */
WL_AMPDU_STATS_TYPE_TXVHTSGI = 19, /* TX SGI usage (for all VHT rates) */
WL_AMPDU_STATS_TYPE_RXMCSPER = 20, /* RX PER (for all MCS rates) */
WL_AMPDU_STATS_TYPE_TXMCSPER = 21, /* TX PER (for all MCS rates) */
WL_AMPDU_STATS_TYPE_RXVHTPER = 22, /* RX PER (for all VHT rates) */
WL_AMPDU_STATS_TYPE_TXVHTPER = 23, /* TX PER (for all VHT rates) */
WL_AMPDU_STATS_TYPE_RXMCSOK = 26, /* RX all MCS rates */
WL_AMPDU_STATS_TYPE_RXVHTOK = 27, /* RX all VHT rates */
WL_AMPDU_STATS_TYPE_TXMCSOK = 30, /* TX all MCS rates */
WL_AMPDU_STATS_TYPE_TXVHTOK = 31, /* TX all VHT rates */
WL_AMPDU_STATS_TYPE_TX_HE_MCSALL = 39, /* TX HE (SU+MU) frames, all rates */
WL_AMPDU_STATS_TYPE_TX_HE_MCSOK = 40, /* TX HE (SU+MU) frames succeeded */
WL_AMPDU_STATS_TYPE_TX_HE_MUALL = 41, /* TX MU (UL OFDMA) frames all rates */
WL_AMPDU_STATS_TYPE_TX_HE_MUOK = 42, /* TX MU (UL OFDMA) frames succeeded */
WL_AMPDU_STATS_TYPE_TX_HE_RUBW = 43, /* TX UL RU by BW histogram */
WL_AMPDU_STATS_TYPE_TX_HE_PADDING = 44, /* TX padding total (single value) */
WL_AMPDU_STATS_TYPE_RX_COUNTERS = 45, /* Additional AMPDU_RX module counters
* per-slice
} wl_ampdu_stat_enum_t;
typedef struct {
uint16 type; /* AMPDU statistics sub-type */
uint16 len; /* Number of 32-bit counters */
uint32 counters[WL_AMPDU_STATS_MAX_CNTS];
} wl_ampdu_stats_generic_t;
typedef wl_ampdu_stats_generic_t wl_ampdu_stats_rx_t;
typedef wl_ampdu_stats_generic_t wl_ampdu_stats_tx_t;
typedef struct {
uint16 type; /* AMPDU statistics sub-type */
uint16 len; /* Number of 32-bit counters + 2 */
uint32 total_ampdu;
uint32 total_mpdu;
uint32 aggr_dist[WL_AMPDU_STATS_MAX_CNTS + 1];
} wl_ampdu_stats_aggrsz_t;
/* AMPDU_RX module's per-slice counters. Sent by ecounters as subtype of
#define WLC_AMPDU_RX_STATS_V1 (1u)
typedef struct wlc_ampdu_rx_stats {
uint16 version;
uint16 len;
/* responder side counters */
uint32 rxampdu; /**< ampdus recd */
uint32 rxmpdu; /**< mpdus recd in a ampdu */
uint32 rxht; /**< mpdus recd at ht rate and not in a ampdu */
uint32 rxlegacy; /**< mpdus recd at legacy rate */
uint32 rxampdu_sgi; /**< ampdus recd with sgi */
uint32 rxampdu_stbc; /**< ampdus recd with stbc */
uint32 rxnobapol; /**< mpdus recd without a ba policy */
uint32 rxholes; /**< missed seq numbers on rx side */
uint32 rxqed; /**< pdus buffered before sending up */
uint32 rxdup; /**< duplicate pdus */
uint32 rxstuck; /**< watchdog bailout for stuck state */
uint32 rxoow; /**< out of window pdus */
uint32 rxoos; /**< out of seq pdus */
uint32 rxaddbareq; /**< addba req recd */
uint32 txaddbaresp; /**< addba resp sent */
uint32 rxbar; /**< bar recd */
uint32 txba; /**< ba sent */
/* general: both initiator and responder */
uint32 rxunexp; /**< unexpected packets */
uint32 txdelba; /**< delba sent */
uint32 rxdelba; /**< delba recd */
} wlc_ampdu_rx_stats_t;
/* Sub-block type for WL_IFSTATS_XTLV_HE_TXMU_STATS */
typedef enum {
/* Reserve 0 to avoid potential concerns */
WL_HE_TXMU_STATS_TYPE_TIME = 1, /* per-dBm, total usecs transmitted */
WL_HE_TXMU_STATS_TYPE_PAD_TIME = 2, /* per-dBm, padding usecs transmitted */
} wl_he_txmu_stat_enum_t;
/* Sub-block type for EVENT_LOG_TAG_MSCHPROFILE */
#define WL_MSCH_PROFILER_START 0 /* start event check */
#define WL_MSCH_PROFILER_EXIT 1 /* exit event check */
#define WL_MSCH_PROFILER_REQ 2 /* request event */
#define WL_MSCH_PROFILER_CALLBACK 3 /* call back event */
#define WL_MSCH_PROFILER_MESSAGE 4 /* message event */
/* MSCH Event data current verion */
/* msch version history */
/* msch collect header size */
#define WL_MSCH_PROFILE_HEAD_SIZE OFFSETOF(msch_collect_tlv_t, value)
/* msch event log header size */
#define WL_MSCH_EVENT_LOG_HEAD_SIZE OFFSETOF(msch_event_log_profiler_event_data_t, data)
/* MSCH data buffer size */
/* request type used in wlc_msch_req_param_t struct */
#define WL_MSCH_RT_BOTH_FIXED 0 /* both start and end time is fixed */
#define WL_MSCH_RT_START_FLEX 1 /* start time is flexible and duration is fixed */
#define WL_MSCH_RT_DUR_FLEX 2 /* start time is fixed and end time is flexible */
#define WL_MSCH_RT_BOTH_FLEX 3 /* Both start and duration is flexible */
/* Flags used in wlc_msch_req_param_t struct */
#define WL_MSCH_REQ_FLAGS_CHAN_CONTIGUOUS (1 << 0) /* Don't break up channels in chanspec_list */
#define WL_MSCH_REQ_FLAGS_MERGE_CONT_SLOTS (1 << 1) /* No slot end if slots are continous */
#define WL_MSCH_REQ_FLAGS_PREMTABLE (1 << 2) /* Req can be pre-empted by PREMT_CURTS req */
#define WL_MSCH_REQ_FLAGS_PREMT_CURTS (1 << 3) /* Pre-empt request at the end of curts */
#define WL_MSCH_REQ_FLAGS_PREMT_IMMEDIATE (1 << 4) /* Pre-empt cur_ts immediately */
/* Requested slot Callback states
* req->pend_slot/cur_slot->flags
/* Request entity flags */
/* Request Handle flags */
#define WL_MSCH_REQ_HDL_FLAGS_NEW_REQ (1 << 0) /* req_start callback */
/* MSCH state flags (msch_info->flags) */
/* MSCH callback type */
#define WL_MSCH_CT_REQ_START 0x1
#define WL_MSCH_CT_ON_CHAN 0x2
#define WL_MSCH_CT_SLOT_END 0x8
#define WL_MSCH_CT_SLOT_SKIP 0x10
#define WL_MSCH_CT_OFF_CHAN 0x20
#define WL_MSCH_CT_REQ_END 0x80
#define WL_MSCH_CT_PARTIAL 0x100
#define WL_MSCH_CT_PRE_ONCHAN 0x200
#define WL_MSCH_CT_PRE_REQ_START 0x400
/* MSCH command bits */
#define WL_MSCH_CMD_ERROR_BIT 0x10
#define WL_MSCH_CMD_DEBUG_BIT 0x20
#define WL_MSCH_CMD_INFOM_BIT 0x40
#define WL_MSCH_CMD_TRACE_BIT 0x80
#define WL_MSCH_CMD_ALL_BITS 0xfe
#define WL_MSCH_CMD_SIZE_MASK 0x00ff0000
#define WL_MSCH_CMD_VER_MASK 0xff000000
/* maximum channels returned by the get valid channels iovar */
typedef struct msch_collect_tlv {
uint16 type;
uint16 size;
char value[1];
} msch_collect_tlv_t;
typedef struct msch_profiler_event_data {
uint32 time_lo; /* Request time */
uint32 time_hi;
} msch_profiler_event_data_t;
typedef struct msch_start_profiler_event_data {
uint32 time_lo; /* Request time */
uint32 time_hi;
uint32 status;
} msch_start_profiler_event_data_t;
typedef struct msch_message_profiler_event_data {
uint32 time_lo; /* Request time */
uint32 time_hi;
char message[1]; /* message */
} msch_message_profiler_event_data_t;
typedef struct msch_event_log_profiler_event_data {
uint32 time_lo; /* Request time */
uint32 time_hi;
event_log_hdr_t hdr; /* event log header */
uint32 data[9]; /* event data */
} msch_event_log_profiler_event_data_t;
typedef struct msch_req_param_profiler_event_data {
uint16 flags; /* Describe various request properties */
uint8 req_type; /* Describe start and end time flexiblilty */
uint8 priority; /* Define the request priority */
uint32 start_time_l; /* Requested start time offset in us unit */
uint32 start_time_h;
uint32 duration; /* Requested duration in us unit */
uint32 interval; /* Requested periodic interval in us unit,
* 0 means non-periodic
union {
uint32 dur_flex; /* MSCH_REG_DUR_FLEX, min_dur = duration - dur_flex */
struct {
uint32 min_dur; /* min duration for traffic, maps to home_time */
uint32 max_away_dur; /* max acceptable away dur, maps to home_away_time */
uint32 hi_prio_time_l;
uint32 hi_prio_time_h;
uint32 hi_prio_interval; /* repeated high priority interval */
} bf;
} flex;
} msch_req_param_profiler_event_data_t;
typedef struct msch_req_timing_profiler_event_data {
uint32 p_req_timing;
uint32 p_prev;
uint32 p_next;
uint16 flags;
uint16 timeslot_ptr;
uint32 fire_time_l;
uint32 fire_time_h;
uint32 pre_start_time_l;
uint32 pre_start_time_h;
uint32 start_time_l;
uint32 start_time_h;
uint32 end_time_l;
uint32 end_time_h;
uint32 p_timeslot;
} msch_req_timing_profiler_event_data_t;
typedef struct msch_chan_ctxt_profiler_event_data {
uint32 p_chan_ctxt;
uint32 p_prev;
uint32 p_next;
uint16 chanspec;
uint16 bf_sch_pending;
uint32 bf_link_prev;
uint32 bf_link_next;
uint32 onchan_time_l;
uint32 onchan_time_h;
uint32 actual_onchan_dur_l;
uint32 actual_onchan_dur_h;
uint32 pend_onchan_dur_l;
uint32 pend_onchan_dur_h;
uint16 req_entity_list_cnt;
uint16 req_entity_list_ptr;
uint16 bf_entity_list_cnt;
uint16 bf_entity_list_ptr;
uint32 bf_skipped_count;
} msch_chan_ctxt_profiler_event_data_t;
typedef struct msch_req_entity_profiler_event_data {
uint32 p_req_entity;
uint32 req_hdl_link_prev;
uint32 req_hdl_link_next;
uint32 chan_ctxt_link_prev;
uint32 chan_ctxt_link_next;
uint32 rt_specific_link_prev;
uint32 rt_specific_link_next;
uint32 start_fixed_link_prev;
uint32 start_fixed_link_next;
uint32 both_flex_list_prev;
uint32 both_flex_list_next;
uint16 chanspec;
uint16 priority;
uint16 cur_slot_ptr;
uint16 pend_slot_ptr;
uint16 pad;
uint16 chan_ctxt_ptr;
uint32 p_chan_ctxt;
uint32 p_req_hdl;
uint32 bf_last_serv_time_l;
uint32 bf_last_serv_time_h;
uint16 onchan_chn_idx;
uint16 cur_chn_idx;
uint32 flags;
uint32 actual_start_time_l;
uint32 actual_start_time_h;
uint32 curts_fire_time_l;
uint32 curts_fire_time_h;
} msch_req_entity_profiler_event_data_t;
typedef struct msch_req_handle_profiler_event_data {
uint32 p_req_handle;
uint32 p_prev;
uint32 p_next;
uint32 cb_func;
uint32 cb_ctxt;
uint16 req_param_ptr;
uint16 req_entity_list_cnt;
uint16 req_entity_list_ptr;
uint16 chan_cnt;
uint32 flags;
uint16 chanspec_list;
uint16 chanspec_cnt;
uint16 chan_idx;
uint16 last_chan_idx;
uint32 req_time_l;
uint32 req_time_h;
} msch_req_handle_profiler_event_data_t;
typedef struct msch_profiler_profiler_event_data {
uint32 time_lo; /* Request time */
uint32 time_hi;
uint32 free_req_hdl_list;
uint32 free_req_entity_list;
uint32 free_chan_ctxt_list;
uint32 free_chanspec_list;
uint16 cur_msch_timeslot_ptr;
uint16 next_timeslot_ptr;
uint32 p_cur_msch_timeslot;
uint32 p_next_timeslot;
uint32 cur_armed_timeslot;
uint32 flags;
uint32 ts_id;
uint32 service_interval;
uint32 max_lo_prio_interval;
uint16 flex_list_cnt;
uint16 msch_chanspec_alloc_cnt;
uint16 msch_req_entity_alloc_cnt;
uint16 msch_req_hdl_alloc_cnt;
uint16 msch_chan_ctxt_alloc_cnt;
uint16 msch_timeslot_alloc_cnt;
uint16 msch_req_hdl_list_cnt;
uint16 msch_req_hdl_list_ptr;
uint16 msch_chan_ctxt_list_cnt;
uint16 msch_chan_ctxt_list_ptr;
uint16 msch_req_timing_list_cnt;
uint16 msch_req_timing_list_ptr;
uint16 msch_start_fixed_list_cnt;
uint16 msch_start_fixed_list_ptr;
uint16 msch_both_flex_req_entity_list_cnt;
uint16 msch_both_flex_req_entity_list_ptr;
uint16 msch_start_flex_list_cnt;
uint16 msch_start_flex_list_ptr;
uint16 msch_both_flex_list_cnt;
uint16 msch_both_flex_list_ptr;
uint32 slotskip_flag;
} msch_profiler_profiler_event_data_t;
typedef struct msch_req_profiler_event_data {
uint32 time_lo; /* Request time */
uint32 time_hi;
uint16 chanspec_cnt;
uint16 chanspec_ptr;
uint16 req_param_ptr;
uint16 pad;
} msch_req_profiler_event_data_t;
typedef struct msch_callback_profiler_event_data {
uint32 time_lo; /* Request time */
uint32 time_hi;
uint16 type; /* callback type */
uint16 chanspec; /* actual chanspec, may different with requested one */
uint32 start_time_l; /* time slot start time low 32bit */
uint32 start_time_h; /* time slot start time high 32bit */
uint32 end_time_l; /* time slot end time low 32 bit */
uint32 end_time_h; /* time slot end time high 32 bit */
uint32 timeslot_id; /* unique time slot id */
uint32 p_req_hdl;
uint32 onchan_idx; /* Current channel index */
uint32 cur_chan_seq_start_time_l; /* start time of current sequence */
uint32 cur_chan_seq_start_time_h;
} msch_callback_profiler_event_data_t;
typedef struct msch_timeslot_profiler_event_data {
uint32 p_timeslot;
uint32 timeslot_id;
uint32 pre_start_time_l;
uint32 pre_start_time_h;
uint32 end_time_l;
uint32 end_time_h;
uint32 sch_dur_l;
uint32 sch_dur_h;
uint32 p_chan_ctxt;
uint32 fire_time_l;
uint32 fire_time_h;
uint32 state;
} msch_timeslot_profiler_event_data_t;
typedef struct msch_register_params {
uint16 wlc_index; /* Optional wlc index */
uint16 flags; /* Describe various request properties */
uint32 req_type; /* Describe start and end time flexiblilty */
uint16 id; /* register id */
uint16 priority; /* Define the request priority */
uint32 start_time; /* Requested start time offset in ms unit */
uint32 duration; /* Requested duration in ms unit */
uint32 interval; /* Requested periodic interval in ms unit,
* 0 means non-periodic
uint32 dur_flex; /* MSCH_REG_DUR_FLEX, min_dur = duration - dur_flex */
uint32 min_dur; /* min duration for traffic, maps to home_time */
uint32 max_away_dur; /* max acceptable away dur, maps to home_away_time */
uint32 hi_prio_time;
uint32 hi_prio_interval; /* repeated high priority interval */
uint32 chanspec_cnt;
uint16 chanspec_list[WL_MSCH_NUMCHANNELS];
} msch_register_params_t;
typedef struct {
uint32 txallfrm; /**< total number of frames sent, incl. Data, ACK, RTS, CTS,
* Control Management (includes retransmissions)
uint32 rxrsptmout; /**< number of response timeouts for transmitted frames
* expecting a response
uint32 rxstrt; /**< number of received frames with a good PLCP */
uint32 rxbadplcp; /**< number of parity check of the PLCP header failed */
uint32 rxcrsglitch; /**< PHY was able to correlate the preamble but not the header */
uint32 rxnodelim; /**< number of no valid delimiter detected by ampdu parser */
uint32 bphy_badplcp; /**< number of bad PLCP reception on BPHY rate */
uint32 bphy_rxcrsglitch; /**< PHY count of bphy glitches */
uint32 rxbadfcs; /**< number of frames for which the CRC check failed in the MAC */
uint32 rxanyerr; /**< Any RX error that is not counted by other counters. */
uint32 rxbeaconmbss; /**< beacons received from member of BSS */
uint32 rxdtucastmbss; /**< number of received DATA frames with good FCS and matching RA */
uint32 rxdtocast; /**< number of received DATA frames (good FCS and no matching RA) */
uint32 rxtoolate; /**< receive too late */
uint32 goodfcs; /**< Good fcs counters */
uint32 rxf0ovfl; /** < Rx FIFO0 overflow counters information */
uint32 rxf1ovfl; /** < Rx FIFO1 overflow counters information */
} phy_periodic_counters_v1_t;
typedef struct {
/* RX error related */
uint32 rxrsptmout; /* number of response timeouts for transmitted frames
* expecting a response
uint32 rxbadplcp; /* number of parity check of the PLCP header failed */
uint32 rxcrsglitch; /* PHY was able to correlate the preamble but not the header */
uint32 rxnodelim; /* number of no valid delimiter detected by ampdu parser */
uint32 bphy_badplcp; /* number of bad PLCP reception on BPHY rate */
uint32 bphy_rxcrsglitch; /* PHY count of bphy glitches */
uint32 rxbadfcs; /* number of frames for which the CRC check failed in the MAC */
uint32 rxtoolate; /* receive too late */
uint32 rxf0ovfl; /* Rx FIFO0 overflow counters information */
uint32 rxf1ovfl; /* Rx FIFO1 overflow counters information */
uint32 rxanyerr; /* Any RX error that is not counted by other counters. */
uint32 rxdropped; /* Frame dropped */
uint32 rxnobuf; /* Rx error due to no buffer */
uint32 rxrunt; /* Runt frame counter */
uint32 rxfrmtoolong; /* Number of received frame that are too long */
uint32 rxdrop20s;
/* RX related */
uint32 rxstrt; /* number of received frames with a good PLCP */
uint32 rxbeaconmbss; /* beacons received from member of BSS */
uint32 rxdtucastmbss; /* number of received DATA frames with good FCS and matching RA */
uint32 rxdtocast; /* number of received DATA frames (good FCS and no matching RA) */
uint32 goodfcs; /* Good fcs counters */
uint32 rxctl; /* Number of control frames */
uint32 rxaction; /* Number of action frames */
uint32 rxback; /* Number of block ack frames rcvd */
uint32 rxctlucast; /* Number of received unicast ctl frames */
uint32 rxframe; /* Number of received frames */
/* TX related */
uint32 txallfrm; /* total number of frames sent, incl. Data, ACK, RTS, CTS,
* Control Management (includes retransmissions)
uint32 txmpdu; /* Numer of transmitted mpdus */
uint32 txackbackctsfrm; /* Number of ACK + BACK + CTS */
/* TX error related */
uint32 txrtsfail; /* RTS TX failure count */
uint32 txphyerr; /* PHY TX error count */
uint16 nav_cntr_l; /* The state of the NAV */
uint16 nav_cntr_h;
} phy_periodic_counters_v3_t;
typedef struct phy_periodic_counters_v4 {
uint32 txallfrm; /**< total number of frames sent, incl. Data, ACK, RTS, CTS,
* Control Management (includes retransmissions)
uint32 rxrsptmout; /**< number of response timeouts for transmitted frames
* expecting a response
uint32 rxstrt; /**< number of received frames with a good PLCP */
uint32 rxbadplcp; /**< number of parity check of the PLCP header failed */
uint32 rxcrsglitch; /**< PHY was able to correlate the preamble but not the header */
uint32 bphy_badplcp; /**< number of bad PLCP reception on BPHY rate */
uint32 bphy_rxcrsglitch; /**< PHY count of bphy glitches */
uint32 rxbeaconmbss; /**< beacons received from member of BSS */
uint32 rxdtucastmbss; /**< number of received DATA frames with good FCS and matching RA */
uint32 rxf0ovfl; /** < Rx FIFO0 overflow counters information */
uint32 rxf1ovfl; /** < Rx FIFO1 overflow counters information */
uint32 rxdtocast; /**< number of received DATA frames (good FCS and no matching RA) */
uint32 rxtoolate; /**< receive too late */
uint32 rxbadfcs; /**< number of frames for which the CRC check failed in the MAC */
uint32 rxdropped;
uint32 rxcrc;
uint32 rxnobuf;
uint32 rxrunt;
uint32 rxgiant;
uint32 rxctl;
uint32 rxaction;
uint32 rxdrop20s;
uint32 rxctsucast;
uint32 rxrtsucast;
uint32 txctsfrm;
uint32 rxackucast;
uint32 rxback;
uint32 txphyerr;
uint32 txrtsfrm;
uint32 txackfrm;
uint32 txback;
uint32 rxnodelim;
uint32 rxfrmtoolong;
uint32 rxctlucast;
uint32 txbcnfrm;
uint32 txdnlfrm;
uint32 txampdu;
uint32 txmpdu;
uint32 txinrtstxop;
uint32 prs_timeout;
} phy_periodic_counters_v4_t;
typedef struct phycal_log_cmn {
uint16 chanspec; /* Current phy chanspec */
uint8 last_cal_reason; /* Last Cal Reason */
uint8 pad1; /* Padding byte to align with word */
uint32 last_cal_time; /* Last cal time in sec */
} phycal_log_cmn_t;
typedef struct phycal_log_cmn_v2 {
uint16 chanspec; /* current phy chanspec */
uint8 reason; /* cal reason */
uint8 phase; /* cal phase */
uint32 time; /* time at which cal happened in sec */
uint16 temp; /* temperature at the time of cal */
uint16 dur; /* duration of cal in usec */
/* Misc general purpose debug counters (will be used for future debugging) */
uint16 debug_01;
uint16 debug_02;
uint16 debug_03;
uint16 debug_04;
} phycal_log_cmn_v2_t;
typedef struct phycal_log_core {
uint16 ofdm_txa; /* OFDM Tx IQ Cal a coeff */
uint16 ofdm_txb; /* OFDM Tx IQ Cal b coeff */
uint16 ofdm_txd; /* contain di & dq */
uint16 bphy_txa; /* BPHY Tx IQ Cal a coeff */
uint16 bphy_txb; /* BPHY Tx IQ Cal b coeff */
uint16 bphy_txd; /* contain di & dq */
uint16 rxa; /* Rx IQ Cal A coeffecient */
uint16 rxb; /* Rx IQ Cal B coeffecient */
int32 rxs; /* FDIQ Slope coeffecient */
uint8 baseidx; /* TPC Base index */
uint8 adc_coeff_cap0_adcI; /* ADC CAP Cal Cap0 I */
uint8 adc_coeff_cap1_adcI; /* ADC CAP Cal Cap1 I */
uint8 adc_coeff_cap2_adcI; /* ADC CAP Cal Cap2 I */
uint8 adc_coeff_cap0_adcQ; /* ADC CAP Cal Cap0 Q */
uint8 adc_coeff_cap1_adcQ; /* ADC CAP Cal Cap1 Q */
uint8 adc_coeff_cap2_adcQ; /* ADC CAP Cal Cap2 Q */
uint8 pad; /* Padding byte to align with word */
} phycal_log_core_t;
typedef struct phycal_log_core_v3 {
uint16 ofdm_txa; /* OFDM Tx IQ Cal a coeff */
uint16 ofdm_txb; /* OFDM Tx IQ Cal b coeff */
uint16 ofdm_txd; /* contain di & dq */
uint16 bphy_txa; /* BPHY Tx IQ Cal a coeff */
uint16 bphy_txb; /* BPHY Tx IQ Cal b coeff */
uint16 bphy_txd; /* contain di & dq */
uint16 rxa; /* Rx IQ Cal A coeffecient */
uint16 rxb; /* Rx IQ Cal B coeffecient */
int32 rxs; /* FDIQ Slope coeffecient */
uint8 baseidx; /* TPC Base index */
uint8 adc_coeff_cap0_adcI; /* ADC CAP Cal Cap0 I */
uint8 adc_coeff_cap1_adcI; /* ADC CAP Cal Cap1 I */
uint8 adc_coeff_cap2_adcI; /* ADC CAP Cal Cap2 I */
uint8 adc_coeff_cap0_adcQ; /* ADC CAP Cal Cap0 Q */
uint8 adc_coeff_cap1_adcQ; /* ADC CAP Cal Cap1 Q */
uint8 adc_coeff_cap2_adcQ; /* ADC CAP Cal Cap2 Q */
uint8 pad; /* Padding byte to align with word */
/* Gain index based txiq ceffiecients for 2G(3 gain indices) */
uint16 txiqlo_2g_a0; /* 2G TXIQ Cal a coeff for high TX gain */
uint16 txiqlo_2g_b0; /* 2G TXIQ Cal b coeff for high TX gain */
uint16 txiqlo_2g_a1; /* 2G TXIQ Cal a coeff for mid TX gain */
uint16 txiqlo_2g_b1; /* 2G TXIQ Cal b coeff for mid TX gain */
uint16 txiqlo_2g_a2; /* 2G TXIQ Cal a coeff for low TX gain */
uint16 txiqlo_2g_b2; /* 2G TXIQ Cal b coeff for low TX gain */
uint16 rxa_vpoff; /* Rx IQ Cal A coeff Vp off */
uint16 rxb_vpoff; /* Rx IQ Cal B coeff Vp off */
uint16 rxa_ipoff; /* Rx IQ Cal A coeff Ip off */
uint16 rxb_ipoff; /* Rx IQ Cal B coeff Ip off */
int32 rxs_vpoff; /* FDIQ Slope coeff Vp off */
int32 rxs_ipoff; /* FDIQ Slope coeff Ip off */
} phycal_log_core_v3_t;
#define PHYCAL_LOG_VER1 (1u)
typedef struct phycal_log_v1 {
uint8 version; /* Logging structure version */
uint8 numcores; /* Numbe of cores for which core specific data present */
uint16 length; /* Length of the entire structure */
phycal_log_cmn_t phycal_log_cmn; /* Logging common structure */
/* This will be a variable length based on the numcores field defined above */
phycal_log_core_t phycal_log_core[1];
} phycal_log_v1_t;
typedef struct phy_periodic_log_cmn {
uint16 chanspec; /* Current phy chanspec */
uint16 vbatmeas; /* Measured VBAT sense value */
uint16 featureflag; /* Currently active feature flags */
int8 chiptemp; /* Chip temparature */
int8 femtemp; /* Fem temparature */
uint32 nrate; /* Current Tx nrate */
uint8 cal_phase_id; /* Current Multi phase cal ID */
uint8 rxchain; /* Rx Chain */
uint8 txchain; /* Tx Chain */
uint8 ofdm_desense; /* OFDM desense */
uint8 bphy_desense; /* BPHY desense */
uint8 pll_lockstatus; /* PLL Lock status */
uint8 pad1; /* Padding byte to align with word */
uint8 pad2; /* Padding byte to align with word */
uint32 duration; /**< millisecs spent sampling this channel */
uint32 congest_ibss; /**< millisecs in our bss (presumably this traffic will */
/**< move if cur bss moves channels) */
uint32 congest_obss; /**< traffic not in our bss */
uint32 interference; /**< millisecs detecting a non 802.11 interferer. */
} phy_periodic_log_cmn_t;
typedef struct phy_periodic_log_cmn_v2 {
uint16 chanspec; /* Current phy chanspec */
uint16 vbatmeas; /* Measured VBAT sense value */
uint16 featureflag; /* Currently active feature flags */
int8 chiptemp; /* Chip temparature */
int8 femtemp; /* Fem temparature */
uint32 nrate; /* Current Tx nrate */
uint8 cal_phase_id; /* Current Multi phase cal ID */
uint8 rxchain; /* Rx Chain */
uint8 txchain; /* Tx Chain */
uint8 ofdm_desense; /* OFDM desense */
uint8 bphy_desense; /* BPHY desense */
uint8 pll_lockstatus; /* PLL Lock status */
uint32 duration; /* millisecs spent sampling this channel */
uint32 congest_ibss; /* millisecs in our bss (presumably this traffic will */
/* move if cur bss moves channels) */
uint32 congest_obss; /* traffic not in our bss */
uint32 interference; /* millisecs detecting a non 802.11 interferer. */
uint8 slice;
uint8 version; /* version of fw/ucode for debug purposes */
bool phycal_disable; /* Set if calibration is disabled */
uint8 pad;
uint16 phy_log_counter;
uint16 noise_mmt_overdue; /* Count up if ucode noise mmt is overdue for 5 sec */
uint16 chan_switch_tm; /* Channel switch time */
/* HP2P related params */
uint16 shm_mpif_cnt_val;
uint16 shm_thld_cnt_val;
uint16 shm_nav_cnt_val;
uint16 shm_cts_cnt_val;
uint16 shm_m_prewds_cnt; /* Count of pre-wds fired in the ucode */
uint32 last_cal_time; /* Last cal execution time */
uint16 deaf_count; /* Depth of stay_in_carrier_search function */
uint32 ed20_crs0; /* ED-CRS status on core 0 */
uint32 ed20_crs1; /* ED-CRS status on core 1 */
uint32 noise_cal_req_ts; /* Time-stamp when noise cal was requested */
uint32 noise_cal_intr_ts; /* Time-stamp when noise cal was completed */
uint32 phywdg_ts; /* Time-stamp when wd was fired */
uint32 phywd_dur; /* Duration of the watchdog */
uint32 noise_mmt_abort_crs; /* Count of CRS during noise mmt */
uint32 chanspec_set_ts; /* Time-stamp when chanspec was set */
uint32 vcopll_failure_cnt; /* Number of VCO cal failures
* (including failures detected in ucode).
uint32 dcc_fail_counter; /* Number of DC cal failures */
uint32 log_ts; /* Time-stamp when this log was collected */
uint16 btcxovrd_dur; /* Cumulative btcx overide between WDGs */
uint16 btcxovrd_err_cnt; /* BTCX override flagged errors */
uint16 femtemp_read_fail_counter; /* Fem temparature read fail counter */
/* Misc general purpose debug counters (will be used for future debugging) */
uint16 debug_01;
uint16 debug_02;
} phy_periodic_log_cmn_v2_t;
typedef struct phy_periodic_log_cmn_v3 {
uint32 nrate; /* Current Tx nrate */
uint32 duration; /**< millisecs spent sampling this channel */
uint32 congest_ibss; /**< millisecs in our bss (presumably this traffic will */
/**< move if cur bss moves channels) */
uint32 congest_obss; /**< traffic not in our bss */
uint32 interference; /**< millisecs detecting a non 802.11 interferer. */
uint32 noise_cfg_exit1;
uint32 noise_cfg_exit2;
uint32 noise_cfg_exit3;
uint32 noise_cfg_exit4;
uint32 ed20_crs0;
uint32 ed20_crs1;
uint32 noise_cal_req_ts;
uint32 noise_cal_crs_ts;
uint32 log_ts;
uint32 last_cal_time;
uint32 phywdg_ts;
uint32 chanspec_set_ts;
uint32 noise_zero_inucode;
uint32 phy_crs_during_noisemmt;
uint32 wd_dur;
int32 deaf_count;
uint16 chanspec; /* Current phy chanspec */
uint16 vbatmeas; /* Measured VBAT sense value */
uint16 featureflag; /* Currently active feature flags */
uint16 nav_cntr_l;
uint16 nav_cntr_h;
uint16 chanspec_set_last;
uint16 ucode_noise_fb_overdue;
uint16 phy_log_counter;
uint16 shm_mpif_cnt_val;
uint16 shm_thld_cnt_val;
uint16 shm_nav_cnt_val;
uint16 shm_dc_cnt_val;
uint16 shm_txff_cnt_val;
uint16 shm_cts_cnt_val;
uint16 shm_m_prewds_cnt;
uint8 cal_phase_id; /* Current Multi phase cal ID */
uint8 rxchain; /* Rx Chain */
uint8 txchain; /* Tx Chain */
uint8 ofdm_desense; /* OFDM desense */
uint8 bphy_desense; /* BPHY desense */
uint8 pll_lockstatus; /* PLL Lock status */
int8 chiptemp; /* Chip temparature */
int8 femtemp; /* Fem temparature */
bool phycal_disable;
uint8 pad; /* Padding byte to align with word */
} phy_periodic_log_cmn_v3_t;
typedef struct phy_periodic_log_cmn_v4 {
uint16 chanspec; /* Current phy chanspec */
uint16 vbatmeas; /* Measured VBAT sense value */
uint16 featureflag; /* Currently active feature flags */
int8 chiptemp; /* Chip temparature */
int8 femtemp; /* Fem temparature */
uint32 nrate; /* Current Tx nrate */
uint8 cal_phase_id; /* Current Multi phase cal ID */
uint8 rxchain; /* Rx Chain */
uint8 txchain; /* Tx Chain */
uint8 ofdm_desense; /* OFDM desense */
uint8 slice;
uint8 dbgfw_ver; /* version of fw/ucode for debug purposes */
uint8 bphy_desense; /* BPHY desense */
uint8 pll_lockstatus; /* PLL Lock status */
uint32 duration; /* millisecs spent sampling this channel */
uint32 congest_ibss; /* millisecs in our bss (presumably this traffic will */
/* move if cur bss moves channels) */
uint32 congest_obss; /* traffic not in our bss */
uint32 interference; /* millisecs detecting a non 802.11 interferer. */
/* HP2P related params */
uint16 shm_mpif_cnt_val;
uint16 shm_thld_cnt_val;
uint16 shm_nav_cnt_val;
uint16 shm_cts_cnt_val;
uint16 shm_m_prewds_cnt; /* Count of pre-wds fired in the ucode */
uint16 deaf_count; /* Depth of stay_in_carrier_search function */
uint32 last_cal_time; /* Last cal execution time */
uint32 ed20_crs0; /* ED-CRS status on core 0 */
uint32 ed20_crs1; /* ED-CRS status on core 1 */
uint32 noise_cal_req_ts; /* Time-stamp when noise cal was requested */
uint32 noise_cal_intr_ts; /* Time-stamp when noise cal was completed */
uint32 phywdg_ts; /* Time-stamp when wd was fired */
uint32 phywd_dur; /* Duration of the watchdog */
uint32 noise_mmt_abort_crs; /* Count of CRS during noise mmt */
uint32 chanspec_set_ts; /* Time-stamp when chanspec was set */
uint32 vcopll_failure_cnt; /* Number of VCO cal failures
* (including failures detected in ucode).
uint16 dcc_attempt_counter; /* Number of DC cal attempts */
uint16 dcc_fail_counter; /* Number of DC cal failures */
uint32 log_ts; /* Time-stamp when this log was collected */
uint16 btcxovrd_dur; /* Cumulative btcx overide between WDGs */
uint16 btcxovrd_err_cnt; /* BTCX override flagged errors */
uint16 femtemp_read_fail_counter; /* Fem temparature read fail counter */
uint16 phy_log_counter;
uint16 noise_mmt_overdue; /* Count up if ucode noise mmt is overdue for 5 sec */
uint16 chan_switch_tm; /* Channel switch time */
bool phycal_disable; /* Set if calibration is disabled */
/* dccal dcoe & idacc */
uint8 dcc_err; /* dccal health check error status */
uint8 dcoe_num_tries; /* number of retries on dcoe cal */
uint8 idacc_num_tries; /* number of retries on idac cal */
uint8 dccal_phyrxchain; /* phy rxchain during dc calibration */
uint8 dccal_type; /* DC cal type: single/multi phase, chan change, etc. */
uint16 dcc_hcfail; /* dcc health check failure count */
uint16 dcc_calfail; /* dcc failure count */
/* Misc general purpose debug counters (will be used for future debugging) */
uint16 debug_01;
uint16 debug_02;
uint16 debug_03;
uint16 debug_04;
uint16 debug_05;
} phy_periodic_log_cmn_v4_t;
typedef struct phy_periodic_log_core {
uint8 baseindxval; /* TPC Base index */
int8 tgt_pwr; /* Programmed Target power */
int8 estpwradj; /* Current Est Power Adjust value */
int8 crsmin_pwr; /* CRS Min/Noise power */
int8 rssi_per_ant; /* RSSI Per antenna */
int8 snr_per_ant; /* SNR Per antenna */
int8 pad1; /* Padding byte to align with word */
int8 pad2; /* Padding byte to align with word */
} phy_periodic_log_core_t;
typedef struct phy_periodic_log_core_v3 {
uint8 baseindxval; /* TPC Base index */
int8 tgt_pwr; /* Programmed Target power */
int8 estpwradj; /* Current Est Power Adjust value */
int8 crsmin_pwr; /* CRS Min/Noise power */
int8 rssi_per_ant; /* RSSI Per antenna */
int8 snr_per_ant; /* SNR Per antenna */
/* dccal dcoe & idacc */
uint16 dcoe_done_0; /* dccal control register 44 */
uint16 dcoe_done_1; /* dccal control register 45 */
uint16 dcoe_done_2; /* dccal control register 46 */
uint16 idacc_done_0; /* dccal control register 21 */
uint16 idacc_done_1; /* dccal control register 60 */
uint16 idacc_done_2; /* dccal control register 61 */
int16 psb; /* psb read during dccal health check */
uint8 pktproc; /* pktproc read during dccal health check */
int8 pad1; /* Padding byte to align with word */
int8 pad2; /* Padding byte to align with word */
int8 pad3; /* Padding byte to align with word */
} phy_periodic_log_core_v3_t;
typedef struct phy_periodic_log_core_v2 {
int32 rxs; /* FDIQ Slope coeffecient */
uint16 ofdm_txa; /* OFDM Tx IQ Cal a coeff */
uint16 ofdm_txb; /* OFDM Tx IQ Cal b coeff */
uint16 ofdm_txd; /* contain di & dq */
uint16 rxa; /* Rx IQ Cal A coeffecient */
uint16 rxb; /* Rx IQ Cal B coeffecient */
uint16 baseidx; /* TPC Base index */
uint8 baseindxval; /* TPC Base index */
int8 tgt_pwr; /* Programmed Target power */
int8 estpwradj; /* Current Est Power Adjust value */
int8 crsmin_pwr; /* CRS Min/Noise power */
int8 rssi_per_ant; /* RSSI Per antenna */
int8 snr_per_ant; /* SNR Per antenna */
int8 pad1; /* Padding byte to align with word */
int8 pad2; /* Padding byte to align with word */
} phy_periodic_log_core_v2_t;
#define PHY_PERIODIC_LOG_VER1 (1u)
typedef struct phy_periodic_log_v1 {
uint8 version; /* Logging structure version */
uint8 numcores; /* Number of cores for which core specific data present */
uint16 length; /* Length of the entire structure */
phy_periodic_log_cmn_t phy_perilog_cmn;
phy_periodic_counters_v1_t counters_peri_log;
/* This will be a variable length based on the numcores field defined above */
phy_periodic_log_core_t phy_perilog_core[1];
} phy_periodic_log_v1_t;
#define PHYCAL_LOG_VER3 (3u)
#define PHY_PERIODIC_LOG_VER3 (3u)
/* 4387 onwards */
typedef struct phy_periodic_log_v3 {
uint8 version; /* Logging structure version */
uint8 numcores; /* Number of cores for which core specific data present */
uint16 length; /* Length of the structure */
/* Logs general PHY parameters */
phy_periodic_log_cmn_v2_t phy_perilog_cmn;
/* Logs ucode counters and NAVs */
phy_periodic_counters_v3_t counters_peri_log;
/* Logs data pertaining to each core */
phy_periodic_log_core_t phy_perilog_core[1];
} phy_periodic_log_v3_t;
#define PHY_PERIODIC_LOG_VER5 (5u)
typedef struct phy_periodic_log_v5 {
uint8 version; /* Logging structure version */
uint8 numcores; /* Number of cores for which core specific data present */
uint16 length; /* Length of the structure */
/* Logs general PHY parameters */
phy_periodic_log_cmn_v4_t phy_perilog_cmn;
/* Logs ucode counters and NAVs */
phy_periodic_counters_v3_t counters_peri_log;
/* Logs data pertaining to each core */
phy_periodic_log_core_v3_t phy_perilog_core[1];
} phy_periodic_log_v5_t;
typedef struct phycal_log_v3 {
uint8 version; /* Logging structure version */
uint8 numcores; /* Number of cores for which core specific data present */
uint16 length; /* Length of the entire structure */
phycal_log_cmn_v2_t phycal_log_cmn; /* Logging common structure */
/* This will be a variable length based on the numcores field defined above */
phycal_log_core_v3_t phycal_log_core[1];
} phycal_log_v3_t;
/* Note: The version 2 is reserved for 4357 only. Future chips must not use this version. */
#define MAX_CORE_4357 (2u)
#define PHYCAL_LOG_VER2 (2u)
#define PHY_PERIODIC_LOG_VER2 (2u)
typedef struct {
uint32 txallfrm; /**< total number of frames sent, incl. Data, ACK, RTS, CTS,
* Control Management (includes retransmissions)
uint32 rxrsptmout; /**< number of response timeouts for transmitted frames
* expecting a response
uint32 rxstrt; /**< number of received frames with a good PLCP */
uint32 rxbadplcp; /**< number of parity check of the PLCP header failed */
uint32 rxcrsglitch; /**< PHY was able to correlate the preamble but not the header */
uint32 bphy_badplcp; /**< number of bad PLCP reception on BPHY rate */
uint32 bphy_rxcrsglitch; /**< PHY count of bphy glitches */
uint32 rxbeaconmbss; /**< beacons received from member of BSS */
uint32 rxdtucastmbss; /**< number of received DATA frames with good FCS and matching RA */
uint32 rxf0ovfl; /** < Rx FIFO0 overflow counters information */
uint32 rxf1ovfl; /** < Rx FIFO1 overflow counters information */
uint32 rxdtocast; /**< number of received DATA frames (good FCS and no matching RA) */
uint32 rxtoolate; /**< receive too late */
uint32 rxbadfcs; /**< number of frames for which the CRC check failed in the MAC */
} phy_periodic_counters_v2_t;
/* Note: The version 2 is reserved for 4357 only. All future chips must not use this version. */
typedef struct phycal_log_core_v2 {
uint16 ofdm_txa; /* OFDM Tx IQ Cal a coeff */
uint16 ofdm_txb; /* OFDM Tx IQ Cal b coeff */
uint16 ofdm_txd; /* contain di & dq */
uint16 rxa; /* Rx IQ Cal A coeffecient */
uint16 rxb; /* Rx IQ Cal B coeffecient */
uint8 baseidx; /* TPC Base index */
uint8 pad;
int32 rxs; /* FDIQ Slope coeffecient */
} phycal_log_core_v2_t;
/* Note: The version 2 is reserved for 4357 only. All future chips must not use this version. */
typedef struct phycal_log_v2 {
uint8 version; /* Logging structure version */
uint16 length; /* Length of the entire structure */
uint8 pad;
phycal_log_cmn_t phycal_log_cmn; /* Logging common structure */
phycal_log_core_v2_t phycal_log_core[MAX_CORE_4357];
} phycal_log_v2_t;
/* Note: The version 2 is reserved for 4357 only. All future chips must not use this version. */
typedef struct phy_periodic_log_v2 {
uint8 version; /* Logging structure version */
uint16 length; /* Length of the entire structure */
uint8 pad;
phy_periodic_log_cmn_t phy_perilog_cmn;
phy_periodic_counters_v2_t counters_peri_log;
phy_periodic_log_core_t phy_perilog_core[MAX_CORE_4357];
} phy_periodic_log_v2_t;
#define PHY_PERIODIC_LOG_VER4 (4u)
* Note: The version 4 is reserved for 4357 Deafness Debug only.
* All future chips must not use this version.
typedef struct phy_periodic_log_v4 {
uint8 version; /* Logging structure version */
uint8 pad;
uint16 length; /* Length of the entire structure */
phy_periodic_log_cmn_v3_t phy_perilog_cmn;
phy_periodic_counters_v4_t counters_peri_log;
phy_periodic_log_core_v2_t phy_perilog_core[MAX_CORE_4357];
} phy_periodic_log_v4_t;
/* Event log payload for enhanced roam log */
typedef enum {
ROAM_LOG_SCANSTART = 1, /* EVT log for roam scan start */
ROAM_LOG_SCAN_CMPLT = 2, /* EVT log for roam scan completeted */
ROAM_LOG_ROAM_CMPLT = 3, /* EVT log for roam done */
ROAM_LOG_NBR_REQ = 4, /* EVT log for Neighbor REQ */
ROAM_LOG_NBR_REP = 5, /* EVT log for Neighbor REP */
ROAM_LOG_BCN_REQ = 6, /* EVT log for BCNRPT REQ */
ROAM_LOG_BCN_REP = 7, /* EVT log for BCNRPT REP */
ROAM_LOG_BTM_REP = 8, /* EVT log for BTM REP */
ROAM_LOG_WIPS_EVENT = 9, /* EVT log for WIPS Event */
} prsv_periodic_id_enum_t;
typedef struct prsv_periodic_log_hdr {
uint8 version;
uint8 id;
uint16 length;
} prsv_periodic_log_hdr_t;
#define ROAM_LOG_VER_1 (1u)
#define ROAM_LOG_VER_2 (2u)
#define ROAM_LOG_VER_3 (3u)
#define ROAM_SSID_LEN (32u)
typedef struct roam_log_trig_v1 {
prsv_periodic_log_hdr_t hdr;
int8 rssi;
uint8 current_cu;
uint8 pad[2];
uint reason;
int result;
union {
struct {
uint rcvd_reason;
} prt_roam;
struct {
uint8 req_mode;
uint8 token;
uint16 nbrlist_size;
uint32 disassoc_dur;
uint32 validity_dur;
uint32 bss_term_dur;
} bss_trans;
} roam_log_trig_v1_t;
typedef struct roam_log_trig_v2 {
prsv_periodic_log_hdr_t hdr;
int8 rssi;
uint8 current_cu;
uint8 full_scan;
uint8 pad;
uint reason;
int result;
union {
struct {
uint rcvd_reason;
} prt_roam;
struct {
uint8 req_mode;
uint8 token;
uint16 nbrlist_size;
uint32 disassoc_dur;
uint32 validity_dur;
uint32 bss_term_dur;
} bss_trans;
struct {
int rssi_threshold;
} low_rssi;
} roam_log_trig_v2_t;
typedef struct roam_scan_ap_info {
int8 rssi;
uint8 cu;
uint8 pad[2];
uint32 score;
uint16 chanspec;
struct ether_addr addr;
uint32 estm_tput;
} roam_scan_ap_info_t;
typedef struct roam_log_scan_cmplt_v1 {
prsv_periodic_log_hdr_t hdr;
uint8 full_scan;
uint8 scan_count;
uint8 scan_list_size;
uint8 pad;
int32 score_delta;
roam_scan_ap_info_t cur_info;
roam_scan_ap_info_t scan_list[ROAM_LOG_RPT_SCAN_LIST_SIZE];
} roam_log_scan_cmplt_v1_t;
#define ROAM_CHN_UNI_2A 36u
#define ROAM_CHN_UNI_2A_MAX 64u
#define ROAM_CHN_UNI_2C 100u
#define ROAM_CHN_UNI_2C_MAX 144u
#define ROAM_CHN_UNI_3 149u
#define ROAM_CHN_UNI_3_MAX 165u
#define ROAM_CHN_SPACE 2u /* channel index space for 5G */
typedef struct roam_log_scan_cmplt_v2 {
prsv_periodic_log_hdr_t hdr;
uint8 scan_count;
uint8 scan_list_size;
uint8 chan_num;
uint8 pad;
uint16 band2g_chan_list;
uint16 uni2a_chan_list;
uint8 uni2c_chan_list[3];
uint8 uni3_chan_list;
int32 score_delta;
roam_scan_ap_info_t cur_info;
roam_scan_ap_info_t scan_list[ROAM_LOG_RPT_SCAN_LIST_SIZE];
} roam_log_scan_cmplt_v2_t;
typedef struct roam_log_cmplt_v1 {
prsv_periodic_log_hdr_t hdr;
uint status; /* status code WLC_E STATUS */
uint reason; /* roam trigger reason */
uint16 chanspec; /* new bssid chansepc */
struct ether_addr addr; /* ether addr */
uint8 pad[3];
uint8 retry;
} roam_log_cmplt_v1_t;
typedef roam_log_cmplt_v1_t roam_log_cmplt_v2_t;
typedef struct roam_log_nbrrep {
prsv_periodic_log_hdr_t hdr;
uint channel_num;
} roam_log_nbrrep_v1_t;
typedef struct roam_log_nbrrep_v2 {
prsv_periodic_log_hdr_t hdr;
uint channel_num;
uint16 band2g_chan_list; /* channel bit map */
uint16 uni2a_chan_list;
uint8 uni2c_chan_list[3];
uint8 uni3_chan_list;
} roam_log_nbrrep_v2_t;
typedef struct roam_log_nbrreq {
prsv_periodic_log_hdr_t hdr;
uint token;
} roam_log_nbrreq_v1_t;
typedef roam_log_nbrreq_v1_t roam_log_nbrreq_v2_t;
typedef struct roam_log_bcnrptreq {
prsv_periodic_log_hdr_t hdr;
int32 result;
uint8 reg; /* operating class */
uint8 channel; /* number of requesting channel */
uint8 mode; /* request mode d11 rmreq bcn */
uint8 bssid_wild; /* is wild bssid */
uint8 ssid_len; /* length of SSID */
uint8 pad;
uint16 duration; /* duration */
uint8 ssid[ROAM_SSID_LEN];
} roam_log_bcnrpt_req_v1_t;
typedef roam_log_bcnrpt_req_v1_t roam_log_bcnrpt_req_v2_t;
typedef struct roam_log_bcnrptrep {
prsv_periodic_log_hdr_t hdr;
uint32 count;
} roam_log_bcnrpt_rep_v1_t;
typedef struct roam_log_bcnrptrep_v2 {
prsv_periodic_log_hdr_t hdr;
uint8 scan_inprogress; /* if scan in progress TRUE */
uint8 reason; /* report mode d11 RMREP mode */
uint32 count;
} roam_log_bcnrpt_rep_v2_t;
typedef struct roam_log_btmrep_v2 {
prsv_periodic_log_hdr_t hdr;
uint8 req_mode; /* d11 BSSTRANS req mode */
uint8 status; /* d11 BSSTRANS response status code */
uint16 pad[2];
int result;
} roam_log_btm_rep_v2_t;
/* ROAM_LOG_VER_3 specific structures */
typedef struct roam_log_btmrep_v3 {
prsv_periodic_log_hdr_t hdr;
uint8 req_mode; /* d11 BSSTRANS req mode */
uint8 status; /* d11 BSSTRANS response status code */
uint16 pad[2];
struct ether_addr target_addr; /* bssid to move */
int result;
} roam_log_btm_rep_v3_t;
typedef struct roam_log_bcnrptreq_v3 {
prsv_periodic_log_hdr_t hdr;
int32 result;
uint8 reg; /* operating class */
uint8 channel; /* number of requesting channel */
uint8 mode; /* request mode d11 rmreq bcn */
uint8 bssid_wild; /* is wild bssid */
uint8 ssid_len; /* length of SSID */
uint8 pad;
uint16 duration; /* duration */
uint8 ssid[ROAM_SSID_LEN];
uint channel_num; /* number of scan channel */
uint16 band2g_chan_list; /* channel bit map */
uint16 uni2a_chan_list;
uint8 uni2c_chan_list[3];
uint8 uni3_chan_list;
} roam_log_bcnrpt_req_v3_t;
typedef struct roam_log_bcnrptrep_v3 {
prsv_periodic_log_hdr_t hdr;
uint8 scan_status; /* scan status */
uint8 reason; /* report mode d11 RMREP mode */
uint16 reason_detail;
uint32 count;
uint16 duration; /* duration */
uint16 pad;
} roam_log_bcnrpt_rep_v3_t;
typedef struct roam_log_wips_evt_v3 {
prsv_periodic_log_hdr_t hdr;
uint32 timestamp;
struct ether_addr bssid; /* ether addr */
uint16 misdeauth;
int16 current_rssi;
int16 deauth_rssi;
} roam_log_wips_evt_v3_t;
typedef struct event_log_buffer {
uint16 id; /* XTLV ID: EVENT_LOG_XTLV_ID_BUF */
uint16 len; /* XTLV Len */
uint16 buf_id; /* One of the above EVENT_LOG_BUFFER_ID_XXXs */
uint16 pad; /* for 4-byte start alignment of data */
uint8 data[]; /* the payload of interest */
} event_log_buffer_t;
#define XTLV_EVENT_LOG_BUFFER_LEN (OFFSETOF(event_log_buffer_t, data))
(buf_len) * sizeof(uint8)), sizeof(uint32))
/* Structures for parsing FSM log data
* Only used by host to parse data coming in FSM log set
* Following log tags use this structured data:
* More state machine log tags may also use this format
/* Generic FSM structure for logging. Must be wrapped into a proper structure. The wrapper
* structure can add more information but this needs to be one of the members of the wrapper
* structure.
typedef struct event_log_generic_fsm_struct {
uint32 old_state;
uint32 new_state;
uint32 reason;
uint32 caller;
} event_log_generic_fsm_struct_t;
typedef struct event_log_wl_fsm_struct {
uint32 unit;
uint32 bsscfg_idx;
event_log_generic_fsm_struct_t generic_fsm;
uint32 data[]; /* Any other information relevant to this state transition */
} event_log_wl_fsm_struct_t;
/* To be used by DVFS event log FSM logging */
typedef struct event_log_rte_dvfs_fsm_struct {
event_log_generic_fsm_struct_t generic_fsm;
uint32 data[]; /* Any other information relevant to this state transition */
} event_log_rte_dvfs_fsm_struct_t;
#endif /* _EVENT_LOG_PAYLOAD_H_ */