blob: c4c5a360338b5dd5b74438b6c46307537842000b [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Functions to facilitate a branching for merges.
# A "sushi branch" is a branch that we've created and manage. We do this to
# prevent making changes to branches that we don't understand. It's mostly as
# a sanity check that we're being used correctly.
import check_merge
from datetime import datetime
import find_patches
import os
import re
from robo_lib import UserInstructions
from robo_lib import log
from subprocess import check_output
def IsWorkingDirectoryClean():
"""Return true if and only if the working directory is clean."""
return not check_output(["git", "status", "--untracked-files=no",
def RequiresCleanWorkingDirectory(fn):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
if not IsWorkingDirectoryClean():
raise Exception("Working directory is not clean.")
fn(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
def CreateAndCheckoutDatedSushiBranch(cfg):
"""Create a dated branch from origin/master and check it out."""
now =
branch_name=cfg.sushi_branch_prefix() + now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")
log("Creating dated branch %s" % branch_name)
# Fetch the latest from origin
if cfg.Call(["git", "fetch", "origin"]):
raise Exception("Could not fetch from origin")
# Create the named branch
# Note that we definitely do not want this branch to track origin/master; that
# would eventually cause 'git cl upload' to push the merge commit, assuming
# that the merge commit is pushed to origin/sushi-branch. One might argue
# that we should push the merge to origin/master, which would make this okay.
# For now, we leave the branch untracked to make sure that the user doesn't
# accidentally do the wrong thing. I think that with an automatic deps roll,
# we'll want to stage things on origin/sushi-branch.
# We don't want to push anything to origin yet, though, just to keep from
# making a bunch of sushi branches. We can do it later just as easily.
if cfg.Call(["git",
raise Exception("Could not create branch")
# NOTE: we could push the remote branch back to origin and start tracking it
# now, and not worry about tracking later. However, until the scripts
# actually work, i don't want to push a bunch of branches to origin.
# Check out the branch. On failure, delete the new branch.
if cfg.Call(["git", "checkout", branch_name]):
cfg.Call(["git", "branch", "-D", branch_name])
raise Exception("Could not checkout branch")
def CreateAndCheckoutDatedSushiBranchIfNeeded(cfg):
"""Create a dated branch from origin/master if we're not already on one."""
if cfg.sushi_branch_name():
log("Already on sushi branch %s" % cfg.sushi_branch_name())
def MergeUpstreamToSushiBranch(cfg):
log("Merging upstream/master to local branch")
if not cfg.sushi_branch_name():
raise Exception("Refusing to do a merge on a branch I didn't create")
if cfg.Call(["git", "fetch", "upstream"]):
raise Exception("Could not fetch from upstream")
if cfg.Call(["git", "merge", "upstream/master"]):
raise UserInstructions("Merge failed -- resolve conflicts manually.")
log("Merge has completed successfully")
def GetMergeParentsIfAny(cfg):
"""Return the set of commit sha-1s of the merge commit, if one exists, between
HEAD and where it joins up with origin/master. Otherwise, return []."""
# Get all sha1s between us and origin/master
sha1s = check_output(["git", "log", "--format=%H",
"%s..%s" % (cfg.origin_merge_base(), cfg.branch_name())]).split()
for sha1 in sha1s:
# Does |sha1| have more than one parent commit?
parents = check_output(["git", "show", "--no-patch", "--format=%P",
if len(parents) > 1:
return parents
return []
def IsMergeCommitOnThisBranch(cfg):
"""Return true if there's a merge commit on this branch."""
return GetMergeParentsIfAny(cfg) != []
def FindUpstreamMergeParent(cfg):
"""Return the sha-1 of the upstream side of the merge, if there is a merge
commit on this branch. Otherwise, fail."""
sha1s = GetMergeParentsIfAny(cfg)
for sha1 in sha1s:
# 'not' is correct -- it returns zero if it is an ancestor => upstream.
if not cfg.Call(["git", "merge-base", "--is-ancestor", sha1,
return sha1
raise Exception("No upstream merge parent found. Is the merge committed?")
def MergeUpstreamToSushiBranchIfNeeded(cfg):
"""Start a merge if we've not started one before, or do nothing successfully
if the merge is complete. If it's half done, then get mad and exit."""
if IsMergeCommitOnThisBranch(cfg):
log("Merge commit already marked as complete")
# See if a merge is in progress. "git merge HEAD" will do nothing if it
# succeeds, but will fail if a merge is in progress.
if cfg.Call(["git", "merge", "HEAD"]):
raise UserInstructions(
"Merge is in progress -- please resolve conflicts and complete it.")
# There is no merge on this branch, and none is in progress. Start a merge.
def CheckMerge(cfg):
"""Verify that the merge config looks good."""
# If we haven't built all configs, then we might not be checking everything.
# The check might look at config for each platform, etc.
log("Checking merge for common failures")
def WritePatchesReadme(cfg):
"""Write the chromium patches file."""
log("Generating CHROMIUM.patches file")
with open(os.path.join("chromium", "patches", "README"), "w+") as f:
find_patches.write_patches_file("HEAD", f)
def WriteConfigChangesFile(cfg):
"""Write a file that summarizes the config changes, for easier reviewing."""
# This looks for things that were added / deleted that look like #define or
# %define (for asm) ending in 0 or 1, that have changed in any of the configs.
os.system("git diff %s --unified=0 -- chromium/config/* |"
"grep '^[+-].*[01]$' | sed -e 's/[%%#]define//g' |sort |"
"uniq -s 1 >chromium/patches/config_flag_changes.txt" %
def AddAndCommit(cfg, commit_title):
"""Add everything, and commit locally with |commit_title|"""
log("Creating local commit %s" % commit_title)
if IsWorkingDirectoryClean():
log("No files to commit to %s" % commit_title)
# TODO: Ignore this file, for the "comment out autorename exception" thing.
if cfg.Call(["git", "add", "-u"]):
raise Exception("Could not add files")
if cfg.Call(["git", "commit", "-m", commit_title]):
raise Exception("Could create commit")
def IsTrackingBranchSet(cfg):
"""Check if the local branch is tracking upstream."""
# git branch -vv --list ffmpeg_roll
# ffmpeg_roll 28e7fbe889 [origin/master: behind 8859] Merge branch 'merge-m57'
output = check_output(["git", "branch", "-vv", "--list",
# Note that it might have ": behind" or other things.
return "[origin/%s" % cfg.sushi_branch_name() in output
def PushToOriginWithoutReviewAndTrackIfNeeded(cfg):
"""Push the local branch to origin/ if we haven't yet."""
# If the tracking branch is unset, then assume that we haven't done this yet.
if IsTrackingBranchSet(cfg):
log("Already have local tracking branch")
log("Pushing merge to origin without review")
cfg.Call(["git", "push", "origin", cfg.sushi_branch_name()])
log("Setting tracking branch")
cfg.Call(["git", "branch", "--set-upstream-to=origin/%s" %
# Sanity check. We don't want to start pushing other commits without review.
if not IsTrackingBranchSet(cfg):
raise Exception("Tracking branch is not set, but I just set it!")
def HandleAutorename(cfg):
# We assume that there is a script written by that adds /
# removes files needed for autorenames. Run it.
log("Updating git for any autorename changes")
if cfg.Call(["chmod", "+x", cfg.autorename_git_file()]):
raise Exception("Unable to chmod %s" % cfg.autorename_git_file())
if cfg.Call([cfg.autorename_git_file()]):
raise Exception("Unable to run %s" % cfg.autorename_git_file())
def IsCommitOnThisBranch(robo_configuration, commit_title):
"""Detect if we've already committed the |commit_title| locally."""
# Get all commit titles between us and origin/master
titles = check_output(["git", "log", "--format=%s",
"origin/master..%s" % robo_configuration.branch_name()])
return commit_title in titles
def IsPatchesFileDone(robo_configuration):
"""Return False if and only if the patches file isn't checked in."""
if IsCommitOnThisBranch(
log("Skipping patches file since already committed")
return True
return False
def UpdatePatchesFileUnconditionally(robo_configuration):
"""Update the patches file."""
def IsChromiumReadmeDone(robo_configuration):
"""Return False if and only if README.chromium isn't checked in."""
if IsCommitOnThisBranch(
log("Skipping README.chromium file since already committed")
return True
return False
def UpdateChromiumReadmeWithUpstream(robo_configuration):
"""Update the upstream info in README.chromium and commit the result."""
log("Updating merge info in README.chromium")
merge_sha1 = FindUpstreamMergeParent(robo_configuration)
with open("README.chromium", "r+") as f:
readme =
last_upstream_merge = "Last Upstream Merge:"
merge_date = check_output(["git", "log", "-1","--date=format:%b %d %Y",
"--format=%cd", merge_sha1])
readme = re.sub(r"(Last Upstream Merge:).*\n",
r"\1 %s, %s" % (merge_sha1, merge_date),
with open("README.chromium", "w") as f:
def HasGerritIssueNumber(robo_configuration):
"""Return True if and only if this branch has been pushed for review."""
return os.system(
"git cl issue 2>/dev/null |grep Issue |grep None >/dev/null") != 0
def IsUploadedForReview(robo_configuration):
"""Check if the local branch is already uploaded."""
if not HasGerritIssueNumber(robo_configuration):
log("No Gerrit issue number exsts.")
return False
if not IsWorkingDirectoryClean():
log("Working directory is not clean -- commit changes and update CL");
return False
# Has been uploaded for review. Might or might not have been landed yet.
return True
def IsUploadedForReviewAndLanded(robo_configuration):
"""Check if the local sushi branch has been uploaded for review, and has also
been landed."""
if not IsUploadedForReview(robo_configuration):
log("Is not uploaded for review")
return False
# See if origin/sushi and local/sushi are the same. This check by itself
# isn't sufficient, since it would return true any time the two are in sync.
diff = check_output(["git", "diff",
"origin/" + robo_configuration.sushi_branch_name(),
return not diff
def UploadForReview(robo_configuration):
"""Assuming that tests pass (we can't check), upload to review."""
if IsUploadedForReview(robo_configuration):
raise Exception(
"Sushi branch is already uploaded for review! (try git cl web)")
log("Uploading sushi branch for review.")
os.system("git cl upload")
def TryFakeDepsRoll(robo_configuration):
"""Start a deps roll against the sushi branch, and -1 it."""
log("Considering starting a fake deps roll")
# Make sure that we've landed the sushi commits. Note that this can happen if
# somebody re-runs robosushi after we upload the commits to Gerrit, but before
# they've been reviewed and landed. This way, we provide a meaningful error.
if not IsUploadedForReviewAndLanded(robo_configuration):
raise Exception("Cannot start a fake deps roll until gerrit review lands!")
sha1 = check_output("git", "show", "-1", "--format=%P").strip()
if not sha1:
raise Exception("Cannot get sha1 of HEAD for fakes dep roll")
# TODO: make sure that there's not a deps roll in progress, else we'll keep
# doing this every time we're run.
# TODO: get mad otherwise.
check_output(["", "third_party/ffmpeg", sha1])
# TODO: -1 it.