blob: c6254da1655bef5eb4469b49a27309d0aac972fc [file] [log] [blame]
* Linux roam cache
* Copyright (C) 2020, Broadcom.
* Unless you and Broadcom execute a separate written software license
* agreement governing use of this software, this software is licensed to you
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 (the "GPL"),
* available at, with the
* following added to such license:
* As a special exception, the copyright holders of this software give you
* permission to link this software with independent modules, and to copy and
* distribute the resulting executable under terms of your choice, provided that
* you also meet, for each linked independent module, the terms and conditions of
* the license of that module. An independent module is a module which is not
* derived from this software. The special exception does not apply to any
* modifications of the software.
* <<Broadcom-WL-IPTag/Dual:>>
#include <typedefs.h>
#include <osl.h>
#include <bcmwifi_channels.h>
#include <wlioctl.h>
#include <bcmutils.h>
#ifdef WL_CFG80211
#include <wl_cfg80211.h>
#include <wldev_common.h>
#if defined(__linux__)
#include <bcmstdlib_s.h>
#endif /* defined(__linux__) */
#define MAX_ROAM_CACHE 200
typedef struct {
chanspec_t chanspec;
int ssid_len;
char ssid[MAX_SSID_BUFSIZE];
} roam_channel_cache;
static int n_roam_cache = 0;
static int roam_band = WLC_BAND_AUTO;
static roam_channel_cache roam_cache[MAX_ROAM_CACHE];
static uint band_bw;
static void add_roamcache_channel(wl_roam_channel_list_t *channels, chanspec_t ch)
int i;
if (channels->n >= MAX_ROAM_CHANNEL) /* buffer full */
for (i = 0; i < channels->n; i++) {
if (channels->channels[i] == ch) /* already in the list */
channels->channels[i] = ch;
WL_DBG((" RCC: %02d 0x%04X\n",
void update_roam_cache(struct bcm_cfg80211 *cfg, int ioctl_ver)
int error, i, prev_channels;
wl_roam_channel_list_t channel_list;
char iobuf[WLC_IOCTL_SMLEN];
struct net_device *dev = bcmcfg_to_prmry_ndev(cfg);
wlc_ssid_t ssid;
if (!cfg->rcc_enabled) {
if (cfg->roamscan_mode == ROAMSCAN_MODE_WES) {
/* no update when ROAMSCAN_MODE_WES */
#endif /* WES_SUPPORT */
if (!wl_get_drv_status(cfg, CONNECTED, dev)) {
WL_DBG(("Not associated\n"));
/* need to read out the current cache list
as the firmware may change dynamically
error = wldev_iovar_getbuf(dev, "roamscan_channels", 0, 0,
(void *)&channel_list, sizeof(channel_list), NULL);
if (error) {
WL_ERR(("Failed to get roamscan channels, error = %d\n", error));
error = wldev_get_ssid(dev, &ssid);
if (error) {
WL_ERR(("Failed to get SSID, err=%d\n", error));
prev_channels = channel_list.n;
for (i = 0; i < n_roam_cache; i++) {
chanspec_t ch = roam_cache[i].chanspec;
bool band_match = ((roam_band == WLC_BAND_AUTO) ||
#ifdef WL_6G_BAND
((roam_band == WLC_BAND_6G) && (CHSPEC_IS6G(ch))) ||
#endif /* WL_6G_BAND */
((roam_band == WLC_BAND_2G) && (CHSPEC_IS2G(ch))) ||
((roam_band == WLC_BAND_5G) && (CHSPEC_IS5G(ch))));
if ((roam_cache[i].ssid_len == ssid.SSID_len) &&
band_match && (memcmp(roam_cache[i].ssid, ssid.SSID, ssid.SSID_len) == 0)) {
/* match found, add it */
ch = wf_chspec_ctlchan(ch) | CHSPEC_BAND(ch) | band_bw;
add_roamcache_channel(&channel_list, ch);
if (prev_channels != channel_list.n) {
/* channel list updated */
error = wldev_iovar_setbuf(dev, "roamscan_channels", &channel_list,
sizeof(channel_list), iobuf, sizeof(iobuf), NULL);
if (error) {
WL_ERR(("Failed to update roamscan channels, error = %d\n", error));
WL_DBG(("%d AP, %d cache item(s), err=%d\n", n_roam_cache, channel_list.n, error));
void set_roam_band(int band)
roam_band = band;
void reset_roam_cache(struct bcm_cfg80211 *cfg)
if (!cfg->rcc_enabled) {
if (cfg->roamscan_mode == ROAMSCAN_MODE_WES)
#endif /* WES_SUPPORT */
n_roam_cache = 0;
static void
add_roam_cache_list(uint8 *SSID, uint32 SSID_len, chanspec_t chanspec)
int i;
uint8 channel;
char chanbuf[CHANSPEC_STR_LEN];
if (n_roam_cache >= MAX_ROAM_CACHE) {
for (i = 0; i < n_roam_cache; i++) {
if ((roam_cache[i].ssid_len == SSID_len) &&
(roam_cache[i].chanspec == chanspec) &&
(memcmp(roam_cache[i].ssid, SSID, SSID_len) == 0)) {
/* identical one found, just return */
roam_cache[n_roam_cache].ssid_len = SSID_len;
channel = wf_chspec_ctlchan(chanspec);
WL_DBG(("CHSPEC = %s, CTL %d SSID %s\n",
wf_chspec_ntoa_ex(chanspec, chanbuf), channel, SSID));
roam_cache[n_roam_cache].chanspec = CHSPEC_BAND(chanspec) | band_bw | channel;
(void)memcpy_s(roam_cache[n_roam_cache].ssid, SSID_len, SSID, SSID_len);
add_roam_cache(struct bcm_cfg80211 *cfg, wl_bss_info_t *bi)
if (!cfg->rcc_enabled) {
if (cfg->roamscan_mode == ROAMSCAN_MODE_WES) {
#endif /* WES_SUPPORT */
add_roam_cache_list(bi->SSID, bi->SSID_len, bi->chanspec);
static bool is_duplicated_channel(const chanspec_t *channels, int n_channels, chanspec_t new)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < n_channels; i++) {
if (channels[i] == new)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
int get_roam_channel_list(struct bcm_cfg80211 *cfg, chanspec_t target_chan,
chanspec_t *channels, int n_channels, const wlc_ssid_t *ssid, int ioctl_ver)
int i, n = 0;
char chanbuf[CHANSPEC_STR_LEN];
/* first index is filled with the given target channel */
if ((target_chan != INVCHANSPEC) && (target_chan != 0)) {
channels[0] = target_chan;
WL_DBG((" %s: 0x%04X\n", __FUNCTION__, channels[0]));
if (cfg->roamscan_mode == ROAMSCAN_MODE_WES) {
for (i = 0; i < n_roam_cache; i++) {
chanspec_t ch = roam_cache[i].chanspec;
bool band_match = ((roam_band == WLC_BAND_AUTO) ||
#ifdef WL_6G_BAND
((roam_band == WLC_BAND_6G) && (CHSPEC_IS6G(ch))) ||
#endif /* WL_6G_BAND */
((roam_band == WLC_BAND_2G) && (CHSPEC_IS2G(ch))) ||
((roam_band == WLC_BAND_5G) && (CHSPEC_IS5G(ch))));
ch = wf_chspec_ctlchan(ch) | CHSPEC_BAND(ch) | band_bw;
if (band_match && !is_duplicated_channel(channels, n, ch)) {
WL_DBG(("%s: Chanspec = %s\n", __FUNCTION__,
wf_chspec_ntoa_ex(ch, chanbuf)));
channels[n++] = ch;
if (n >= n_channels) {
WL_ERR(("Too many roam scan channels\n"));
return n;
return n;
#endif /* WES_SUPPORT */
for (i = 0; i < n_roam_cache; i++) {
chanspec_t ch = roam_cache[i].chanspec;
bool band_match = ((roam_band == WLC_BAND_AUTO) ||
#ifdef WL_6G_BAND
((roam_band == WLC_BAND_6G) && (CHSPEC_IS6G(ch))) ||
#endif /* WL_6G_BAND */
((roam_band == WLC_BAND_2G) && (CHSPEC_IS2G(ch))) ||
((roam_band == WLC_BAND_5G) && (CHSPEC_IS5G(ch))));
ch = wf_chspec_ctlchan(ch) | CHSPEC_BAND(ch) | band_bw;
if ((roam_cache[i].ssid_len == ssid->SSID_len) &&
band_match && !is_duplicated_channel(channels, n, ch) &&
(memcmp(roam_cache[i].ssid, ssid->SSID, ssid->SSID_len) == 0)) {
/* match found, add it */
WL_DBG(("%s: Chanspec = %s\n", __FUNCTION__,
wf_chspec_ntoa_ex(ch, chanbuf)));
channels[n++] = ch;
if (n >= n_channels) {
WL_ERR(("Too many roam scan channels\n"));
return n;
return n;
int get_roamscan_mode(struct net_device *dev, int *mode)
struct bcm_cfg80211 *cfg = wl_get_cfg(dev);
*mode = cfg->roamscan_mode;
return 0;
int set_roamscan_mode(struct net_device *dev, int mode)
struct bcm_cfg80211 *cfg = wl_get_cfg(dev);
int error = 0;
cfg->roamscan_mode = mode;
n_roam_cache = 0;
error = wldev_iovar_setint(dev, "roamscan_mode", mode);
if (error) {
WL_ERR(("Failed to set roamscan mode to %d, error = %d\n", mode, error));
return error;
get_roamscan_chanspec_list(struct net_device *dev, chanspec_t *chanspecs)
int i = 0;
int error = BCME_OK;
wl_roam_channel_list_t channel_list;
/* Get Current RCC List */
error = wldev_iovar_getbuf(dev, "roamscan_channels", 0, 0,
(void *)&channel_list, sizeof(channel_list), NULL);
if (error) {
WL_ERR(("Failed to get roamscan channels, err = %d\n", error));
return error;
if (channel_list.n > MAX_ROAM_CHANNEL) {
WL_ERR(("Invalid roamscan channels count(%d)\n", channel_list.n));
return BCME_ERROR;
for (i = 0; i < channel_list.n; i++) {
chanspecs[i] = channel_list.channels[i];
WL_DBG(("%02d: chanspec %04x\n", i, chanspecs[i]));
return i;
set_roamscan_chanspec_list(struct net_device *dev, uint nchan, chanspec_t *chanspecs)
int i;
int error;
wl_roam_channel_list_t channel_list;
char iobuf[WLC_IOCTL_SMLEN];
struct bcm_cfg80211 *cfg = wl_get_cfg(dev);
cfg->roamscan_mode = ROAMSCAN_MODE_WES;
if (nchan > MAX_ROAM_CHANNEL) {
for (i = 0; i < nchan; i++) {
roam_cache[i].chanspec = chanspecs[i];
channel_list.channels[i] = chanspecs[i];
WL_DBG(("%02d/%d: chan: 0x%04x\n", i, nchan, chanspecs[i]));
n_roam_cache = nchan;
channel_list.n = nchan;
/* need to set ROAMSCAN_MODE_NORMAL to update roamscan_channels,
* otherwise, it won't be updated
error = wldev_iovar_setint(dev, "roamscan_mode", ROAMSCAN_MODE_NORMAL);
if (error) {
WL_ERR(("Failed to set roamscan mode to %d, error = %d\n",
return error;
error = wldev_iovar_setbuf(dev, "roamscan_channels", &channel_list,
sizeof(channel_list), iobuf, sizeof(iobuf), NULL);
if (error) {
WL_ERR(("Failed to set roamscan channels, error = %d\n", error));
return error;
error = wldev_iovar_setint(dev, "roamscan_mode", ROAMSCAN_MODE_WES);
if (error) {
WL_ERR(("Failed to set roamscan mode to %d, error = %d\n",
return error;
add_roamscan_chanspec_list(struct net_device *dev, uint nchan, chanspec_t *chanspecs)
int i, error = BCME_OK;
struct bcm_cfg80211 *cfg = wl_get_cfg(dev);
wlc_ssid_t ssid;
if (!cfg->rcc_enabled) {
return BCME_ERROR;
if (cfg->roamscan_mode == ROAMSCAN_MODE_WES) {
WL_ERR(("Failed to add roamscan channels, WES mode %d\n",
return BCME_ERROR;
if (nchan > MAX_ROAM_CHANNEL) {
WL_ERR(("Failed Over MAX channel list(%d)\n", nchan));
error = wldev_get_ssid(dev, &ssid);
if (error) {
WL_ERR(("Failed to get SSID, err=%d\n", error));
return error;
WL_DBG(("Add Roam scan channel count %d\n", nchan));
for (i = 0; i < nchan; i++) {
if (chanspecs[i] == 0) {
add_roam_cache_list(ssid.SSID, ssid.SSID_len, chanspecs[i]);
WL_DBG(("channel[%d] - 0x%04x SSID %s\n", i, chanspecs[i], ssid.SSID));
update_roam_cache(cfg, ioctl_version);
return error;
#endif /* WES_SUPPORT */
int init_roam_cache(struct bcm_cfg80211 *cfg, int ioctl_ver)
int err;
struct net_device *dev = bcmcfg_to_prmry_ndev(cfg);
s32 mode;
/* Check support in firmware */
err = wldev_iovar_getint(dev, "roamscan_mode", &mode);
if (err && (err == BCME_UNSUPPORTED)) {
/* If firmware doesn't support, return error. Else proceed */
WL_ERR(("roamscan_mode iovar failed. %d\n", err));
return err;
#ifdef D11AC_IOTYPES
band_bw = WL_CHANSPEC_BW_20;
#endif /* D11AC_IOTYPES */
n_roam_cache = 0;
roam_band = WLC_BAND_AUTO;
cfg->roamscan_mode = ROAMSCAN_MODE_NORMAL;
return 0;
void print_roam_cache(struct bcm_cfg80211 *cfg)
int i;
if (!cfg->rcc_enabled) {
WL_DBG((" %d cache\n", n_roam_cache));
for (i = 0; i < n_roam_cache; i++) {
roam_cache[i].ssid[roam_cache[i].ssid_len] = 0;
WL_DBG(("0x%02X %02d %s\n", roam_cache[i].chanspec,
roam_cache[i].ssid_len, roam_cache[i].ssid));
void wl_update_roamscan_cache_by_band(struct net_device *dev, int band)
int i, error, roamscan_mode;
wl_roam_channel_list_t chanlist_before, chanlist_after;
char iobuf[WLC_IOCTL_SMLEN];
roam_band = band;
error = wldev_iovar_getint(dev, "roamscan_mode", &roamscan_mode);
if (error) {
WL_ERR(("Failed to get roamscan mode, error = %d\n", error));
/* in case of WES mode, update channel list by band based on the cache in DHD */
if (roamscan_mode) {
int n = 0;
chanlist_before.n = n_roam_cache;
for (n = 0; n < n_roam_cache; n++) {
chanspec_t ch = roam_cache[n].chanspec;
chanlist_before.channels[n] = wf_chspec_ctlchan(ch) |
CHSPEC_BAND(ch) | band_bw;
} else {
if (band == WLC_BAND_AUTO) {
error = wldev_iovar_getbuf(dev, "roamscan_channels", 0, 0,
(void *)&chanlist_before, sizeof(wl_roam_channel_list_t), NULL);
if (error) {
WL_ERR(("Failed to get roamscan channels, error = %d\n", error));
chanlist_after.n = 0;
/* filtering by the given band */
for (i = 0; i < chanlist_before.n; i++) {
chanspec_t chspec = chanlist_before.channels[i];
bool band_match = ((band == WLC_BAND_AUTO) ||
#ifdef WL_6G_BAND
((band == WLC_BAND_6G) && (CHSPEC_IS6G(chspec))) ||
#endif /* WL_6G_BAND */
((band == WLC_BAND_2G) && (CHSPEC_IS2G(chspec))) ||
((band == WLC_BAND_5G) && (CHSPEC_IS5G(chspec))));
if (band_match) {
chanlist_after.channels[chanlist_after.n++] = chspec;
if (roamscan_mode) {
/* need to set ROAMSCAN_MODE_NORMAL to update roamscan_channels,
* otherwise, it won't be updated
wldev_iovar_setint(dev, "roamscan_mode", ROAMSCAN_MODE_NORMAL);
error = wldev_iovar_setbuf(dev, "roamscan_channels", &chanlist_after,
sizeof(wl_roam_channel_list_t), iobuf, sizeof(iobuf), NULL);
if (error) {
WL_ERR(("Failed to update roamscan channels, error = %d\n", error));
wldev_iovar_setint(dev, "roamscan_mode", ROAMSCAN_MODE_WES);
} else {
if (chanlist_before.n == chanlist_after.n) {
error = wldev_iovar_setbuf(dev, "roamscan_channels", &chanlist_after,
sizeof(wl_roam_channel_list_t), iobuf, sizeof(iobuf), NULL);
if (error) {
WL_ERR(("Failed to update roamscan channels, error = %d\n", error));